When the redpills are delivered by a truck, they are very, very bitter.
Better take it by choice.
If their son wouldn't have been maimed, would they still have voted for Merkel again?
Is this video known in Germany?
When the redpills are delivered by a truck, they are very, very bitter.
Better take it by choice.
If their son wouldn't have been maimed, would they still have voted for Merkel again?
Is this video known in Germany?
No. I'm trying to spread this video to all of ´my friends though.
This is from TV2, a Danish channel. Germany's ((((((news)))))) has never shown this clip.
What makes me sad about it is that it begs the question - is this what it takes to get these fucking dumbasses to realize they can't vote Merkel anymore?
Ahh i love it.
The sitting elites getting BTFO.
This must be that #HOPE and #CHANGE Obama promised us.
you think the germcucks will learn? hahaha
they will just reply with "b-but if we don't vote for merkel, someone worse will get elected.."
the germans you think of, you know the ones in the trench coats, marching together in unison and all that jazz, that was in the past, it's over now, they are just emotionless zomies kek
the men play video games all day and watch anime and the women receive nigger cock in there ass and mouth.
Have a good day and merry christmas :D
She's gonna get reelected, isn't she?
the problm is that when we vote for the far right we don't get these trenchcoat guys but either neckbeards or whores like Petry so we vote the race traitor that at least doesn't crash the economy
Wow, you'll never have this again Germany
german media doesnt show german victims. they pushed the spaniard and the italian girl, but said nothing about german victims. same stuff for ISIS attack in turkey where 12 germans died.
anyhow showing the family of anus amri
>he dindu nothing
>Is this video known in Germany?
It's germany, of fucking course not.
They're literal thought police.
>Wow, you'll never have this again Germany
Just a matter of time. Just like ((they)) have yet been driven from every country.
shhhh germcuck it's over...
now is not the time for making is the time for dance! LOL
Germans are cucks,
But the world is changing, her party won't win, a far right wing party will win in the Netherlands, anti Islam pro nationalism party will win in France regardless of whether it is Fillon or Le pen.
Germany won't elect the AFD, but they will have more influence in the country and however is elected will be against the refugee program, eventually AFD will take over the country or perhaps something even better.
Even in straya the people people is sick of our cucked politicians ONE nation is an all time high rate of approval.
Godspeed german bro
press auf to restecpas
haha, oh yeah. big time.
Don't feel bad for the German anymore user.
implying you have another year to live, you ungrateful nazi bastard.
half-german here. my mother was born and grew up in bamberg, her brother still lives there. rich lawyer, just as is his wife and their two kids. all are huge merkel supporters, even more after the ''truck attack''. is it even necessary to say they probably even never saw an immigrant in their whole lives? i just can't wrap my mind around it, but it is like it is.
>he think Germans aren't going to cuck themselves again
Shut up Muslim Romania
>Merkel Re-Elected
>Africa is over populated and economy is collapse
>every single male nigger try to get in Europe
>Italy and France accept nigger refugee and send them to the Germany
>every single white women in german get blacked
>situation is worst then LE 56% nigger worship America
lol germans are like little children you have to trick into letting you spoon feed them
>really makes you feel
We need more trucks.
No. This makes me feel.
Why is South Korea always so based?
I wish someone would give these poor grandparents a hug
Sup Forums is an echo chamber because they'll use this emotional stuff to validate xenophobia, but calling me dumb for being a communist because my dad was killed by greed.
My father was killed because he, as a lathe operator, was overworked by his capitalist pig bosses.
The resulting exhaustion led to him dozing off at work and falling face first into the lathe. Pic related is the true picture of the scene and status of his body after he fell in.
Think about the fact that capitalism killed my dad when I was only 6 months old next time you buy an iPhone, or when you open those expensive gifts Christmas morning.
them feels
better yet a kick in their teeth. typical merkel voters.
your dad wasn't overworked.
he was such a poor operator he had to work overtime to compensate for his stupidity.
at some point the machine had enough and ended his miserable life.
Its fuckng pasta m8
I felt as bad for Germans as one might after they've killed an insect. Barely at all.
Danish news showing the non-biased and objective truth once again.
we still have that, just without those nice flags
All commies are dumb, regardless of the reason.
Based Denmark. They have figured out how to include right-wing parties in the government.
Sorry bout what happened to your oldman, leaf bro.
Fucking muzzies ruined their Christmas.
This cannot stand!
It looks grim, a common reply I get "but there is nobody elso to vote on". I want off this ride.
fuck you m8 and your shit italian food.
>at least doesn't crash the economy
Has it occurred to you that a lot of your problems stem from your robust economy? I don't see Poland getting 1000000 rapefugees
Interesting. You have hate speech laws and tight media regulation to prevent unpleasant ideas from reaching the public, but the people in charge of those regulations use them to censor real news that might be damaging to their political careers?
>just crash your economy, it will solve all your problems
Is that why you guys elected Obama?
Can't wait for 2017
>at least doesn't crash the economy
Muh economy!
