How do Americans feel about the Vietnam War?

I'm mostly interested in burgerbros' opinions here. How do you guys currently feel about this war, were the hippies right about wanting to stop it? And also, I've heard around here that Americans would have probably won the war, were they to have their country's national support, is it true, and what do you think a victory in Nam could have led to (in the context of the Cold War)?
And finally, I want a honest response here, would you have dodged the draft, as many young males did?

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We shouldn't have pulled out. but the jews started sending cameras over there and turned the american population against war. the horrors of war shouldn't be broadcast for the general population, if it is then shit like the Vietnam war happens.

wow, still had my trip code from a risk thread

>would you have dodged the draft

hard to say. I would like to think I would have enlisted to kill commies and avoid the draft, but I am literally a festival going ketamine snorting "hippie". I hate liberals and I've been 14/88 for like a decade, I just like rock music and hallucinating.

We won almost every battle. Basically eradicated the vietcong. Btfo the nva. Had we had public support for the war it would have been a curb stomp.

But in the end we just said fuck it, made them sign a peace treaty (which they later ignored) and left. So I feel in the end we fucked up their shit way more than they did ours, and I'm ok with that.

Importan question - which is better, the Type-56 or AKM? I need to know for Rising Storm 2 when it comes out.

How long could the war realistically go on for though?


Its a national embarrassment we generally tend to forget about. Im sure its the same with France and the indochina war.

Hate the hippie faggots who spit on the soldiers while they lay around getting stoned and are now idolized by retarded college students. The war itself was based on lies and fucked up, but who can say whether or not intervening on communism in asia was the wrong thing to do. Death counts were way too high at the end of the day though.

For us? well it lasted tow decades, but we could have kept it up for much longer. embargo them and cut off all supplies going in the country. however it might have turned into a middle east situation and last forever.

>however it might have turned into a middle east situation and last forever
That's what I mean.

I'm mostly angry. There are a lot of issues with the current Vietnam historiography, mostly out of liberal bias. The short and sweet of it is that the military had their hands tied which ruined any chance at winning the war. I can't say if the outcome would have been a W if LBJ hadn't stuck his dirty dick beaters where they didn't fucking belong, but we would have at least had a chance. The retarded politicking by Washington in regards to Vietnam before Nixon ensured it was unwinnable and that's what we got. Nixon sure laid the fucking hurt out when he turned control over to MAC-V and SAC, though.

Who do you feel about your time in vietnam surrender monkey? They even bake baguettes better than you now.

well, i don't know i think you can't really invade anywhere nowadays without severe rebellion and liberals backing them up. somehow Russia figured it out with Ukraine, but for us it seems impossible

We went about it the wrong way.

We tried to win the hearts and minds of the South Vietnamese by building schools, houses, improving infrastructure etc. It was a noble strategy but it didn't work when you compared it to the VC.

Charlie would come into a village and gather up all the residents. He'd tell them all they were going to die unless they cooperated and hid some ammunition, guns and rice. He encouraged villagers to report any American presence or collaborators. If anybody stepped out of line, they were executed.

Kindness is a nice emotion for fairy tales but it doesn't work nowhere near as well as fear. Fear is what drives people. You think some villagers are gonna turn on their own kind and be friends with the invaders?

That's not a trip code though, user.

I dont really care about what others think about it, but bc of it that my chinky ass + my extended family can be here legally so, that much i care about.

>somehow Russia figured it out with Ukraine
Maybe because they go to places that are close to their nation, or better yet actually have a Russian population. Empires fail because they become too big and constitute people of different cultures, ethnicities and races.

Like afghanistan?
This should come complementary with every Vietnam War thread.
tl;dw we were kicking their ass but congress held us back

Then how are we supposed to deal with stuff like terrorism/isis? this is something i can't seam to figure out. like, do we just go in and kill them? because staying there and getting all lubby dubby with the local population doesn't work.

Dying for kikes is the best thing to live for

Hence why they failed there, but succeeded in Crimea.

Stop regime changing. It's the (((foreign policy))) that leads to Daesh groups being formed. The middle east should be treated as a containment zone, for the west not to get involved in.

Common knowledge in the US that piecemeal engagement and never fully committing fucked us over.

history proved the hippies right, not the dumbass silent majority who supported the war just out of blind patriotism cuz their government told them it was right.

I probably would have moved to Canada or Europe to avoid that pointless war

The hippies were right but for the wrong reasons. It was likely to drag on for some time and absorb tons of resources as well as causing many American deaths. Also winning wouldn't mean that much, as we greatly overestimated the severity of communism's proliferation. People crying about how the war was unjust or we were being big meanies to the Vietnamese should've been v& and murdered in the FBIs basement

i thought jews wanted to start wars, not end them according to /pol.
Your anti-jew philosophy is starting to contradict itself

Different era. Jews fight for communism. It would make sense that they want to end a war against communism. Now they start wars to use as agitprop to incite a commie revolution.

>buy american brand
>check tag
>"made in Vietnam"
looks like we won afterall huh

>Jews fight for communism.

jews dont fight, they use stupid naive goyim to do their fighting for them

And they use the stupid naive cattle to get rich...nothing more

as for communism, it is a self destructive ideology straight out of the Talmud forced down the goyim's thoat designed to destroy none semitic civilizations from the inside out and throw them into a spiral of perpetual chaos.

ever wonder why kikes promote communism everywhere else in the world other than israel?

>ever wonder why kikes promote communism everywhere else in the world other than israel?
>he doesn't know about the Kibbutz system

Also fight doesn't have to literally mean fighting. Welcome to English, little polak.


>history proved the hippies right

How do you figure?

We would have won if not for the hippies for sure. The traitors should have been punished mercilessly.

I would have draft dodged myself though I am no poorfag

>welcome to english

fuck your bastard retarded language, cocksucking anglo

Im glad english is dying in north america state by state and spanish is taking over

the only place you'll find me speaking this retarded bastard anglo babble is on this fucked up web site

Outside I will never admit I know it.

>be me walkign through city
>some retarded ugly anglo shits stop me
>they start asking me for directions in english expecting me to answer
>tell them "No habla englisio, gringo."
>continue walking with a grin on my face

the war is largely seen as a mistake, and we got nothing from it.

You rarely get much from defeat. But that doesn't make the hippies right, its only a natural result of following through with their defeatist policies.

defeatist? The American people stood nothing to gain if we had "won" that war

The goal was to prevent the global spread of communism, a goal we largely succeeded in considering we kept most countries we went against the soviets in from becoming completely communist.

"defeat" is an incorrect way to describe Vietnam. The NVA and Vietcong never won any major battles, the North was frequently bombed and decimated and before we left, we made them sign a peace treaty with the South. The problem is that the North broke the treaty after we pulled out and the attitude at home prevented us from going back to help South Vietnam. It's not a proper defeat, more of a we stopped caring

What did you want? Loot? What did we get from saving South Korea? We certainly didn't get anything from defeat. Nor did Vietnam get very much from victory desu.

>being so upset because you're the Mexico of Europe
Hitler did nothing wrong by trying to purge you from existence desu.

kool story

stupid dumb "american" scum

The war was shit.

The drafted soldiers deserve respect for fighting a war they were forced into.

The volunteer soldiers can fuck off with their whining about "nobody gave me a ticker tape parade!"