Friends come to town for Christmas

>Friends come to town for Christmas
>Get invited out to popular bar
>Be that introverted guy who minds himself
>Listen to the degenerate music
>See the degenerate people
>Realize I'd rather be at home on Sup Forums ranting about degeneracy

Am I just being cynical? I can't have a good time "out". I see too much trash, too many scummy people, too many reminders of the fact that I don't fit in- Not saying I'm scotch free from my own problems.

Same shit here... music is the worst part

Same way OP.
I went to a social event and I thought to myself if I drunk enough maybe I wouldn't mind the degeneracy that took place.

Oh was I wrong....

>they start to talk about politics
>you can see that they don't know anything about what they talking
>too tired and apathetic to enter the conversation
>internally cringe when people make non arguments

>scotch free

It's a doggy dog world

You sound like a right spastic mate. It's Christmas, you are supposed to go out and have a laugh and drink with your mates.

You sound like some sort of skinny weird cunt that no one would chat to.

no, i just dealt with a bunch of young degens,

So people on pol are just like robots on r9k?
No friends. Most are virgins.

Why would anyone take the redpill when it's followers are lowstatus losers

quit spending so much time on here. im dead serous, go out alone and be outgoing (or at least try to be) pre-gaming a bit helps.

for all intensive purposes

>intents and purposes

Every time. Watching them compete with each other over who can seem the most "political" is torture to me.

Kangaroos and didgeridoos

i like to bring up guns, step back, and watch the show, its better then cable.

>go to bar with some people.
>too dark to see anyone or anything.
>too loud to hear.
>food is ridiculously expensive and pretty mediocre.
>point all this out to normie shiella.
>just laughs like i just said the most ridiculous thing ever.
>she can't say a word against it.
Why can't normies step outside convention? Is it genetic?

Ugh I'm supposed to be at a party tonight but I've already declined because man they really do degenerate shit. Weed. Competing to see who can drink more.

Sad to say I've known these people my whole life.

So fucking redpill them. Friends don't let friends take the blue pill.

Same here, mate.

Heck I don't even want full-on Nazi, red-pilled-as-fuck whites-only hangouts.
I just don't want them to feel so vapid, trashy and empty.

The knowledge that thousands, even millions of people will be partaking in random one-night stands, nightclub bathroom fucking, and whatnot renders me completely impotent and dissatisfied with... well, everything.

I guess I'll just try to survive and cope this worst time of the year as best I can.

>The pot is calling the cattle black

M'eh it wouldn't make sense if everyone liked the same thing. In this case, going out to a bar. Not everyone is going to be to enjoy that. You're fine bro.

Yesterday I went out at a bar. I spent the night discussing National Socialism with my friends. Time well spent. Posting in Sup Forums does not cut it, most of us know what's going on, you need to get out and spread the word.

Your problem is that you lack factual, intellectual and sound arguments to back your opinions and logically defeat their rants.
If something bothers you that much, perhaps you could go the extra mile and learn more. Seeing that I managed to thrash philosophy, sociology, politics&economy and history classes full of nonsense in my high school years...
Most of people here just repeat the opinions and echoes, and have done no research and reading on their own. Which means that while you are at home agreeing and circlejerking with other such specimens, you have no chance at persuading and debating people of different opinions and ideologies.

That's how you ruin an evening.

>don't take this for granite

It's just the modern world... The new take on survival of the fitness.

It's like watching children play-fight when you're a professional boxer.
I invited some friends on my birthday and around 2 A.M. we got into politics and they started talking about gun laws.
>L: "America should ban guns, I'm anti-gun."
>Me: "So you're saying you don't want cops to have guns?"
>L: "No I want cops to have guns."
>Me: "So you're not anti-gun, you're pro-gun."
>cue meltdown
>bit later in the evening
>L: "They should ban assault rifles, too many people get killed because of that."
>Me: "Pistols get at least 100x as many people killed, why don't you want to ban those?"
>L: "I don't like assault weapons."
>Me: "Not an argument."
>cue more meltdown
I don't think he'll ever show up on birthday ever again.

Same senpai.

Since I took the redpill I gave up alcohol, weed and degenerate music. This basically means I can't enjoy hanging out with normies.

Well you don't have to be a raving lunatic about it. Use some wit.
Besides, the evening sucked anyway.

>Srbo ne pije
>Srbo ne sluĊĦa Cecu i Acu

Why even live?

