This triggers the MGTOE.
This triggers the MGTOE
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At least one of them got a few hours peace.
If one of them ended up lasting a bit longer, how long do you think they would carry on holding the hand of a corpse before it got weird
To die like that is a blessing.
I just want love senpai ~~ why do all females keep the most beautfiul feeling away from me. :(
>tfw you die like that Robin Williams robot
>daily reminder
to shoot myself after reaching 70
>married before sexual revolution and the cultural victory of communism
Yeah great point there tomod8
>holding a corpse's hand for several hours
she probobly did cheat on him in her early years and he went to the grave thinking she was faithful
I felt something warm in my earth, what is it Sup Forums?
I'm scared.
That couple is very lucky. Honestly I tried my hand at dating and women in my country is just downright insufferable because they copy the absolutely worst traits from America to mimic. They want to live the high life where all expenses are paid, they are seen/photographed at popular events and places, they always want designer shit but are too stupid to realize they are buying knockoffs from china. I have never had a decent conversation with even the most educated ones and some just pretend to be educated. I just decided to stop wasting money behind them and treat them like fuckholes. I mean they all want my bbc anyway so as long as I'm getting my dick wet I shouldn't complain. If I want to have an engaging conversation I just need to talk to a man.
I don't know.
>jelly as fuck that he'll never have a loyal woman
>all women were affected by this equally
Not all men were affected by it, why do you assume all women were?
My wife was born in Sweden, probably the most cucked nation on earth, yet wanted one man to settle down with. She had a one bf before she met me, only reason she broke up with him is because he cheated.
brainwashing can't ruin a good woman, it just makes the bad women worse
This same thing happened two or three years ago, this event is getting boring now.
So one of them got the ultimate blow of "everything you love is dead" as he was drifting into abyss. I'm so jelly
>Most women are whores except for my chick, she told me she was only with one other guy before me
dude. lol.
Canada is gross
>she only rimmed "one" guy before me
Women are not as free-willed as men are when it comes to their opinions, by nature they go with the consensus because it's what has allowed and afforded them (and their families) the most peace in the past
And the consensus today as perpetrated by the media is a shortsighted life of vice and destruction
poor motherfucker
You do realize that women don't consider one night stands and drunken hookups as "having a boyfriend" right? She might have had 27 miles of cock in her before she settled with you for financial security.
You do realize you're repeating things you read on autistic websites comprised of betas that can't get women?
I know exactly how many men she has been with.
She was in a relationship with her ex for nearly 7 years, through the teens to mid 20s, so no.
No wonder none of you can get a woman to stay with you.
>he believed it
All power to you man, I'd rather live in ignorance too, but if you want to do that I'd get outta here before the seeds of doubt grow
If I had grown up during a time where marriage was not completely insane - that would be me and my waifu.
Bruh, I was so fucking shook by this. I saw this movie with my parents sitting either side of me in the cinema and that was the moment I realized they, me, everyone in the cinema will die. I wept then but hid it from them. I was shook as fuck by this movie and still am.
And she never cheated on him? Ofcourse you could be a lucky case.
I dated a girl who had had 2 boyfriends. Claimed to have had sex with only them. Guess what? She did NOT COUNT BLOWJOBS. Of which there had been many.
Supreme gentleman
Yes because everything that goes against your views is wrong and believed by the dredges of society. You are absolutely correct.
>the realization of your own mortality came from a movie
This is just proof of how commercialized society has become.
THAT is would should 'shook' you more, dumb faggot.
No seeds are going to grow, she has done a lot to show loyalty and earned my trust and I have the done the same with her.
No. I never cheated on my ex, either. And men are biologically predisposed to it.
I forgot to say, there is absolutely zero chance she settled with me for financial security, since she has a 7 digit inherence and a high paying job, while I'm an adult student and make no money at all.
sweden is also by far the most degenerate country I have ever visited save for thailand maybe
It's literally impossible to be a male virgin in sweden unless you are a total sperg or hideously ugly. Women eye rape you, touch you, desu most swedish women spread there legs after 5 minutes of small talk
If you added up all the semen swallowed after a seven year relationship, how many kilos do you think it would it be?
>would should 'shook' you more
Shameful display of the white man's language Lao, guess I can't get my realizations standing in front of a tank like you chink.
>64 years
Shes a woman from another time not like these subhuman whores in this modern world.
No idea. If you added up the amount of girls I've cummed into, including my ex, it'd be a very large amount.
I'm stealing this
She doesn't respect you then.
