Ask a neuroscientist

I specialize in anxiety, genetics and learning. I also know a bit about addiction and adhd.

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how do i stop masturbating

>brazilian scientists

>brazilian neuroscientists

Do you like modern day babylon?

Could we make a virus that forces the brain to produce DMT effectively creating an infectious hallucination?

Well, its not like theres an answer that works for everyone. But my advice is the following. We cant control our emotions directly, but we can control our actions. And thro your actions you can better regulate your emotions.

Habit makes temptation really hard, and internet, computers, our culture, its all a big bait to trigger the masturbatory process.

Try changing your routine, going to the gym more, wasting that energy somewhere else.

Well we exist.

No it fucking sucks

how do I potentiate the effects of amphetamine

With enough technology anything is possible. Im sure that will be possible over the next 50 years at current progress rates.

Cure for depression when?

What's the best way to get rid of neurologically induced pain? (headache that never goes away and no problems in CT scan)

Smoke a cig.

cool thank you science spic

Only a brazilian shitskin could possibly think this is even close to believable. Kill yourself you pathetic favela monkey.

Its a few decades away. I think we are doing some great progress, 2015-16 were great years for understanding it. We are now realizing that depression is not something that easy to remedy, its more like cancer where you have a bazillion types of cancer.

The process by which depression originates is still mysterious, but I think a big clue is that diabetic people often show depressive symptons prior to being diagnosed. Its most likely some genetic predisposition to dopamine transfer deficits that build up and then cascade down to the serotonin level and so on.

>Brazilian intellectual

What are your thoughts on the neurological effects of anti depressants? Do you think they are just a meme?

I briefly took them but instead decided to stop being a self pitying little bitch and now I just lift and read.

I've taken amphetamines since I was nine, but when I turned 18 and a half, got access to my own bottle and started administering my own medicine. Eventually the dose kept going up, eventually taking 70mg vyvanse and 30 mg adderall ir a day. I stopped right after turning 19, and have been clean for a year.

I've recently had the opportunity to start on a prescription again, preferably something very low of something like either 5 mg desoxyn, or 5 mg d-amp, or 30mg vyvanse MAX daily. I know you don't know personally, but what do you recommend regarding someone who abused their prescriptions but hasn't taken it in awhile? I've been more stressed recently with work and school, so I've been thinking about it.


Why do panic disorders generally develop only after the teenage years, why not before? What causes or triggers it?

Do you work on monkey brains?

Is it true that buddhist meditation or meditation in general actually does help with anxiety and concentration problems?


half of this field of study is complete and utter Jew bullshit im not impressed


Thank you, now I feel at Sup Forums

I see you

I dont like most of them. Most SSRI's seem to deregulate several important neurological functions and dont adress the root causes of depression. They create this ... chemical depandant learning where you only learn how to do stuff under the effect of the substance, as if its chemical signature becomes an inherent part of several circuits functionally activating. Same thing happens with say... people with phobia getting drugs to get into a plane.

You didnt cure his phobia, you just let his brain learn that while under the effect of the drug he can do it, but if its absent, he hasant learn how to deal with it.

I think venvanse 70mg is already a big overkill, I have ADHD and 50mg works great for me. 30mg was too little. Ive been taking 50mg for 2 years now and its very functional. Wouldnt take adderall, hemorragy risk seems too big for long term. Will damage your liver if its over what you can handle it, look for signs of liver damage if you think its not making you feel good.

No, but I do work on rats brains

Yes, we can affect our brain chemistry by changing our thoughts, its a bidirectional loop

Do you have any comorbities ?


Agreed, its pretty sad how much they hold us back. Its not a coincidence that scientists are put on this fucking hunger games backstabbing each other for credit and funding in shitty short-sighted research. We are graded like fucking athlethes and passed around like slaves for the big corporations.

90% of neuroscientists are utterly cucked


Got any idea about desoxyn vs something like pure dextroamphetamine? I've never tried d-meth, but from what I read it is completely different. Especially at low doses it takes a completely different character. Now personally I would never want to move above 10mg on something so addictive, but it seems to be an extremely functional stimulant.

>Do you have any comorbities ?
Anxiety, several social anxiety that makes it impossible for me to deal with people. Yet the career I chose forces me to be in front of a classroom so I can't work. Also severe attention deficit that won't allow me to focus for more than a minute. I was diagnosed with asperger by two psychologists and with avoidance personality disorder by another one.

Could meditation alleviate this symptoms to the point of making me functional?