>Friends come to town for Christmas
>Get invited out to popular bar
>Be that introverted guy who minds himself
>Listen to the degenerate music
>See the degenerate people
>Realize I'd rather be at church celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ

Fuck that (((popular bar))) shit. Go to your local pub instead. There's nothing like a nice cozy pub when you find it. Sipping on a cider and having bantz with the lads.

Uzivao sam u tome dok nisam nasao Sup Forums. Sad zelim da budem sto belji i civilizovaniji.

>Your problem is that you lack factual, intellectual and sound arguments to back your opinions and logically defeat their rants.
>If something bothers you that much, perhaps you could go the extra mile and learn more. Seeing that I managed to thrash philosophy, sociology, politics&economy and history classes full of nonsense in my high school years...
>Most of people here just repeat the opinions and echoes, and have done no research and reading on their own. Which means that while you are at home agreeing and circlejerking with other such specimens, you have no chance at persuading and debating people of different opinions and ideologies.

This. You may inherently "know" stuff based off the many random things said here and are able to put it together over time, but you're unable to coherently articulate the information that you've read here to others, and theres big gaps in your understanding of the situation.

I know because I myself can't be ass'd to actually spend the time to properly do research enough to redpill my friends. I just say what I believe, and if they don't agree, well, fuck em.

Literally described me

I've only gone out in the city a few times. Always doof doof or crappy techno music, there are hotties in the clubs, but they are carrying on like degenerates.

I've also tried that, doesn't work like you said. Yeah, you might be relaxed and more happy, but it doesn't change the shit that's going on.

I've done this a couple times. If I say anything at all, I usually go the Syria route as Aleppo and refugees are hot topics right now. Something simple like just stating the news, then drop a couple red nibbles for them along the way. It usually just results in a metric shit ton of virtue signaling though.

Typically I just let it go, don't want to ruin the evening and all.

Nah, it usually ends up being fun regardless of the stupidity. I can deal with it, especially since its usually girls going on about a whole lot of things they know nothing about. You can step back and let it be, my duty to them only lies in a good dicking.

>get invited to bar
>live music
>it's so loud it physically hurts
>nobody seems to notice but me
>everybody is fine having to shout in each other's ear in order to talk

I'm beginning to think that 90% of people or more have some kind of severe hearing loss. Everyone asks why I'm so uncomfortable going to live shows, clubs, or bars and I just stare at them like they're crazy.

Just hit on a couple qt's. When youre bored, leave.


>The knowledge that thousands, even millions of people will be partaking in random one-night stands, nightclub bathroom fucking, and whatnot renders me completely impotent and dissatisfied with... well, everything.

Well I guess this is why Hitler went as far as he did; why he wanted eugenics. These people, the majority of them ain't smart and they bring everyone down with them. Unfortunately we don't know enough yet to eliminate bad traits though gene hacking will achieve it without violence in the future.

>get rid of guns
>only cops should have guns
>cops are literal fascist killers
>defend yourself form cops

I've had to deal with this level of retardation on more than one occasion

C'mon OP. Go out, meet people, have fun.

Being with your community, interacting with it, and being a part of it is exactly what counters degeneracy and prevents you from being a part of it.

They may not be ideal in your eyes, but if you don't go out you are letting the degenerates win.

Be with your community OP, and be the change you want to see in the world.

I gave up being "social" a long time ago. I never was able to get over the superficiality and shallowness of it all... i'd just sit there and quietly observe people's fakeness; everything they do is scripted - the way they talk, their bodylanguage, the stuff they wear... desperately trying to "fit in" and conform. And most of those degenerates dont even realize it. Thats the saddening part of it all.

Nowadays, i just sit at home alone, pondering life and dreaming away.

>talking about politics
>"I used to be a Bernie diehard but when he failed I became apathetic for a while. Then I voted for Trump because I like his protectionism stance. "
Always try to subvert them.

What? Genetics ain't got nothing to do with this mate; even white, rich and highly "educated" people partake in all this mess -- they were even the ones who set it up in the first place.

Society is at fault here, not genetics.

>not day drinking to avoid the crowds, loud music and degeneracy

If we just put some effort in we could rebuild society. Just imagine a nicer bar where you talk about science/politics/video games with your mates. Everyone dresses well and treats everyone else with basic respect.

All you guys censoring yourselves need to work on your persuasion a bit. I understand you are probably picking up social queues to move the conversation, but you can still steer it in a direction of your choosing. Sarcasm works great for this since you can continue your arguments but without a serious tryhard tone. It's better they hear the truth ironically than not at all. Plus you can even go a bit spergy and get away with it for comedic value. Then you bring it back to more substantive convo, rinse and repeat as necessary - now you can control the flow all night.

