Most embarrassing performance 2016

I guess germany takes this award?
Did any other country fumble up so frequently and often?

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What the hell is the girl on the right doing with her feet?

The jitterbug by the looks of it

tacticool operating

Not my problems dance

It's called walking, you should try it sometime you fat fuck

Its the famous chick-lean girl too by the way.





Pls do, fuck Munich and fuck Bavaria

>fuck Munich and fuck Bavaria
>fuck bavaria
Found the turkroach from north germany.

you dun goofed. but sweden will always be shityer. doesn't help you though, they are so cucked they've just become that weird kid in class that everyone has lost all hope in. nobody blames them for fucking up anymore, they're mentally ill. germany however is the one going down the wrong path, and you get the most shit for it.

Not to mention that sweden has a population of what 9 million? And germany 82 million.
So if sweden falls it's a bummer but if germany comes crashing down there's gonna be MUCH more fallout for all of europe.


What am I supposed to be seeing here? What's the embarrassing part?

Not posting q.t. German policewomen.

Is this a slide thread?

This side of Germany is just fucking depressing to watch. It's like a downward spiral of self harm and failure. Don't get me wrong, contrary to most of this board I don't fetishize the Nazis but I gotta say, compared to them this is just horrifying. It's like they don't know how to be a normal country, they can't help but go as hard as possible in whatever political direction is running the show. We can't have a strong conservative country, we have to have a hyper intense militaristic fascist dictatorship. We can't have a federal republic, we have to have an ultra cucked extreme left self hate circle jerk. Just be fucking normal.

stop self deprecating you fucking idiots

America is 60% nigger and mexican, Russia is 20% Islamist and we should feel bad about being european with a few muslims??

fuck this board

looks very white


germany is about 30% islamic, I am white and a minority in my own city

> that face type

turkish / roachish

hat guy in the background

"Mmm, Hans i would love to fuck your puss"

i will gladly take some prime aryan boi puss to my home.

>> that face type
>turkish / roachish
And yet she is protecting you right in the center of Munich and not wearing a hijab.

Poland is not known for fashion taste but


She was probably nervous as hell

It's mostly true desu. I will move to either Baden-Württemberg or Bavaria next year - so excited.

That's bullshit, but there are still too many.

>why can't I have the MP5

>protecting anybody


Hans needs it for his autism rush tactics

>That guy in tight SHORTS and an MP5

>send out the tactical school shooter squad

Most embarrassing performance 2016.
We have a contender.

>letting women wear pants and guns

>AND often
guess not!


chicken winging is not inherently terrible method or indicitaive of a lack of traning and was actually the preferred and trained stance for a long time


What's happening in the pictures?
Why are they escorting these two girls?

Security theater right here.

>We've got undercover plain clothes cops everywhere carrying MP5s so don't even think about doing anything funny

More security theater.

>Germans fall for this

The uniform under their vests looks like the kind of uniform that a hardware store or package delivery company would issue.

1000s of people to hunt a guy that has been dead for hours. German efficiency.

Women in combative work is the most retarded thing, why does Germany and other western countries allow it? There is literally no use for it

Since the SS had fine uniforms, modern German Polizei can only have shitty wear lest there is any remnant of Nazism in the society.

In competition rifle shooting you often see people with the lean+chicken wing stance. It's not as good for follow up shots or in close quarters as how the guy next to her is standing, but it does give you better stability and help with accuracy.

I'd give her the benefit of the doubt on this.

>Guarding that GameStop from that 1 terrorist that was already killed hours ago

lol at the pubes being censored out

Wow, sexist much?

Sweet lord that is pure kringe.

People were seeing plainclothes officers with guns everywhere, so they were reporting them as shooters...

Pic related, I thought guy on left had fancy footwork, but she's bested him by a country mile.

Pretty sure frogs take the award. Attacks in Germany are committed by rapefugees while frogs get enriched by their own "French" muslims.

these are two completely different stances. look at his elbow resting on his hip for stability and chicken wing to relax his wrist.

she's just doing a shitty chick lean.