Gut/Biom-Brain connection?

How are bacteria and co are able to influence us?

I know studies which show that they are able to control basic things like mood, appetite but also are responsible for some pathologic behaviors?

How hard would you describe neuro science?
I mean I cant imagine that you are basically really know things and rather interpreted a lot of things like your psychologist friends?

Any cure in sight for Tinnitus?
How the fuck it is related to the cerebellum?

And how can you external manipulate the cerebellum?

meditation could actually make it worse. look up kundalini syndrome.

Is the rise of Adhd and autism related to doctors want to get paychecks?

>I specialize in anxiety

How do I beat anxiety.

90% sure I inherited some predisposition from my father.

Well we dont know, but we suspect its genetic and has to do with the way the limbic system is working, the dPAG, amygdala, etc. Might be more sensitive due to a number of reasons, like Volkow's dynamic vulnerability syndrome.

These genetic differences in sensitivity might create systemic network differences, allowing say, fear memories to highjack ways they usually wouldnt.

You can bet its heavily influenced by genetics.

Going on a tangent related midly to this. By teenage hood we HEAVILY develop our social awareness brain parts and they can sort of overwhelm us if we are not properly guided thro these developing days.

Honestly ? I think venvanse 50mg is the best option for a long term stimulant, the others all have shitty action curves, or build tolerance quickly, or are addictive as shit, or have side effects that sucks.

30mg doesnt do shit for me, but it might be enough for some people, kids, etc. and 70 is excessive.

I would use Adderall as a PED, never as a medication hehe.

Only if you know how to properly medidate.
Look, anxiety is rooted into our basic lizard brain reality analysing computer. Its fear projected in the future.

To get rid of anxiety, you need to live your live like a gladiator going into an arena, completely ready for the worse case scenario, in order to fight to the best of his habilities he enters the arena ready to die.

Live as if you are naked.

>avoidance personality disorder

I have that because it's mentally exhausting dealing woth social situations die to my neuroticism.

i heard eating shrooms helps with depression, true?

Can brains truly heal from.drug addiction? Also mention how this has to do with conditioning.

I think I have social anxiety how do i fix it?

How the hell can I settle my ADHD xown just for a day?
It's not crippling, but when things come to responsible work requiring immediate concentration, my efficiency is sometimes nigger tier.
How to cope with that without using (((Adderal)))?

That sounds like the cliche "be yourself" advice which would be fine for most people yeah but, lets entertain the idea that these psychologists are right and I have assburgers, then it's pathological so that usual advice really doesn't seem that helpful. I say it because I've been having this problem for years, and the lack of any improvement makes me want now to drop out of college after 3 years in it, since I'm sure I can't be a teacher this way.

You were better off going into astrology and taking stupid peoples money. Tell them their palms show great fortune but only through great risk. You tell this to EVERYONE and get paid every time.

Theres a big rabbit hole in there bud. Bacteria and virus could in theory warp a man all sorts of ways. Like the toxoplasmosis that makes us likes cats more.

Neuroscience as a field is not hard, there are many ways to work in the frontier doing groundbreaking research without being a super genius or brain surgeon. But it does help to be super fucking smart hehe. The more you know hard shit like engineering and programing, the higher you can go.

Dont know about tinnitus would have to look it up. And the cerebellum is .. well .. special

Actually it seems to be triggered by people being more and more distanced from what they intuitivelly know to be their ideal self. And shitty interbreeding, and lead poisoning.

Declare war on it with every fiber of your being. Relish the moments where it all goes wrong, for you were corageous enough to try.


How can I out smart the Jew?

Why did you choose this career path if you knew you'd have issues?

I beat a lot of my anxiety by simply doing what was uncomfortable, but it's still a big issue.

Trying to read this as though it were academic gave me kundalini syndrome

My girlfriend is a doctor, 30, and is 2/3rd's bitchy every few days. Obsessive tendencies. Thought I hit the jackpot but she's a closet crazy after a few months. What's going on in her brain? Woman?

When i eat in the morning i get crippling anxiety and then i puke. After that I'm 100% fine. Is that anxiety or an eating disorder?

What is your opinion on Marijuana consumption?

Also, do you have any advice for overcoming deeply rooted insecurities?

Thoughts on marijuana/hallucinogens? Is there something we can do other than meditate or exercise that will help us focus but is non-addictive?

There were studies done on the subject of shrooms and DMT showing that it fucking cured depression.

