HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA Amerilards got tricked by shlomos for voting for Drumpf

OMG this is hilarious, all those alt-right faggots posting on youtube those nazi videos and that faggot t.yanaobananainasspolis going full REEEE screeching about drumpf.
this is the most epic shit I ever witnessed on Sup Forums how could an extreme racist movement become the jews puppet?
this shows how small of a brain the common alt-righter has!

OMG we are living in a historical moment!

Other urls found in this thread:


ehh Trump was the better alternative. I wouldn't care if Ivanka got hit by a bus.

But NS movements grew worldwide, we knew they're kikes from the start French boy.

Oy vey! Awfully intolerant and anti-semitic of you, OP!



No that's not my country.

>not being Jewish

Top goy

I as an Aussie feel pretty guilty at the moment for helping meme the Antichrists father in law into office, All I can say is sorry like we did for the stolen generation and the genocide of the Abbo's. The coming nuclear holocaust and fight between good and evil is another small boo boo made by a small nation just trying to be relevant.

If you didn't know Ivanka converted before you voted for Trump your inbred nazi dipshit ass needs an exit bag


>yet the jewish media still hates him over the jew owned hillary



I am Jewish so this doesn't bother me. The vast majority of trump voters are not stormfags so they are totally fine with this. Stormfags are even a minority on Sup Forums Most of Sup Forums doesn't care if you're Jewish as long as you aren't a leftist.

>inb4 incoherent stormnigger screeching

I'm a jew. His daughter converting to Judaism certainly calculated in favorably in my decision to vote for Trump.

>globalist jews = common jews
Did you miss the video where soros admitted to selling out other jews to the nazis?

I didn't know Soros was Israeli?


>before election: pick on Trump
>after election: pick on people around him

Fuck her if you want while a truck of peace come in select theater near you this xmas. Cheers.

you gott tricked, he's literally a jew going full taqiyah

Jewish banks organize massive migration to convert white aryans from superior antisemitism to inferior nigger hate.

Trump will not fight against globalism and mass migration. He will go to war to protect Israël's interest.

666 5th avenue is owned by Jewred Kushner.


why do ctr shills think we like the un?

jews = bad
globalists = worse

How come you Algerian vermin are still in France? I hope you get Shoah'd soon, rat.

>Trump, a New York City businessman, sees first-hand how entrenched in the US power structure Jews are
>tries to ally with them
>subversive American SJewWs reject him
>conservative Israeli Jews like him, except for Ben Shoahpiro with his eternal virtue signalling
France remind me of war strategy again?

>jews = bad
>globalists = worse
Globalism and mass migration are organized by the jewish banks like GoldmanSachs.

>Muslim shitposting

Too many Muslimes in France, it's time for an extermination.

Good goy

>lol why didn't you guys choose the open borders candidate? tricked by jews XD

>blah blah

>A fucking leaf
>Not making an argument
Pick both

Pick both

if he deports 3 million spics he can be whatever religion he wants

>be canadian
>be a faggot

everything checks out

>The only good mudslime is a dead mudslime, kind xir.

Lol your tactics have no power here

there is literally nothing wrong with being jewish

She converted for her marriage. If you didn't know this and "support Trump" then you need to fucking pay attention once in a while.

>everything checks out
You've got to go back

So for who should they had vote ha Frenchie?

LOL what????????????????????????????????????????????

Kikes are disgusting in all their forms

>t shitskin moore

Zionist Jews want to keep the American gravy train to Israel floating and also want us to knock out Israel's enemies for them. Globalist Jews want to make whites extinct. So while I dislike Zionist Jews, dealing with the globalists is the priority

>not knowing the difference between an ethnic jew and someone who is part of judaism

when will the shitposting end

>a fucking baguette

Do you know how I know that you are a retarded Muzzie or a nigger? You can't form a coherent post,rambling instead.
It's not even good bait,good bait is precise and to the point.
This is just pathetic.

too many kike shills on Sup Forums last few days
looks like they are getting scared.

>t kike

>tfw kikeolded by Trump

Will Sup Forums ever recover?


>"I think if there is any issue on which Trump has actually made his views clear it is Israel. That he intends to be extremely pro Israel," said Gil Hoffman, chief political correspondent for the Jerusalem Post newspaper.

>"Really good times are ahead for [Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu and for Israel in general.


>According to the poll, 83 percent of Israelis view Trump, a Republican who has made statements putting him in line with many of the Israeli government’s right-wing policies, as pro-Israel.

> “When I become president, the days of treating Israel like a second-class citizen will end on day one”


>I love the people in this room. I love Israel. I love Israel. I’ve been with Israel so long in terms of I’ve received some of my greatest honors from Israel, my father before me, incredible. My daughter, Ivanka, is about to have a beautiful Jewish baby.

that really activated my almonds

Is Soros, dare I say it, /ourguy/?


Pretty sure most of us started supporting Trump because he shifted the Overton window. It only became apparent later that Hillary was an empty suit and he really was the rational choice.

America didn't want to fuck their country in the ass with 500,000 foogees. Sorry yours did. Don't take it so personally.


Wtf is the alt-right?

israel preferred trump over hillary... there's a reason he got so much free air time...

israel can roll over trump because he's an idiot that doesnt know wtf is going on in regards to policy

You're starting to become as bad as Canada, France. You make these shit threads everyday now.

Trump is the president, not Ivanka. Besides, (((they))) definitely got her, but there's still hope in the family, pic related.

Never trust attention whores, Milo is pretty shitty too

They both suck you cuck


majority of jews voted for Killary,
he cant go full NatSoc you autists or what do u want?

Pretty much this. If he fulfills half his campaign promises he'll still be the best president in decades.

One problem at a time.

Like this guy said:
>Pretty sure most of us started supporting Trump because he shifted the Overton window.

Trump was the only one who promised to guard the physical and economic borders, and to take care of the American people above all other considerations, rather than make excuses to sacrifice them. He got white people voting as an ethnic block. He managed to get the whole left screaming racist at him, laughed it off, made fun of them, and won the election.

I'll repeat: he got white people voting as an ethnic block. For their own interests. He got them laughing at accusations of "racist". You'll live to see "anti-white" become as powerful an accusation as "racist" was.

If that carries on, soon the consciously-self-interested white block vote will control enough states to make not just laws and regulations and appointments, but constitutional amendments regardless of other voters.

The liberal agenda is not irreversible yet. Voting rights and citizenship of hostile aliens can be taken away. The state can be shrunk. Institutions can be reformed. Freedom of association can be restored.

alt right != national socialism

stormfags are retards now that we rule the airwaves, they can only steal our memes

i guess trump realized you gotta be a jew to jew the jews to save white civilization
or he just wanted to protect his daughter whom will never fight them anyway

We already gad this discussion about Ivanka marrying a jew. You're a few months late french fry.

Reminder: If you don't support Israel then you are a shit strategist. Hitler loved Israel. Keep your friends close. But let your enemies control your finance, media, and law.

Elect someone while avoiding schlomo

That's a terrible bear trap.

Trump sold her to a jew, it was either that or go under at the time.

That is why her husband calls the shots in his administration

you will be executed next after the mexicans and the muslims, i promise. HEIL TRUMP!!! SIEG HEIL!! SIEG HEIL!! SIEG HEIL!!

What's wrong with stormfags?


controlled opposition making nationalists look like retarded nazis

Oh, makes sense, thank you.

Wrong OP, everyone knows Trump is an aryan national socialist

you mean a t.white jew
your good goy

Still upset that you lost syria mr shekelstein?

Meh, I just hated Hillary and didn't want to risk a nuclear war