Your alternative is worse since it sounds like you are hanging out with the type of people who will just end up talking about movies if you don't keep them entertained. Just dump those people if you can't be a leader, because you are following losers.

At lest you have friends user



The Ubermensch will not rise without a pure lifestyle.

OP, you must seek out new friends. New people. New places. New groups. People, places and groups of purity and honor.

>Suffering emotional and mental duress because of this.
This board lmao

Yeah I don't know man sometimes it's fun to go out and can help extrovert you a bit more but as a whole I agree with you, until I get fucked up then im the opposite of my normally more introverted self like Jekyll and Hyde

What the fuck is up with all these Reddit normie cucks festering up Sup Forums as of late?
There comes a point you can't stand these social "events", all in great part due to having grown godawfully bored of them. It's always the same show: there's the beta cucks pretending to have """fun""" while they watch the """alphas""" go all macho dudebro and have their n-th flavor fuck of the year/month, all the while these vapid grills just straighten their hairs and dresses a bit and pretend nothing happened.

It's a sad, pathetic show that I've seen one time too many and honestly I don't give a damn about any of the three parties involved, be them the betas, the alphas or the modern-woman grills.

I just want it all to go back to a more "non full-degeneracy" mode. I refuse to believe the current modern lifestyle is "normal" human behavior.

Many people of all races are genetically stupid. It appears to be partially a feature of the standard variation (so sadly 2 smart people can have a idiot child). Hitler started killing the disabled, disordered, deformed and degenerate to try and reduce the chance of them reoccurring.

Through gene hacking we can engineer civilised people of all appearances. This is my dream. Imagine Africa being composed civilised ethno states that we are friends with. No refugees created, no problem.

That sounds boring and artificial as fuck, honestly.

I'd rather have the mess we're in now -- at least it's real.

>have christmas celebration with company
>have some banter here and there
>drink myself until I vomit
oh wow what a lifestyle

For the record, I feel like some of the best friends are people on this very site that I'll either never meet, or never know I met.

Join Erkenbrand and have some beers with us.

"local pubs" are filled mostly with 40+ years old alcoholics...

Dont forget:
If you don't lift weights, run, or engage in team sports, you're part of the problem.
If you work in a white collar position, you're part of the problem.
If you don't practice exemplary personal hygiene, you're part of the problem.
If you play videogames, or watch movies or television, you're part of the problem.
If you have no discernable talents of value (aka, not consuming media), you're part of the problem.
If you haven't read most classics enough to commit them to memorization, you're part of the problem.
If you partake in pornography or masturbation, you're a part of the problem.

You know what? I don't care.

You have all been some of the best companionship anyone could ever ask for. It's fucking great that we have a forum we can just talk shop and politics and we don't have to pretend someone else's opinions aren't complete shit (I'm looking at you, leafs).

I've done my fucking damndest to fit into the normie bars and clubs but its goddamn nice knowing it's not just me that suffers silently watching the degeneracy. Im not even a fucking autist, I just hate stupid.

Cheers, This place over that place HANDS DOWN goddamn ANY TIME.

Why do you think normies listen to shitty MP3s? Because they've damaged their hearing to the point that it doesn't matter.

Just make friends that don't go to bars.
I have a group of 5 friends and out of them only two go out drinking at bars occasionally. The other three stay at home and we play vidya, drink, play mtg and/or D&D, talk about the current degenerate state of society or just smoke and watch funny shit. Introverts or flexoverts are out there but you have to find them.

Although I won't lie, having Christian red-pill friends that don't fall for the republican/democrat meme but still know how to be fun is incredibly rare and I am blessed.

bullshit, I just fucked a virgin qt arab thats saving her pussy for marriage, don't give me this shit about not being red pilled enough. I say most people who hang out in bars are just fucking dumb and aren't worth talking to.


Go to flea markets, farmers markets, and small town festivals if you ever want wholesome socializing. And church events I suppose but I don't attend.

If you're going to go to bars and clubs with immoral normies, what do you expect to happen? Those places are for filth.



Or you just have hidden hearing loss syndrome

Cheers, buddy.


Pubs are usually full of "You lost, boy?" working class folk.

Instead of pubs, we call them saloons.

Nothing but refinery workers and plumbers watching football and looking depressed.