When Germany is a Caliphate full of mongrels and you don't have a nation anymore, are you going to say "at least the economy hasn't crashed for a couple of years in 2016"?
Selling your future for muh economy.
This is one of the many reasons why I love Denmark.
Thanks, I am trying to redpill every single person I know. And to be honest, it's preaching to the chior. We are all sick of this bullshit.
stfu and lathe yourself. Better he's dead than red. You're a disgrace to your fathers hard work. Bitching like a little commie faggot on a chinese origami board.
Take a risk, ffs
>You'll never have this Sweden again
Im honestly in a dilemma, as a Dane, one side of me is happy that our eternal nemesis is destroying itself, but no one deserves this fate even if it's their own fault.
Danish news tend to stay objective, but some still tilts towards a certain ideology, but it's not really noticeable.
Our news might not be as fucked as yours, but they're not that obvious with their media manipulation if they even employ it.
Maybe not. But let me give you a quick summary of the political landscape here:
CDU - cucked lackeys of globalists
SPD - has done anything of value since the 1970s. There's fucking Schulz, and diabeetus Gabriel (need I say more?)
Grüne / Linke - retarded SJWs / losers who can't cut it in society so they want to destroy it, wannabe Kulaks
FDP - basically a non-party
NPD - too rednecky, KKK-ish for most Germany
AfD - the only party that remains
What would Hitler do about this situation?
merry christmas leftypol leaf. Hope you get an extra loaf in the bread line this holiday season xox
go back to Austria and let Germans rot
Germany sure did have some beautiful buildings, such a shame so much of it was destroyed in the war.
You need to stop the bullshit and vote the AfD already. It's enough with the fucking SPD and CDU who are one and the same anyway. Everything outside of the that and the AfD is utter garbage and you know it.
This. Fuck the economy. If you do real work you'll be fine.
Vote Die Linke. Bring it all crashing down.
Hitler wouldnt have let it get so bad
this did not get enough attention
it'll be too late before eu or germany sees what Sup Forums sees. by then, everyone in eu will be raped and robbed and merkel will be dead in the ground of old age, having lived a rich and prosperous life.
I'm very sorry to hear about what happened to your dad. No one should have to lose their father that way.
But consider this...
There are millions upon millions of people who have lived under communist/authoritarian leftist regimes who have a story of a family member just as bad as yours if not worse. I'll leave it at that.
When it all goes mad max, I know what side I'll be on. Bring it on, commie. I'm almost looking forward to being called "fascist scum".
So the cucks voted for (((Merkel))) and got enriched. See no problem here.
Can we offer strength to KEK in a plea to save Germany?
Thanks, havent seen this. Very interesting.
For fucks sake Germany please go mental again.
Nobody would stop you this time.
The UK will probably side with the allies again.
Britain will stand for Germany this time, and others will follow.
I actually kind of want her to be reelected.
Not because I think she's good at her job, she's a fucking mess.
But the more she ruins this country, the greater the inevitable backlash will be once the people wake the fuck up. And I believe that with the momentum of this backlash there's going to be some major change in this country.
Absolutely no chance that British soldiers are going to go and fight Europeans to protect Muslims.
I cannot imagine any European army fighting any other European army for the sake of protecting non Europeans.
You realize that Hitler let it get to a really bad state of affairs in 1945
I can't watch this it's too sad.
Why does it take some fucking scum of the earth sandnigger to cripple your son in the name of islam before you say, hey maybe voting for parties that welcome these animals into the country is not a good idea
that hit me right in the feels
leftypol has no goddamn class which is pretty ironic considering how "class conscious" they think they are.
>Absolutely no chance that British soldiers are going to go and fight Europeans to protect Muslims.
>I cannot imagine any European army fighting any other European army for the sake of protecting non Europeans.
>""""""British"""""" soldiers
Allah bless you m8, takbir.
German resistance flag, nice.
under german law these two can be charged with sedition
Your numbers are strong friend, but lets make them stronger!
checked and keked.
Frauke Petry will be killed, her shadow will give us a Fourth Rise
>Blaming Merkel
She tries her best tbqh, also professionally handled the crisis in German media
We can will Germany back, but we need everyone on board.
Merkel is under the thumb of international jewery. Most intelligent Germans know this, it doesn't excuse any of those who vote for her anti German party
Pretzell, an AfD guy said that merkel is responsible for those deaths, police started investigating
stop making me feel things.
This guy voted Merkel.
>not available in your country
really makes you think
This needs be spread to the french as well
That's not going to happen. What will happen is us Allies will have come in and kill your stupid fucking "EU" army. Some of you decent Krauts will no doubt form rebel groups and shit, but us eternal anglos have to fix the world yet again.
May God make the truth spread far, let your words bring justice to your poor land.
Germany will be with the Allies this time.
So in other words you'll make shit worse and start the whole cycle over again.
Laughing at those dumb Germans demonstrating "we won't let this change our way of life!!"
Charlie Hebdo knows what's up
6 million hours in paint