>not live in russia
Your excuse?
>not live in russia
Your excuse?
Other urls found in this thread:
but moscow
I was born in Sweden
Not an argument, Ahmed
Looks depressing senpai.
Come to America, you can find good cheap homes that look like this on average.
I think I'm fine where I am now.
I do not have a green card
I live in a developed first world country. Moving to Russia? No fucking thanks, OP
I'm not a Muslim churka.
why you not like russia?
Prefer living in a first world country to a second world one.
I have a Russian friend and the view outside her home reminds me of the Zone. So while there surely are some wealthy households in Russia, large part still live in low tier Soviet housing surrounded by mutants.
thats a very nice photo of certain death you have there Boris
Just Russia is Moscow - all of that not Moscow is not suitable for life
I have to live in a heavily forested area with no neighbors to feel good, and this comes from years living in a horrible city and dealing with immense loads of bullshit, that picture of buildings looks depressing, I would probably kill myself if I lived there
Yeah you guys might be based culturally, but your country is still Hell. I like being able to wear shorts year round, thanks.
Just stop coming to Finland
Just stop coming to Saint Petersburg, you drunken retard.
>he actually likes not having seasons
>Steal our land
>Complain we go to our land
Go back to Kiev
mfw my neighbourhood is actually very good
These days that's just not true. Lived in Moscow for 10 years, moved to Voronezh because of work a few months ago and it's pretty much exactly the same, except the city is smaller.
>Saint Petersburg
>Ever being finnish land
sober up and you'll be ashamed of yourself
I like my shithole, it's beter than your shithole. Also the weather.
>That HDR
why do people do this?
ya living in the stinky sweaty asshole of america with all the degenerates, brown people and snakes is great
That's a pretty nice picture. Post more if you have any.
I like the HDR.
your cardboard houses also get torn apart with the slightest wind blow
no thanks
I live at the beach, it's very white. Nogs can't swim retard.
>based culturally
is this a new meme?
id rather live in the jungle than in your shit boring country
Because I already have commieblocks here and I don't need them to be more depressing due to lack of sunshine.
do you look like these stereotypical white beach boiis with surfer hair an shiet??
I'm a gay
i thought estonia wasnt a small copy of russia?
You are actually in a 3rd world country, tb.h desu senpai.
embrace the traditions you little brat
*smacks head*
My excuse is that I live in Russia with a different language, higher purchasing power and less shitskins.
Russia just like Brazil. Do you want to live in Brazil?
Is that Ho Chi Minnesota?
Those are some big gommie blocks
Looks horrifying.
But we have tanks n shit right infront of commieblocks
I-It's Japan. My neighborhood.
What do russians do for fun? besides drinking
looks just like some dirty neighbourhoods here
have you traveled the world? No
Its like fucking China here.
More drinking
Serious question: what should be done to reduce suicide rates among people living in commie blocks?
what are you doing here Vlad? Dont you have a country to run?
you are too poor to travel to europe thats why you dont realize how disgusting places here can be
I don't have enough money to move or learn Russian
How easy is it to become Russian citizen?
I've always wanted to live in Siberia.
I fucking hate this country. It's 30-40°C(86+ºF to you Amerisharts) degrees year round. I want to experience the cold for once. I want to go out of my house and not sweat when I go out of the door.
I want to go out and hunt some game. Why was I born in this miserable tropical shithole.
Being an island nigger is suffering.
Why would anyone want to leave the comfy cold for the shitty tropics/desert is beyond me.
Seriously fuck the weather here.
Yeah, proxybro, tell me about it.
>become super sci-fi land in the 80s
>get stuck in the 80s
>living on flat land with no mountains nearby
Well, for starters that's not a very enticing picture.
Drinking, vidya, sprots. Mostly drinking.
marry me off to one of your sisters and you can come stay during the winter
Trying too hard, proxybro.
But I was abroad. No wonder our elite so much loves it.
Russia is a shithole.
What's stopping me from making those tanks operational?
>lives in an area that voted mostly for democrats (all the beach counties did)
Just say you are hiding from taxes. Like Depardieu.
>a niglet can tear your walls apart
>still costs 2million shekels
no thanks
Hang yourself
Pictures of trash are about representative of Russia as this picture. We get it, you hate Russia, go kill yourself, we don't mind
Girls love anal too.
Best porn in the world. Don't even need to bring pizza with a whole in the bottom of the box
Oops, meant for this asshole
Quit complaining and save up to travel abroad you destitute plebeian.
Reminds me of city called Calgary in my country
Not much difference between us it seems
even our very "rich" country has disgusting "commie" blocks (pic related)
you should travel the world you retard
am I destroying your worldview? Sorry for telling you the truth
it's the 1st picture after googleing "kalamaja"
mfw my house is actually one of the pictures
When do we establish a glorious White Reich in Western Russia?
Plenty of unspoiled lands for us to make a society, and make it right this time
> comfy cold
> I want to experience the cold for once
You think you do, but you don't.
Potemkin's village
I like commieblock aesthetic, to be honest. Especially in smaller cities: the quiet disrepair and overgrowth, fusion of nature and industry.
Its like building it in Nigeria with snow.
Why do russian liberals always think the world outside russia is a paradise?
We have a lot disgusting places here
>live in russia
>own mac book
>not educated enough to live in silicon valley
Fucking plebs
People only see tourist traps when they travel anyway, how would they know that an average Italian lives in the same apartment building as an average Russian
the world is a guetto
Oh yeah, so coooooool...
Because we were there.
exactly this. your countryman here shilling against russia is huge retard who is too poor to travel the world and see what is really is
Rate my sister.
We're Chinese.
She's attracted to white boys.
Her current boyfriend is a Spaniard.
I like this song!
and I live in one of the richest countries of europe so I know it better than you you dumb shit.
why? I'm disappointed
always assumed you were some super rich small country
>this construction area is actually not an office building yet!
No way, I thought people worked there while it was being constructed! Putin lied to me again
eye out of 10
Come to cali you brokefags... wait actually done. You couldn't afford it. Financially or educationally.
In our rich country indeed, a lot of commieblocks, dear proxybro.
you are like a little baby
but if she's waifu material that could compensate