Will these fuckers cure me of my depression or make it worse? The pharma jew is ruining my life.
Will these fuckers cure me of my depression or make it worse? The pharma jew is ruining my life
Expecting for shrooms to cure your depression is like expecting masturbation to cure your loneliness.
If you think taking some substance will make you feel better then it doesn't matter what you take.
You're a dumbass.
Shrooms do nothing for depression.
They may not cure your depression but they will show you what your real problems are. You may or may not like what they reveal.
once I sat in a chair for like 3 hours stuck in one pose after some shrooms, afterwards I had trouble using a straw and generally using my mouth for about an hour
If you can handle facing your demons, then yes it does make you get over shit instantly.
Drugs can't cure depression, user.
The sooner you come to terms with this, the closer you will be to happiness.
Psychedelics have the interesting effect of intensifying your emotions that already exist.
Feeling depressed? You might just feel even more depressed on shrooms.
How does it compare to weed?
Try studying Erowid instead of asking dumb questions.
If you're using drugs as a crutch to manage depression shrooms are a dumb choice.
Consider MDMA, mephedrone or weed.
You obviously don't know shit about shrooms.
I think you're underestimating just how intense shrooms are.
don't listen to these nerds
shrooms can work if you do a small dose
What dosage would you recommend, and how often should they be taken?
I find marijuana super intense so I assume shrooms would rip my reality apart.
>rip my reality apart
Its not like you were using it anyway
>Hey, I took .6 grams of shrooms combined with my stash of acetone, and I was already buzzed from this kava that my buddy Roy had given me five hours earlier, so anyways I laid on my couch for six hours, and it was chill, and then I started hallucinating and ran to my ex-gf's house and projectile vomited on her glass sliding door while her family was watching a movie. 8/10 experience might mix it with purple haze next time.
No thanks
Using reality?
Take acid, I just dropped 5 minutes ago.
I self medicate with mushrooms for depression on the regular. AMA
are there differences in shrooms?
What dosage?
How often do you take them and in what intervals?
I don't know, it depends on where you are in life. I have struggled with Depression my entire life just about. I smoked a bunch of weed and realized self destructing feelings are just bad. That's it. They don't help at all. So ignore them or deal with them whenever they arise. Don't dwell, just acknowledge and move on. I also spent like 2-3 weeks at a monastery listing to lectures from Monks, so that might have helped.
>tfw no money to get a proper trip
>tfw dealers are scum and I'm awful at befriending shit people
It'd be a great experience to watch Alice in Wonderland on acid/shrooms.
shrooms are weaker less concentrated LSD
i took lsd & didnt "cure" my depression per say but reality will never be the same
i can "feel" my body going through its cycles
>tldr if you legitimately suffer from depression it is because of a periodic chemical imbalance in your brain that causes you to feel the way you do & nothing will fix it
remember that there is no logical reason to feel that way & try to sleep it off or light exercise
Psychedelics are good for what they are intended; mind expansion. Taking psychedelics daily will most likely make you insane.
>i can "feel" my body going through its cycles
me too
>periodic chemical imbalance in your brain
>no logical reason to feel that way
i don't know. like you noted before, it just may be a natural cycle. I don't think feeling "happy" all the time is normal either. I'd recommend keeping your highs and lows as stable as possible though.
>tfw no money to get a proper trip
Just order Ayahuasca. Same thing, essentially lifetime supply for 100 euro,
Better than shrooms, rapes your depression to shreads, makes you superhuman and you will realize all your potential while connecting with an inner wisdom you didn't think was possible.
Order 250g Syrian Rue, 250g Chaliponga, a grinder, a scale, and you're fucking set. Just grind it up, down 2g Syrian Rue powder, wait 10 min, down 3g Chaliponga powder.
Cue life-changing amazingness.
>are there differences in shrooms?
There are minor differences in strains, but as long as you're getting psilocybin you should be fine.
>What dosage?
I generally do 4-6 grams.
>How often do you take them and in what intervals?
I take them as often as I need to. Depression is like second nature for me but how quickly it comes back is mostly determined by my environment. Generally, 6 weeks is the standard time for my depression to start creeping back.
I so wanna try this. It's DMT right?
A tab of some mellow acid once a month helps me sleep, keeps me motivated and drives me away from suicidal thoughts
Yes DMT ayahuasca LSD Shrooms MDMA all can break the mental cycle of what is causing your depression. Will it cure you? Maybe it depends on what you accomplish in thought while high as fuck! Take it in moderation you dont want to permafry your self.
This will become you if you take shrooms even once
this. there are no "bad trips".
Thank you very much.
Does it have an effect on your sex drive?
Yeah, it's the craziest fucking molecule, ever. You'll doubt it was even harvested on this planet.
DMT and load of other psychoactive ingredients as well.
where do you get them?
how much do they cost?
don't they taste terrible?