I would be skeptical until 15 years with no remissions have passed. Shrooms and fuck your brain up. Not everyone's neurochemistry is ready for a one time bathe in this chempack.

Yes and no. You can overcome an addiction, but your brain will always have this tendency to be an addict in something.

We believe this is hereditary from our hunter gatherer days, and this was the genetic base of hunters. The hunters needed to be hyperactive, and their 'adhd' gave them a sense of focus and importance in their present action that made them better scouts.

Unlike their routine loving buddies (who would go on to develop agriculture and etc.) they actually liked new shit more than anything society could offer, so by becoming explores and living on the edge of society they sort of harmonised their unique brain chemistry to the situation.

Now that we have nowhere left to explore, fucking autism and adhd skyrocket.

Its an everyday fight against your inflated sense of trust on your risk assement skills. Your memories cant hurt you.

Look, what can I say. I have problems myself, I go to theraphy, I go to a psychiatrist, I smoke weed, I try to have friends and enjoy life. Theres horrible moments, but I know its temporary and that eventually this biological shit will wear down and Ill be able to be normal again.

At this moment I do feel like my profession is leaving me short on the money.

See putin

>Theres a big rabbit hole in there bud.

It is just my personal guess but in the next decade we will treat all sorts of "mental" illness or "nerve illnesses" with specialized bacteria cultures.

The gut brain axis is not as good understood as it should be.

Tell me more about the cerebellum?
How can I stimulate it?
I have recently read that you guys know shit about it and classified it as "part only active on lower tasks?
Which nerve is directly connected to the cerebellum? Vagus maybe?
Latest research shows that the cerebellum make Tinnitus "hearable"

Also anxiety has a lot to do with the symphatically nervous system hasnt?

And I meant "hard" in a way like "robust"... how robust is your "science"?

> Actually it seems to be triggered by people being more and more distanced from what they intuitivelly know to be their ideal self

Thats also what I believe about Adhd
So society triggers a lot of that, too
Like when you throw in a lot of foreign people, change the law to make them fit in and therefore destroys an intuitevelly trusted society

Whats the reason for autism?

how do i stop depression from coming back ever again?

how do i make my social anxiety go away?

Why is it that I don't give a fuck about the world that surrounds me once I leave the cinema after seeing a movie? For some reason i'm way less self-conscious

lol at this nigga

>implying she isn't fucking chad

lel kiddo, take a seat

Stop being a little bitch

i used to do that too but instead of puking my stomach would just hurt really bad. and it only happened if i had to go outside and do anything around people during the day. i just stopped eating food in the morning

For me it was watching that gif

Are you going thro a very stressing time in your life? This sounds like people who have anxiety prone genetics but didnt had a history that really fostered its development, so it goes gastric.

My sister who just graduated from medschool always tells me we know less about the brain than about the gut. And shes sort of right. Recently we discovered serotonin triggers insuline release in the fucking liver! Who would guess, and it makes a ton of sense in the context of diabetes.

Ironically im writing an arcticle envolving the cerebellum now, its a tricky area, it basically does the real important computations about distance and movement.

And that alone makes it one of the most important areas on the body. Since its envolved into calculating and coordinating motor responses at an unconscious level, its probably envolved with the expression of primitive fear networks connected to motor circuits to affective systems. You cant really think of a reagion by itself, its the connections that dictate the function.

When a connection neighbors and area, its like that area influenced it and added more complexity to the connection.

Thats one I dont know. No theory seemed convincent to me thus far. But I wouldnt be surprised if the vacine nuts were right...

I want to find out too, meanwhile I keep a stash of weed with me.


I had a similar experience. Some woman have mental issues, and sadly, the softer types of mental retardation are slow to appear. A few months sound about right.

In retrospect there must have been many signs that you were untrained to identify.

Its ironic, but the no himen no diamond assholes might have a point. As a general layman's guideline, you are better of hitting with a girl that can use her inhibitory control skills and self value to save her pussy.

Is the gay a kind of mental retardation? How you diagnosy?

1.Is the brain malleable or is IQ a stone set criteria.
For example.
2.Someone fails engineering uni first semesters .
He then spends a year vicariously doing mathematics 4hours a day every day, trying to develop his brain.
He reenlists next year, hoping that he has done enough to finally develop his brain into being able to pass the intellectual freehold of successfully studying engineering.
Does he has chance of success?

Just my 2 cents but consider that fags like OP relate everything to their trade.

In reality there probably way more possible variables when it comes to depression.

