2019 Suicide Bombing - Starring: My Sister

My sister converted to Islam about 4 years ago. She currently plans to move to Iran and study the Quran for several years, then come back to the USA and tell us like it really is. I'm calling it ~2 years from now.

Here are some character traits of her that lead me to this conclusion.

>She cares immensely about being right.
>She is a busy body.
>She is college educated
>She is an easily manipulated person
>She believes that the west is to blame for all the worlds problems.
>She genuinely believes that whispering to a rug will gain her some eternal reward.

I wont tell you any personal information but I will do this so you know its me on the other end.

>She is white
>Born May 10th 1992
>Born in Utah
>Currently lives in Washington.

I may be wrong, but I'm calling it now. I expect some respect when it happens. Ask any questions about her, I will answer them all. We have a live one here, learn what you can from them. In exchange help me think of ways to use this projection to further our agenda.

Other urls found in this thread:


Just report her to authorities. Big guys will put her on a list and probably prevent the snackbaring without wasting bullets.

this would probably work best

Is she a slut?

Shia suicide bombers are so 80s, man. Get with the times

You have a duty for public safety to report your suspicion to the FBI.

Kek, no west coast brat would blow themselves up for the moon god whether they worship him or not, way too comfy and dumb, r-right?

It's incredibly difficult to move to Iran if you don't already have family there for American citizens.

I'm 90% sure you're a troll, but if this is real and you're actually concerned for her well-being, your reactionary politics can only drive her further away. Your ideology, that the West is perfect and can do no wrong and is being subverted by Jews or whatever, is logically indefensible and only functions in an echo-chamber. I would seriously reconsider your investment in fringe right wing ideology if you want to save your sister.

>> washington

fugg, I hope she doesn't come back here and blow me up.

Report to proper authorities as a potential subject for radicalisation.

Get the cunt put on no fly lists.

Traitorous bitch deserves it.

This user has the right idea.

Use the jews to get to here. Muslims hate jews right? Just establish common ground with kike hate.

>Currently lives in Washington.

DC or state?

She'll be sold as a sex slave. You know this.

it's okay because iran are the good guys

>come back
Good fucking luck, I hope she realizes once she gets there she's going to be stuck there. ISIS isn't exactly known for giving women in their territory the freedom to do anything other than be concubines or house wives.

Shia islam is waaaay less violent than sunni islam, bro

The vast majority of muslims terrorists, I would say 95%, are sunni

Show her the article about the Italian backpacker lady that was gang raped and tossed in a ditch to die to prove how safe the middle east was. If she still goes make sure to let her know that you won't be attending the imminent funeral (or equivalent in the highly likely event the carcass will not be sent back to the US or she ends up "missing").

Convert yourself and beat the shit out of that bitch

>ISIS territory

kill her in her sleep. its for the best

Whenever I see a non-Arab Muslim out and about, I always look down on them with such contempt.

I hate Muslims, but with Arab ones, I can at least sort-of understand that yeah they were born into it and have been brainwashed their whole life.

But a WHITE Muslim? They actually heard about Islam, and thought "yep, that sounds reasonable!" And proceeded to speak like a twat and Don their sand nigger garb.

In a way, I dislike white Muslims even more. I honestly see them as brainless traitors.

Hopefully your sister will only manage to hurt herself, and no others.

Ok, I may have only skimmed OP's post
My point still stands though, Iran is just a shitty place to be a woman as any other Islamic region.

>I hate Muslims, but with Arab ones, I can at least sort-of understand that yeah they were born into it and have been brainwashed their whole life.
>But a WHITE Muslim? They actually heard about Islam, and thought "yep, that sounds reasonable!" And proceeded to speak like a twat and Don their sand nigger garb

Bro they are aryian living in Iran right now.
I think Iran translates into land of Aryians or something

Also chechens, bosnians, albanians

If you are telling the truth (doubtful), then she is converting to be be a shi'ite. Just to be cles]ear, an animal is an animal and I DO NOT want any on Europe. Given that, Shia have:
-defeated the Jew in war in 2006
-defeated the ZOG in Iraq though the Quds force
-defeated Israel, (((ISIS))), US, Saudis, etc. al in Syria
-defeated the (((Saudis))) and the best weapons shekels can guy because the dumb fucks cannot point then ib right direction

Yeah, if I had to fuck a muslima , would be a shia. Can;t mossad the assas,

christianity is just as ridiculous desu

the only sensible abrahamic religion is judaism

>whispering to a rug

Do you know what you must do?

>1 post by this ID

watching Tony Robinson humiliate a white British muslim was pretty funny


|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_


I'm not religious unless of course, you count the Lord of chaos and numbers - Kek.

However, Islam is by far the single most retarded, backwards ideology in the world. Possibly of all time. At least christfags don't blow themselves up and behead people and shit. They are annoying and misguided, but not even close to being as degenerate as muss-lims.
Also fuck kikes. But less-so than muslamics.


>Iran is just a shitty place to be a woman
bullshit. We could learn a lot from the Iranians in how to treat our woman and not let them walk around like whores. Take a look at some photos from tonight or last Fri night in UK.

Now look at Iranian women:


Fucking this so much. Every time I see a non Arab or Asian Muslim I look at them being a fucking traitor. They willingly decided that this was good for them. They willingly decided to go to a faith hell bent on oppression.