>shrooms are weaker less concentrated LSD
Fuck off with this shit. I alternate between shrooms and LSD trips every other week. In comparison to shrooms LSD is like an enjoyable day at an amusement park.
Powdered or whole? Does it make a difference?
impossible to regulate
depression? youre in good company - edgar allen poe, lewis & clark, famous musicians/artists, ect
>I laid on my couch for six hours
>Does it have an effect on your sex drive?
Not at all. And definitely not in the way anti-depressant will fuck up your libido.
I know DXM is also said to help with depression.
(pic is OC)
Depends on dosage/strain.
I've had cambodian cubensies take me places that LSD never could.
Thanks again.
Also, do you have experience with ?
Ayahuasca will make you puke, a lot.
Very intense trip though, breaks you down to your base.
Where do you get them
>where do you get them?
Was getting them the usual way, but unreliable dealers were fucking my depression up. Now I buy through darknet markets.
>don't they taste terrible?
Yes, oh god yes. And I swear they get worse with each trip. The guy I'm buying from now sells liquid shrooms. You can take them like shots. 2 grams per vial around 15 bucks if I remember correctly.
Cow fields broski. Make sure to do your research on which ones are the right ones so you don't eat a mushroom that liquefies your insides. If you live in FL you basically live in Shroom capital.
Buy the Syrian Rue whole, run it through a grinder, mixer or blender thoroughly, store it in a zip-bag. Do the same with the Chaliponga.
Of course you could buy the Rue powdered straight from the store, but I'm not sure how finely powdered it is and you want to make sure it is really finely powdered (since the stomach can't break it down further, so for your system to get it all you need to break it down yourself in advance into very small particles).
Shrooms are easy as fuck to grow. Spores, cakes (can use anything from grounds to vermiculite) jars, a few clean bins to lay the molded cakes on to for the caps to pop, clean spray bottles, warm/humid place with complete control over lighting.
I knew people that grew for years, no clue if they've changed the scheduling, but the spores were completely legal.
It's only once you inject the spores into cakes that it became illegal.
Yeah, I actually did ayahuasca while I was in high school. The potion was some of the foulest shit I've ever had.
Incidentally, what I'm doing with shrooms now is very similar. I grind up and take 3 grams of syrian rue(a MAOI) right before I take the shrooms. The result is some of the most intense trips I've ever experienced, and the only trips that I would actually label as "spiritual".
The key is putting them in chocolate.
I have no clue why marijuana edibles completely jumped off and shroom edibles are basically non-existent.
>don't they taste terrible?
protip: Chocolate takes care of that rather well.
Plan on eating shrooms? Go to a gas station before hand and just grab a Hershey bar.
The doors you open while tripping cannot be closed. I wish i never tripped.
I've struggled with depression for 4-5 years taking the long road not seeking any help
this video sums up a lot of what i've realized on my own journey.
That's why proper dosing is important, user.
It's an entirely different reality. The experience itself dissolves cultural boundaries, to put in in a simpler manner - the things that make things mean something to you stop working and you lose connection to the meanings of things, if you value something you forget how that thing (not why) to you. It shows you that nothing makes your view of things more "true" than a different view on things.
My suggestion if this is your first time taking shrooms, dose it properly, under 1 gram of dry weight is a pretty safe dose with mild hallucinations, some closed eye visuals and an increase in visual perception - everything is crisper, your skin feels different.
In terms of difference between cannabis and psylocybe mushrooms I'd say the difference would be that with shrooms you have no control, you are just a passenger. While cannabis can be a great instrument which you can use to an ever greater extent as you accumulate experience.
My personal experience with them is that it gave me ptsd, I got anxiety, but managed to deal with it on my own, saw that it was all bullshit and it went away. Prepare a pipe or roll a joint just in case, so you can jet out from an unease place.
Think of it like this.
Is there anything you don't want to know?
If yes, you probably shouldn't do intense psychoactives. Though, the way the paradox is: you cannot know what you don't want to know, until you already know it.
Man, the worst part is when a piece comes loose from your teeth hours into the trip. I've tried mixing it with other foods(mother fucking fries), but not chocolate. Maybe I'll give it a try next time I get raw shrooms.
Instead of trying to simply getting high, culture the mushrooms yourself or maybe try to extract alkaloids from various plants. You learn and get high.
Yes they will, just don't take with the pharma jew and use small amounts
literally this
flashback type symptoms still come back if i smoke too much strong weed while drinking
Yeah, the texture is what gags you.
Still better than the flavor hangover from salvia though.
I've tripped out solely on how bad salvia tastes before, drooling for like 20 minutes straight.
