that girl look like she 12 or some shit, they trying to say black dudes are pedo?
She looks 15, is pedophilia now okay if just niggers do it?
This is disgusting and nobody wants to see this
This is disgusting and nobody wants to see this
way too old
The interracial agenda is there but why are people against a black man investing into an actual stable relationship? That doesn't make much sense to me. Just seems like racial hate.
Now, if she was asking him to marry her, and he was real thug looking nigger, I could understand the comment.
... wait one fucking second. How fucking old is that girl???
nice little touch you added there, leaf
I retract my previous statement.
This is disgusting and nobody wants to see this
the way he is holding the chest thingy is the wrong way, that really triggers me
Someone drank the de beers koolaid
Stop making this thread faggot. This is at least the 3rd time.
Absolutely disgusting.
Billy! Why is there a nigger on my screen?
She can't see the ring.
What is wrong with him?
This is disgusting and nobody wants to see this
hes obviously keeping the bling for himself
should be a jailable offense. their kid is going to look like some caveman mong untermensch.
it seems, fellow german, our superior sense for order has detected the real crime in this picture
This is disgusting and nobody wants to see this
This is disgusting and nobody wants to see this
This is disgusting and nobody wants to see this
Also i'm triggered by the way he's holding the fucking box
Yeah, nobody wants to see this.
Fucking LOLed
because he is stealing it, dumbass
Shutup nigger
This behavior can't be tolerated.
We should do something about it!
my thought is how wrong he is. interracial love porn movies are on a record high.
>He holds up the ring the wrong way
Hehe.. niggers..
>nigger is holding box backwards
>he is actually stealing it from the chick
>she is holding her hand over her mouth as she is about to burst into tears
The worst part is... niggers don't even buy insurance.
I'm literally cancelling my state farm insurance, and when they ask why, I'm going to say it was because of this post.
>Not actually engaged
>Stock photos for muh diversity
>Random street nigga dressed up and blonde bimbo posing unnaturally
>Not to fucking mention the blonde looks 15
I think it's good that black men and white females get along well together. It's probably better for everyone.
Just checked State Farm's twitter, this didn't show up, it was about a downie instead.
Their twitter is full of degeneracy and shitskins but this tweet wasn't there.
Holding the box wrong is heresy.
This is unacceptable!
A "person" like this can't be tolerated!
They took it down because of the mean comments.
OP's pic is prolly shopped if ring is held backwards otherwise . .
This is disgusting and nobody wants to see this
Who is forcing BM-WF relationships, when stats say they are the most incompatible ones?
>gay prison gangbang
I for one want to congradulate the dude.
Its a goddamn miracle to see a black man actually marrying someone.
Don't you know about the Jews?
>men responding to women
>dat yellow fever
>not the best of the picture
this is not a pizzagate thread you can express your feelings freely
But most jews are white... it doesn't make any sense
Black men only want to be in stable relationships with white women, because white women are better. If black men keep being with white women, there wont be any "better" women in the future. It is biological conservatism, kind of like wanting to preserve our natural resources for the future.
Your newfag is showing
15 is legal in romania
They are Diaspora. They are the result of being outcasts from their place of origin.
You just fell for (((their))) trap my guy
the mustard stains on the inside of her sweater always irritates me. #CRACKHEAD$4TRUMP
>one says "gay prison gangbang"
WTF dude???????!
Dem tabs
Why do you lie like this I don't understand? You'd have to literally have autism to not infer from seeing how the humans behave around you that men like large deposits of fat typically around the breasts and rear and that white men prefer the maybe more defined and less doll like white female facial structure.
Jews are the opposite of white. They hate whites and whites hate them. The jews push race mixing, because it lowers their enemies population.
I know right??
Some people are just... ugh...
That girl better starts enjoying covering that ring whenever she is around the police, when Tyrone subtly tells her that it is stolen and she has to be in a constant state of fear.
Id fuck her right in the nigger hole
Jews hate white people more than anyone else
even niggers hate us less
>he doesn't know blacks commit more crime at every income level than their white counterparts
This. It's mostly just insecurity and fear that if more people were black there'd be more violent and dumb black people. I'd bet as white men become more mature that they don't just start reproducing through test tubes and raising their own children in separate communities. Then the US just becomes Brazil 2.