I can't have any respect at all for white Muslims.

Let me guess. It all started when she came home one day and said "Mom, dad... Meet my new boyfriend, Abdullah."

Oh my God I haven't even finished watching this and I am already getting a justice Chubb.
This (the pedo thing) is the exact argument that I have used multiple times against Muslims, and they ALWAYS react like this.

Thank you, user. This is a glorious thing to watch after a long ass night shift. They sound like they are from Manchester too. which is also an irredeemable shithole.

>In a way, I dislike white Muslims even more
This but for a different reason. The "White" Muslims from places like Cheche, the Balkans, Albania, etc...were the cowards who decided to convert rather than fight until the end.

IF you are bored tomm, find the audiobook "Empire of the Sea." It tells the story of the Christian victories over the animals at Malta and Lepanto, and while doing so the author explains the concept of janesseries-- since their own men could not fight, they' kidnap boys to serve in their armies (and girls in their harems) at age 7. The boys would be brainwashed and trained to fight and die against their own people for Islam. Really sick, cowardly motherfuckers,


Utah minutemen ASSEMBLE

I know, right? Literally who the fuck looks at a Muslim and thinks they should be one too? You'd have to be SERIOUSLY backwards in the head.
Based Aussies do a fantastic job at making them feel unwelcome. Keep it up.

you know that shia were the original muslim suicide bombers, right?

sunni radicals considered it haram and didn't use it until years later

>Your ideology, that the West is perfect and can do no wrong and is being subverted by Jews or whatever,
Pretty sure his "ideology" is simply the fact that the West, with all its flaws, is still the most liberal, most free and generally better place to live on the planet, and that the jews are greatly overrepresented in finance/politics/media and thus have a huge influence on our entire society.

Which is not an ideology but a collection of facts.

the problem with islam is it is a religion born and spread in the third world, and everything third world is shitty and violent

people follow only the parts of the religion they want to follow, so even if there are pretty intolerant and violent passages in the bible first world christians are still calm and benevolent, whereas even if there are kind and forgiving passages in the quran of course third world muslims will only take to heart the worst and most vile parts of the religion, because that's who they are

we have many traditional families of syrian and lebanese immigrants here in brazil and their descendants are as degenerate if not more than your average brazilian, the environment makes the man

globalist kikes may be a problem but judaism alone is a pretty cool religion, it doesn't require its practicants to spread it down people's throats like islam and christianity

Holy shit user I will look into that.
Isn't it instructed in the Qur'an to
>kill infidels by beheading them
>let them go as long as they submit to Islam and pay 'jizya' (tax to Islamic state)?

They obviously like doing that kind of thing. Makes me sick.

Report her.

>abrahamic religion

Stone her.


If anyone cares the filthy rich oil mudslimes still pull the same shit, taking 3rd nd 4th :White Muslim" wives in poor areas of Europe. The take an area and just wall it off as their own "village," where local law doesn't apply, just sharia. In Europe.

Iran is Shia, so doubtfull she`ll become suicide bomber. At worst, she`ll have unyielding hate for Israel.

Now if she went to Saudi Arabia instead..

Me2 lol

If she's acting out like this she probably doesn't get enough love and support from her family. How late did you two start experimenting with sex?


What makes you think that she will able to return?

the book is really cool (not shilling for it, torrent if you can). But it was..probably the last European-Wide victory that was celebrated from Italy to Germany to Sweden to the UK. Church bells rang for 3 days, even in protestant nations. Shops had signs in the window that said simply "closed for the death of the turk."

The few Turk merchants in Venice had to hide themselves in warehouses to prevent being strung up.


Will never happen. When was the last time you heard about Shia terrorist?

Its great how whenever I see the word reactionary you can automatically put that opinion in the trash

Its always the preamble to some long winded feels bullshit

Neck yourself


Sunnis are the fuckwads of the moment.

Take it easy burger. She will probably get redpilled in Iran, either by secular persians or the shit she will witness while living there

Some learn the hard way, talking to them is useless

>suicide bomber

>one post by this ID


technically you aren't supposed to shove Christianity down other people's throats, but certain protestant sects are also backwards idiots.

ultimately, Christianity is a mess.
I'm Catholic and I cannot stand the current Pope, which can only mean that God is testing me and my own faith (my take on it, doesn't have to be anyone else's)

>What is Dna

Was she born a boy?


Do all muslims get super defensive when you point out the flaws in their religion?
I would imagine other religions would cause a similar reaction within their followers if they are questioned; however, it seems like it's easier for muslims to blow up on you like that.

>>have sister
>>Currently lives in Washington.
I could have told you your problem right there..
The west coast is literally cancer for female development.

I think I just Jizya'd myself

>What is Turk

Thh user I think you do make a good point there about third world shitholes.

Except they need to remember that when they're in Germany or France (or the UK for that matter), they're not in their third world shithole anymore. They ought to live by the rules of the land they are in.

really good book desu:

From central asia

*Author is Roger Crowley (on the odd chance anyone would look it up, which no one will)

Huehue already torrenting it desu

Hezbollah is blamed for Bus bombing in Bulgaria in 2012. But yeah, generally the terrorists are Salafist sunni.

>what is Beirut barracks bombing

American education, everyone.

Shia invented the modern suicide bombing. Houthis have used suicide bombings against Saudis in Yemen.

I just bought my copy from not-amazon.