Heh the first time I took acid my entire peak was a horrible trip. I had ran outside panicking and the transition from being in a small room to going outdoors was too much for me. I went from the biggest thing in my world to the smallest thing ever in the universe. To make a long story short a train had came by because the house was next to the railroad tracks. It somehow rebooted. Now every time I hear a train horn out of nowhere I think back to that moment.
What do you mean? You take salvia orally?
*somehow rebooted me ; sorry still buzzin from tonight.
dude you took too much and probably in the wrong setting. Actually if you think you have problems from the last time you tripped, try it again using a smaller amount and you will have fun/gain a new appreciation and might even relieve the symptoms of having a bad trip
Take a fat bong rip of salvia.
You'll see what I mean.
>smoking Salvia unironically
cool. time. slowed. down. for. a. min. aaaand. its. over.
what is the fucking point
its not banned because no one does that shit more than a few times
its literally an incense
Done salvia a bunch of times, but have never experienced that. That said, salvia is unpleasant enough on its own so I believe you when you say it was a bad experience.
>Take a fat bong rip of salvia.
kek tastes like burnt rubber or some shit
>cool. time. slowed. down. for. a. min. aaaand. its. over.
i felt the earth turning and it's magnetic field
salvia is weird
I used to love tripping. I've tripped hundreds of times on almost every compound there is. I took it too far.
I think you can get where i am now with only mushies. It will just take more trips to open all the doors. Even mckenna stopped takikg shrooms at some point.
It's basically just a more dissociative, less addictive spice
Some questions:
Are you employed / how much do you make / can you afford small things that you want?
Do you like playing video games?
Are you fairly intelligent?
Are there any things you would consider an interest or hobby?
Really you probably just need something constructive to occupy yourself with. Something to think about and make improvements to each day.
Like these guys have said, it will probably reveal what truly bothers you. If you can identify those things and logically defeat them while sober then you will have made huge steps in getting rid of depression.
ITT: Permafried retards.
Stay away from mushrooms, you will go fucking bonkers and never be the same again.
depression is a meme.. learn to deal with life or die
My advice is to try with low dosage. I have read tons of comments that say it helps alot.
if it worked you wouldn't have to do it on the regular
oh so you just lost control? I misunderstood. My advice my be better for or as you know the last trip can leave an everlasting impression so you'd better make your last trip a FUN experience in a good setting preferably with a spouse only.
Don't listen to this guy
Psychedlics are meant to be used on rare occasions to enhance your conciousness, not to cure trauma/depression because those require you to permanently increase yourself. Change your life, maybe try diet/meditation/gym/whatever and open yourself to see things from different perspectives and try to free yourself from indoctrination
all these people in this thread
>I did shrooms, I'm condescending on you
The fact that OP asking Questions is good
>Yeah, it's the craziest fucking molecule, ever.
No it's not. a-pvp is.
This may be a stupid question, but I've had pretty bad depression over about 6 years now with basically no period of relief. I was wondering if dropping some acid could potentially aid me in any way.
In terms of seeking legitimate help, I've tried psychotherapy and antidepressants on and off for years with no effect. Also interned in a psych ward in an attempt to better understand myself.
Most of my issues stem from philosophical / existential conflicts, and not shitty life circumstances.
Tldr: would acid help me with existential / philosophical depression ?
It was definitely hard for me to trip the next few times. Fortunately my second trip which involved us watching FLCL was my favorite trip ever and saved my impression on the drug. Still would get nervous on the peaks that would almost start causing me a bad trip immediately so I eventually just stopped.
Don't try shrooms bruh, if you really think using some sort of drug will make you feel better prepair to be disappointed. The only thing that can make you feel better is you. Go read meditations, or some other great works of philosophy. They will likely teach you to better deal with the issues you are grappling with by yourself. If you have already done so and you feel as though there is truly no other choice do MDMA, not shrooms. Molly will force you to re-evaluate your life and will likely allow you to find the deeper issues behind your depression. This is almost entirely useless though unless you can put in the work into changing your own outlook and attitudes about life.
TL:DR Don't do shrooms, try MDMA if you really feel like there is no other way.
sounds like someone who has no self control or understanding of self in general HAHAHAH
True, a-pvp is like meth and pcp had a baby
>falling for the pharma jew
g-guys will the herbal jew cure me !?
That's like; your opinion, man.
ayahuasca has the same actives as shrooms
this will 100% make your depression better:
only if you read Kierkegaard while tripping ;^)
How's a speed boat compared to a potato?
It can help.
Most experiences with psychoactives are strongly correlated to the mood/environment you're in when you trip.
But honestly, I think you need a psychologist that doesn't suck. What's the origination of your crisis? Did you lose meaning?
Honestly Im glad this was brought up. When you trip do not expect a "weed high" much like I did. It is way more intense and will catch you off guard.
Recommend acid over shrooms (lsd lets you control your own trip much easier- and no nausea). remember always small doses-cut in half or 1/4. remember comfortable setting with loved ones only