E.g. some people have gene polymorphism and have troubles to synthesize Serotonin because they have trouble to get enough tryptophan with all necessary co factors to the brain like magnesium, omega fatty acids, vitamin d3. All of these are necessary to make serotonin in the brain (brain and gut habe two different cycle).

Now do the following:

>Get your vitamin D3 Levels checked.
>Get them to 50 ng/L with 1000IU increase blood serum by 5ng/L
>Take magnesium supplements, fish oil and tryptophan.

This makes sure that your brain has the possibilities to make sufficient serotonin which is a precursor for melatonin and helps also with sleep quality.

A lot of problems we are facing today health wise is rooted in our lifestyle and gene polymorphism. Eat healthy, socialize, be active, be outdoors.


if you're so smart why are you on Sup Forums?

Look, it fucks your brain up, and even your liver if you smoke too much, but its amnesic, meaning it disconects you from several long term dreads therefore easing anxiety.

But if present dreads are involved you can get a huge bad trip hehe. Overall if you can get it legally, and its medically certified, I dont see why not if it helps you.

Tricky question.

I wouldnt say its a retardation, but they certainly stopped looking at it as an illness way too soon

Studies with twins and adopted children showed that altho you could raise the IQ of an adopted children to high levels (say, 115-125) with great education, it would still be under twins raised separately with high IQ. So, in a way, those who are the dumbest are those who benefit from proper education the most. Dumbness is nothing more than a brain that has a tendency to be inneficient in a way, and its possible to teach it to stop being lazy being giving it no option on the formative years.

It becomes a habit to run more efficiently despite the shitty genetics.

Of course, this man must be heard.

Because the times have changed.
Sup Forums is neuroscience now

Sorry I missed your msg

You are talking about Fibromyalgia ?

do asians really have a tighter iq range than whites like this chart says?

>it basically does the real important computations about distance and movement.

What can one do to really get the cerebellum working, neurogenesis, growth, rewiring?

Like what is the input I have to give to make it swat??

Did you know that the serotonin cycle in our body is a whole different system or cycle than in our brain? People who are just taking tryptophan probably causing inflammation to their gut because serotonin supports this.

will gene memes fix my assburgers?

Why tho? There are studies that it is caused by hormonal imbalance, a protist (Toxoplasma gondi) and/or social environment

why do dogs fight if u touch their noses together?

Only an ill brain has lost its plasticity.

Increasing your power in any way should work to do that.

Antropometrics is not my field, but I wouldnt find it at all odd. First you must realize that there is a level of bullshitness to any IQ test. They dont work that good across cultures and most places outside the west tune their tests to get better results and mask their shitty educational systems.

Look, it seems that there is a kind of mindfulness oriented meditation that has been proven to promote GROWTH of the telomeres of your cells.

I would bet 100 bucks that if you can develop a version that focus on the movements the cerebellum is most responsible from, you could do what you say. Also, gymnastics, acrobatics, driving, all should improve the cerebellum.

Repetitive uncontious movement adjustment is what you are looking for. Maybe enter a trance while playing squash ? I dont know bud.

Im past the point where it would surprise me.

We are on pol, so I can safely say it seems to be some plot from (((them))) connected with this whole make the world gay agenda.

Didnt even knew that happened. Will read about it.

Let's suppose an eleven year old child orally consumes 5-8 packages of Splenda a day for 4 months.

Realistically speaking, would this course brain disorders?

How fucked are people who take SSRIs?

How did you meet Ben Carson?

>I would bet 100 bucks that if you can develop a version that focus on the movements the cerebellum is most responsible from, you could do what you say. Also, gymnastics, acrobatics, driving, all should improve the cerebellum.Repetitive uncontious movement adjustment is what you are looking for. Maybe enter a trance while playing squash ? I dont know bud.
Thank you my man!
Would you mind giving me some good reads about the Meditation you are mentioning?
Or further elaborate.

And happy Christmas to the last Christian bastion on the american continent.
Thank you for your time and answers.
You are doing Christs work!

Why did i have to be born with a hole in my heart, shit fucking sucked till i was 9

>Im past the point where it would surprise me.
I dont think it will, not in my lifetime anyway.
I take it you didnt think much of it earlier in life, what major genetic happenings actually surprised you that much?

Btw I did Capoeira a very long time in my life ans always wanted to visit Brazil beside the possibilities to get murdered and robbed.

Where are the safest and most beautiful parts of Brasil handsome German can survive?

yeah alone, it looks like watching a movie in a dark room with big ass ass stereo dampen a bit your perception of the reality.