>Go to SF
>Raves and party nights all the time on weekends
>Everyone likes me
>Finds me interesting and am approached
>Even free drinks from a bro bartender
>Go out for smoke
>Dumb raver slut, underaged raver slut, skater dude with a Thrasher shirt, stoner black guy, tweaker drug dealer with dreadlocks, antifa punks everywhere
>Finish smoke
>Realize I hate everyone around me
>Go home with no blowjob and regret spending any money

>Go to flea markets, farmers markets

Buy something or get out. Stop wasting my time. I have to keep busy with customers or else the boss is gonna bitch at me for chatting too much.

It's also that once you go down the rabbit hole, you realize how many brainwashed people there are. So much degeneracy nowadays, girls dressing like whores, sleeping around, etc. You go to the bar and you realize so many people are stupid and you just cringe inside.

Some of us are actually extroverted but once we have taken the redpill we have realized the truth and the truth shall set you free

Night clubs, tinder, hookup culture, destruction of traditional values, all degeneracy

This, Sup Forumsacks make good friends who share common interests.

i wish i knew where to go to get laid easily

these clubs sound like the place and i could force myself to tolerate the "music" there i guess

wat is erkenbrand

>not waiting until marriage to have sex

If you want to get your dick wet easily, buy an escort, which is legal in your country. Stay away from virgins if you don't plan on marrying one.

wet cheaply is more like it, if i had the money for hookers i wouldn't complain

yeah i'll stay away from virgins, don't want to get my dick bloody

You'll regret it with girls at clubs, especially better-looking ones

>Can easily lay a fatty and have her call back

>Can only make out with a cutie and she'll never call back or even look at me again if she sees me when I show up next weekend for a drink

Don't bother at clubs. This is what happens to me 90% of the time if I manage to score or get somewhere.

Also, at clubs, it's all about peacocking. Wear something interesting if you can pull it off.

the dude from lord of the rings that got cut out of the movie

i am totally into chubbos my man

how to approach them? my friends told me i could score easy as fuck with them as well, but damn if i knew how


its the pack mentality
do as other or be excluded and most people are really afraid of being excluded

please stop

>still go out to a bar with close friends
>still go out for a night of dancing with no problem
I'm not gonna lie OP, I was typing a long post about you being a cynical asshole but then I had to remind myself that it's not for everyone. If you were being a cynical asshole, then you would have been openly complaining while you were there. Don't feel bad man, it's not for everyone once again.

I'm talking about fatties. Not plump "thicc" girls you see in porn. I'm talking about blubbery soccer mom-tier.

Err, no.
No matter how "perfect" your argument is, the second that you disagree with them you'll be labeled a racist, sexist, etc.

me too

Bullshit and you know it or you've never been to flea markets.

I can spend hours chatting with quite a few vendors about various things. They enjoy the company as well. I'll usually educate a lot of vendors on items they aren't sure about so they don't get ripped off. Many have given my son free toys just because he happened to like it.

Flea markets are social markets.

Nah. I am Married, have friends, job, degree... hate degenerate shit and rather would stay indoors.

1. true
2. blue collar is important as fuck lad what are you talking about
3. true
4. t. no fun allowed
5. true
6. slightly true but you don't need to read them to learn their purpose another way
7. true

Well, then all you have to do is go outside for a cigarette, when one comes to take a seat on the bench or stand in the general area, say hello, ask for a light, and she'll give you one, followed by her usually introducing herself. That's how it worked for me.

Imagine her being a customer at a store you own or work at, and you greet her politely as a person, not someone you're trying to desperately fuck.

Also, MILFS tend to hang at gay bars for some reason.

Where the fuck do you live where this happens? A small traditional town in Pennsylvania? Where I live, flea markets are full of people desperately trying to sell garbage, and farmer's markets are where people really want to get popcorn sales. Nothing more, nothing less, though some flea markets also sell real estate.

MILFs get my dick diamonds

don't know if i would want to hang at a gay bar though, what with me being 6'4'' i'd imagine twinks trying to get a load of my heavy manmeat instead of me getting lucky with milfs

>I'm an antisocial incel

>"I don't get why communism is seen so like, negatively!"
>I give them a death stare

Look for a nightclub that isn't fancy where you need to dress up. You know, a casual wear dance club. Something more for the common folk, but not a dive bar either.

The main issue are normies egos (especially Burger Normies) and they can't handle Bantz. They will legit get pissed for feeling stupid when they lose an argument and will either talk shit about you or want to fight.

>2. blue collar is important as fuck lad what are you talking about
Strong reading skills retard.

Not cynical, the world is just shit.

Don't worry the pendulum is swinging hard right. 2017 is going to make the 60's look like the 50's.