I know it's Christmas and all, but I feel uneasy about tomorrow like something bad is going to happen.
Folks, I have a bad feeling about tomorrow
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Doobs decide where the chimpout happens on Christmas day.
Something bad always happens in Austria m8.
Tell me about this feeling?
you are most likely correct
German Christmas markets simultaneously bombed, 40+ dead screenshot this
fucking Russia invades and takes turkey over
Jew York
You're going to get a n64 instead of a PlayStation
Shit sucked I went to bed knowing the size of the box wasn't a psone
Knowing I would unwrap an n64
I cried that entire night knowing my morning would be awful wen I would have to fake my excitement to not hurt my parents
You Melbourne too? The city felt distinctly un-Christmassy today, the terrorism scare really took effect despite all the bullshit Turnbull and the rest of them spouted. Merry Crossmas, cunts.
MOLOCH begins his march of victory.
Thats child abuse. It would take years for you to catch up on all those playstation exclusives!
>but I feel uneasy about tomorrow like something bad is going to happen.
you'll still be alive when you wake up
It's summer here and most people stay home
German christmas markets usually end at 23th
Get ready, Sweden. You're about to experience the full wrath of KEK.
OP here,
Also keep dreaming about mind control and the numbers 1876 and 3814.
It's freaking me out.
I had a dream few days ago that muslims blew themselves up in cathedral all over Europe on Christmas day. At the same time, coordinates attack in atleast 10 churches. Makes me worried a bit
christmas parade in europe gets attacked
Somebody's house is gonna burn down...nothing more nothing less.
we better pray to God nothing bad happens
It might be in LA just a guess desu
kys faggot, n64 was better.
Asteroid strike on OP's house.
What could possibly happen on christmas?
Surely everybody would be with their families rather than gathered in public spaces
KEK is trying to tell us something here, isn't he?
And nothing of value was lost on either side
Call me when you dream about them blowing up a McDonald's
Then I'll get fuckig scared
Christkindlesmarkt will get allahu akbar'd
New Years on the other hand is going to be fucking intense this year. Literally going to be a 9/11-tier attack by ISIS somewhere for it. Just a matter of which country it's in.
I fucking hope not.
i've been seeing unmarked cop cars all over my town, just rolling by houses.
AFP know something's up
Barcelona attack
Serious question, should we be rotting for a possible massive terrorist attack on Christmas?
I think it could be the catalyst Europe needs to wake up.
Some innocents must die for the greater cause
Nuke gets dropped
Please protect us kek
This is why I'll be lurking Sup Forums and drinking all day. I actually have money on this with my friends on where the religion of peace will make their presence known on Christmas.
Most of my money is bet on Germany
Some money is on France
Some money is on Sweden
Nothing on USA. Sure, it could happen but Germany is the smart money here. Dank Merkel.
Has there EVER been a terrorist attack in Los Angeles? Or for that matter, any west coast US city?
>"Some of you guys are alright, don't go to the North Pole tomorrow"
Dw user. The AFP is surprisingly on top of terrorism in this country. I dare say we are the world leaders in thwarting terrorist attacks
Kikes don't allow things to happen there.
idk but isis said they are targeting sd and la
but idk tho
they say a lot of things.
SAN bernardino was really rare but it happened and usually no because our cops shoot first and ask questions later
You're mum's bedroom
San Francisco, please
something bad? i got a fucking samsung galaxy s6 for christmas! i specifically told my parents to get me a new iphone. i stomped it and threw it at them. they're so fucking stupid, just hicks who don't know anything about technology like i do.
happenings foreseen for tmrw
Seconding for (((Joo York)))
that's because they catch fuckhead muzzie kids on instagram and telegram saying "fuck mate, inshillah, gonna go shoot a school up for allah" and the AFP, monitoring all this shit, swoops in and bags the dumb cunt.
foreign talent isnt that dumb to use telegram, and that's what worries me, not mehemet the 16 year old with a kitchen knife from Lakemba
Santa WikiLeaks the Pizzagate tomorrow
Fuck, quick mates where does she live?
Good point, had forgotten about that. Too many happenings this year.
That's adams bron's number bro, be careful
All of Europe
Santa Claus reveals he voted Hillary and decides to cancel Christmas for it being politically incorrect
It's up to trump to save Christmas in an all new 30 minute adventure vhs
The numbers above this text clearly indicate the attack will take place in seattle.
Kikes do massive terrorist attack, kill 1 million americans and 1 million europeans, and they make small mistake, americans and europeans realize it was the kikes, wipe out whole israel from map in 1 day.
Best chrismas ever.
When I type 18763814 into google, this is one of the search results
It looks like just farmland though
I'm probably gonna get food poisoning and be shitting the bed all fucking night.
chiraq, but it'll be stopped by some bangin' dindu.
wew, and people try to claim that Aussies aren't the best shitposters
Coordinated Islamic trucks of peace worldwide
>It's up to trump to save Christmas
>30 minute adventure vhs
I'm already in love with it.
Great pic
n64 is the best console ever kys
If you kill yourself before tomorrow you will never have to worry about what might happen.
Just sayin.
Aw shit nigga
Curry and bourbons tonight, something bad is happening in the toilet tomorrow.
Betting on a double Germany chimpout
Some of you are alright
dont be in california tomorrow when the BIG 1 hits
Chimpout in Turkey after Putin delivers his gifts to them. That's if there is a Turkey left.
oh shet, praise kek
get rekt commiefornia
The UK WILL be attacked tomorrow, although nothing big.
Digits shall confirm.
i've had a bad feeling about this entire month, and know things are gonna get worse until the end of new years
it shall be a very Sup Forums christmas
Philly. The stink is already in the air.
north carolina
kek wills it
Earthquake or chimpout?
Berlin, Christmas Market
France desu.
Merkel will blow herself up
checkasaurus rex
Bundestag, merkel's office
let the cunts responsible for this suffer for once
You're going to get a stocking full of coal
LA, please God.
Kek wills this
good riddance and praise kek
Please kek let there be nukes.
Fuck this world and fuck you too.
>those digits
Have not they suffered enough?
well, it looks like the moors are gonna blow themselves up folks...
..AND confirmed by captcha