>I specialize in anxiety,

a few nights a week i get really anxious and cant get to sleep. it can last all night. what can i do about it? its been like this for a few months now. i was prescribed xanax but it quickly lost its effect at the dose the doctor said i can take it at.

Why is neuroscience considered a scientific field when really it is not scientific at all?

Studying works, but different people need different times being exposure to different subjects because brains learn differently.

Cant be good. I would think liver damage, kidney damage and gastric problems overall. These always affect the brain and the emotions, like creating brain fog.

But theres no long term study on the damages of splenda, but its molecules are similar to fucking pesticies, that cant be good.

Its a big spectrum, you have hopeless chronic depressive ones who are in love with their situation, the people who are misdiagnosed into taking them and become sort of addicted, and then theres people who take them for a few months, get better and you would never know about it.

I never did, but maybe I will meet him in the next world neuroscience congress if hes there to speak.

The rest of the journey is yours.

Thanks, im a theistic christian despite being incapable of believing in any dogma.

I have huge migraines, we all have problems, but the biggest downer is that non matter how much we fix ourselves we will never get rid of that damn existential question.


And I think life is not answering that question. But figuring out a way to follow our path, despite your burdens.

Honestly, being safe in brazil is not really a question of place, but of company. Having a brazilian friend with you guiding you around makes all the difference, regardless of where you go.

But for beaches id go to natal. And for everything else id go to Rio grande do sul and visit the whole state.

Is it safe to mix dissociatives and opiates? Google gives a lot of conflicting answers.

Maybe what you are experiencing is detachement from reality caused by a lack of anchorage.

It can happen when one feels life is less interesting than your thoughts.

Do you have a restless leg?

Depends on the kind of neuroscientist. Why would you say its not scientific when we try to use the scientific method?

>im a theistic christian despite being incapable of believing in any dogma.

That pretty much describes me as well

>I specialize in anxiety, genetics and learning. I also know a bit about addiction and adhd.

What would be the symptoms of mercury poisoning on a developing child?

How do I stop being a failure?

how do you think we should solve the jewish problem?

Your career is a joke. Fucking autistic nerds think they are smarter than the psychology of the ancients that has survived the test of time. You are the cancer. Please kill yourself

What can I do to lesser the effects of ADHD in my life?
Practical steps

i am very proactive when it comes my health

i eat very few chemicals
after taking lsd i decided to let my impulses decide my groceries figuring my body would crave what it needs

i checked what foods have high vitamin D3 like you mentioned and wept.

- i was vegetarian for 10+ years and began eating fish recently, i always eat mushrooms several times a week, i have eggs almost daily

i exercise, i sunbathe, i tell myself what im feeling is illogical, i am lucky to be in the body i am in i look like an American apparel model, i tried quitting drinking alcohol and smoking weed - the sinking lows always return even if i do everything perfectly for months at a time

i hate that even on a good day i cant enjoy it with the people i love because in the back of my head i know the depression will be back soon..

it destroys my masculinity, my sense of self worth and almost causes actual pain.
it first came when i was just 13 i was so confused i tried to kill myself
i know I'm good, i know i dont deserve to suffer
i begged god to heal me and cried alone in the rain

i will carry the weight until my death and never ever tell a single soul

Brazilian-brain user, is watching too much porn harmful for your sexual life? If so, why is this, exactly? Also, is it better to fap using your own imagination?

How do I become a Necromancer?

How do I beat the ADHD and focus on my work?

There will never be an honest answer to a question so broad if its yes or no, and im not gonna write a psychopharmaceutical thesis here.

But I wouldnt recommend it. At best it will link the addictives of opiates with dissociateve processes and lead you to psicosis.

high five

Ill be cool and link you the first google answer

Change everything. Do it flamboyantly. If one wants to change his ways, better not to pussyfoot it.

Hehe. Shit is bad right? I think at this point we have two options. Wake up as many ppl as possible and change the paradigm or wait for something miraculous to happen, such as aliens landing on the white house and laying out the evil plan we have been led on all along.

Why would you make that association ? I love reading the old classics and getting inspiration for my work from philosophers like empedocles or the great master william james.

he can explain better than I

Yes it is. Porn sort of creates expectations of sexual intimacy and interaction that set us up for failing. Habit makes the unnatural natural and man forgets to question himself.

If you are to fap, use your imagination, and do it quickly and dont overdo it.

Well, ive seen some cool shit with rigor mortis on rats.