where do you see yourself in 50 years Sup Forumstards ?
Where do you see yourself in 50 years Sup Forumstards ?
Hopefully watching the complete obliteration of Roachland or whatever is left of it
Dead, either by disease, or suicide.
Usury is still a crime no matter what the papers say.
celebrating Christmas with my kids grandkids in Russian-controlled Constantinople
lol Ill be a pile of bones by then
so long suckers!
it was shit trolling yous!
Why not Greek-controlled?
>Upside down flag
Owning a gun shop in Louisiana and changing my name to "Ray" while growing a long ass beard
holy shit the British flag actually is upside down here - how did I never notice?
Did Mootykins do this on purpose?
expecting a quick retirement?
Screwing with my grandkids over who I'll be giving my inheritance to.
Ruler of the earth.
holy shit, we never discovered the easter egg Moot put in Sup Forums
Probably dead or maybe just being old and shitting myself on purpose
In Constantinople, where i belong.
How is it that I know your flag better than you? The white diagonal bits should 'point' clockwise, like a swastika.
Living in some island in the Caribbean or Pacific. I want to die in the arms of some brown native girl, sucking her tits dry while the waves touch my feet.
"The world forgetting, by the world forgot".
oh shit yeah, i remembered it as the "top right diagonal should always be at the bottom of its white line", but it's actually the top left, whoopsie
In the ground, most likely
Tearing down minarets in Istanbul
More dead Turks by PKK attacks
As a Race War veteran in Austria
I'm killing myself in a few years, Papa Roach.
>Bin Laden
Holy shit that is one edgy kraut.
Sounds comfy
Ok,Mr. Rabbit