>Are You Interested
I was a closed beta tester for that startup app on facebook, then when they launched their independent site they tried to charge me to test all the features after 2 days. Ended up discovering in the View Source section of Firefox that if someone had the fb version you could find their fb profile ID number from the desktop version and look them up, which ruined the anonymity a nickname/username provided and violated their own EULA. Never reported that but did lurk several hotties
There are no two historically greater foes than Jews and White christians. World War 2 was entirely fought over this, with the US being a fresh face for Jewry due to international finance taking control of currency in 1913
blonde basic bitches care more about image than anyone
>wanting to be seen with a nig nog
>that just seems like racial hate
trump normies ruined Sup Forums, its astounding.
sorry, I didn't realize this had already been posted.
Are you baiting for Gypsyland replies
He's a nigger.
Certainly isn't true, a large percentage of BMWF couples have stunning WFs and BMs that are probably very nice and outgoing and maybe even intelligent and of course large and muscular. You could try to argue there is a bit of carnality to it and less grace or something maybe but of course as long as they don't get any on anyone and raise happy children no one can complain.
I just looked at State Farms twitter. It is a cesspool of liberalism and degeneracy. They are actively trying to bait right wingers into being mad. for this image they could have used any picture but they found this stock photo to be as Jew as possible. I can bet money a Jew runs the twitter account. 90% likely.
Getting married to a basketball-american is the highest honor for a bleach-american. Congratulations and best of luck.
Same photo, different angle
But if indeed this is true, I'll cancel my fucking State Farm on Monday and go with KKK Insurance.
You sit in your little high tower while this shit is sure to happen to you.
>interracial couple
>happy children
do you even psychology
kids end up with massive identity problems
>black men
>raising children
Him: Look at this ring I stole?
Her: That looks like-
Him: Now I kin git me some new rims!
Her: It is! THAT'S MY MOM'S!!
Him: In that case, maybe you don't want to be the first one to find her under her bed.
Her: OMG!!!
So Latinas, Aznz, and White women love White men? Shiiiiiiiit, I'm having a Fatal-Four Way match with some freaks.
I wanna see some gypsy sluts, Romania
>She identifies as twenty one or whatever the legal age in that photo, so it makes it ok whether or not any legal governing body says otherwise.
>raising kids
The only thing that Black males help raise is the crime rate.
What baffles me the most is who the fuck makes that advertising decision? Don't you want your ads to make people happy and associate your product with feelings of comfort?
>Black guy
>Blonde girl
Check this sweet piece of ass right here son
Just 1 cow and 4 chicken and it can be yours.
You would think, wouldn't you? I mean it's the fucking holidays. I studied marketing in school as well as some other business and finance courses. Post a White family under the tree opening gifts and market it towards those looking for homeowner's insurance.
Write a sales pitch line for it and post it to Twitter. But nah, they probably have some New Media leftist slut running the Twitter who graduated from some libtard university and bangs niggers after she gets off work.
Oh, shit! I'm gonna identify as 72, retire, and collect my Social Security!
Also going to identify as crippled so I can park in blue spots.
That other post was meant for you even though I replied to myself
You would think, wouldn't you? I mean it's the fucking holidays. I studied marketing in school as well as some other business and finance courses. Post a White family under the tree opening gifts and market it towards those looking for homeowner's insurance.
Write a sales pitch line for it and post it to Twitter. But nah, they probably have some New Media leftist slut running the Twitter who graduated from some libtard university and bangs niggers after she gets off work.
I wanna do this. Fucking identify as a 66 year old white male and get my social security check.
That's not the ones that I see on TLC.
"SJWs get offended so easily!"
>Nigger engages to a white bitch
"This is disgusting and nobody wants to see this"
> a large percentage
We'll either never have to work again or the idiocy of "I identify as..." will be laid clear.
I see no downside.
The movement has begun.
that looks like an episode of BLACKED.
The BMWF is very common around my area. I observe that the attractive blonde wymins always go for the light skinned niggas and the darkies end up with the ugly obese hambeasts.
I already can't remember shit and my body is breaking down. It could work. If people can identify as a fucking genderfluid panfriedsexual, then I can identify as Pop Pop
Yeah we're afraid of the destruction of our race and civilizations we get offended so easily.
White genocide = manspreading