>I signed up for the cocks, not for shooting people!

They are essentialy quick reaction force. And since military fatigues provide literally zero advantage in say shooting spree scenario it would be foolish to drive to the station just to change clothes.

This way they just report at the scene, grab a gun and kevlar and are ready to neutralize the shooter.

At least they are allowed to have clips in their machine guns

>our own mudslimes
They are not ours and never will be. Everybody hate them here thats why they are so angry


>dumbass leaning BACK away from the gun while chicken winging

Yes. Thats why it was so stupid ...

it's the same in France, we have soldiers patrolling the streets but the government didn't allow them to have loaded weapons, so their amo is in a plastic case in their chest pockets that requires two hands to break open

that's why one of them was stabbec in the neck last year would being able to react and why the army here is so pissed off.

Even during the Bataclan thing there were armed soldiers nearby who could have prevented the whole thing but their commander refused to let them intervene because it's "the police's job".

>Even during the Bataclan thing
Ah, the thing Sting was singing "Insha allah" in not log ago. Lovely performance btw, you frenchies are truly incredible

Our police for example does it pretty often. And for more reason than just that.

Pic related are some screens from some corruption bust.

Not true anymore

Its a shit tier habit, and problematic with high recoil.

Im glad you find it acceptable for your "quick reaction force" to be jerking off in bleached jean shorts and vans like a bunch of fags. Couldnt look anymore unrpofessional and unprepared if they tried, but I wouldnt expect any less from a country which has gutted itself.

sting is not French

it was the case for almost 2 years they also just changed the rules of engagement of police to be the same as those of the army, doesn't mean it was,'t stupid to let the army on the street without ammo and it only changed because of the backlash

He was a gamer though. Kek

>americans trying to justify their police wasting taxpayers' billions on orwellian military larping
well guess you cant change cuck

Why do they use shitty pistol caliber sub machine guns instead of a real gun?

> clips

Muh fek nyus.

SMG are superior in urban environment

Okay, but thats also slav tier shit. Theyre wearing boots, and jeans. Which in itself is an impovement over the faggy germans who cant even take a knee without scraping it.

should she relax and keep her head forward all the time instead? shes doing her job securing their backs

america had like 15,000 gun deaths. set records for single largest shooting, group terrorist attack since 9/11, electing trump, etc.

The place he was allowed to do that in, and paid for by french people including families of the victims is france though.

I desire context.

>making fun of european police forces

All I am saying is that there are conceivable reasons for why these cops would be dressed like that.


yeah whatever, try to find a way to spin anything and blame it on people who have nothing to do with it

I have a raging boner now

>*votes for CSU*

> yeah why they don't use high-recoil, over-penetrating, unwieldy, long-barrel rifles in close-quarter, urban, civilian-populated areas when shooting at targets without ballistic protection??????????????

Don't forget this guy

I wish I had a MP5 instead of my famas when I patrol the streets. I don't want to kill the 2 persons behind the mudslime I will shoot at.

The Nazi uniforms were designed by Hugo Boss, so no wonder they were so fly

Yeah id rather them have actual equipment you european faggot. Its better then your useless standards of anything which include wearing loafers and sucking cock while muhammad beheads your neighbor. Youre weak.

That's a woman

>We dindu nufin
Sure, allowing degeneracy is no big deal.
Some frenchie owner of that theatre geting money from sting singing "allah is great" on a stage muslims tortured, castrated and murdered lots of people in the name of allah is prefectly fine. Frenchies paying to see that is fine too, they dindu nufin after all.
So is watching muamba and achmed fuck your wife, eh pierre?

>Unironically being happy for living in what is becoming a totalitarian nightmare

>Cops don't even wear ballistic vests

>muh tacticool equipment xD

yeaaaa getcho nut lil niqqa

If the terrorists won't him him the psycho with pistol will.