You better keep a firm grip on making sure she doesn't meet higher quality males.
>its all the mens fault!
>ignore how generations of mothers who screwed up their boys!
>ignore the insane western legal double standards between the sexes
>man up and ignore your gf sexual history!
just summed up everyone one of these threads
Absolutely this.
Only a chinaman would think it's normal to be exposed to death before you're 10.
absolutely disgusting disregard for life in their country has led them being personally exposed to death as children. Probably because a child was run over by a car and their parents told them to ignore it and that death is natural, or because some man beat his wife to death and left her body outside their commie blocks.
Or maybe he lives near the factory and sees the worker's bodies lining the street below as they leap to their own demise to escape their fate as slave labor for the west.
>have a job and a sweet virginal wife is practically handed to you
>pic related is women's baseline
I wish it were like the old days user, I really do. I can see it in the older generation in my town but (((feminism))) destroyed any chance for American """"women"""" to recover.
I hope my wife dies first, I don't want her to go through me dying
that sounds awful
If I die in a hospital I am going to be on so much morphine I will give less than a fuck if I had a wife and kids or not
>waking up to that fat smelly ugly bitch every fucking day
>things you read on autistic websites comprised of betas that can't get women
Where do you think you are? Where do you think you're posting and who you're trying to appear better than?
>implying her modern counterpart didn't blow through her youth fucking strangers in college while creating an artificially inflated self worth and a mountain of debt
>implying the modern version isn't sloppy, indolent, flighty and pretentious
>implying the modern version isn't a neurotic pill-popping degenerate snowflake
>implying the modern version wasn't raised by a browbeaten cuck and his feminist life-warden
Good one OP, now show us your tits.
I decided as a kid that I would settle for nothing less than my grandfather would've, and that if I ever met a woman truly worth my time, worth being the mother of my children, I would move the earth itself in pursuit of her. So far that hasn't happened, just an endless sea of worthless whores surrounded by supplicating betas.
She absolutely respects me, that's why she chose to be with me and marry me.
You're repeating autistic theorising from PUA websites and the like. Some women don't give a fuck about social status or money, they want love and meaning.
>jelly as fuck that he'll never have a loyal woman
>loyal woman
That's a good meme. I'm currently cucking a numale and fucking his girl behind his back. I am sure he's saying the same thing as you right now.
Spoken like a true manchild.
You'd be surprised by the amount of different people that post here simply for the instant news.
> sour grapes
Kek, that's brilliant.
>.t married guy
>You're repeating autistic theorising from PUA websites and the like.
Geez I wonder how you are so certain it's from those websites...
>older generation whites
That's why. Good fucking luck getting a loyal millennial. I don't care if I'm being a meme; this generation fucking sucks.
>thinks I'm some numale
If you want to waste your time with worthless whores, go ahead lad.
fuck them
I bet she took a few BBCs in her day.
Because I've been on those websites out of curiosity and got a good gist of the viewpoints.
its not a meme its a fact
between womens liberation, globalism, rise of the information age and being at the brink to automation its no wonder that shit is fucked
I'm sure she didn't choose to just strap on the golden parachute now that her looks are fading.
Are all women in Sweden so pathetic they can't wait to marry a man who has no income?
>I have seen them yet I am superior
Tip your fedora on the way out faggot
I tell this to people all the time. Loyal woman is an oxymoron.
Loyalty and honor are entirely male constructs
The nose knows.
Its both funny and sad.
Daddy Government takes care of them no matter what which is why they can afford to fuck "bad boys" for life
you forgot tall, big penis, handsome features
I cucked you with 100 niggers , this killed the man
Don't you mean "This triggers the liberals"?
We're not the ones who are trying to end traditional marriages or have "open relationships".
Fucking this. Like Chris Rock said, "A man is basically as faithful as his options." He wouldn't get laughs if he said truthfully that is was women.
All except for that one British guy's GF apparently.
She's pure as the driven snow, man.
> Loyalty and honor are entirely male constructs
> Men always cheated more than woman, only on the modern age they started catching up
Well memed. Of course that was because of the greater punishment for unfaithful women, but the fact is that humans in general aren't trustworthy. Very few are actually loyal and that doesn't depend on sex.
I dont see a lot of posts from The Bahamas, but when I do, they're always based.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
You'll never have a woman love you and want you simply because of how you are as a man. I'll have money when I finish my bachelors and PhD, but it's of no interest to either of us beyond simply removing the worry of when you're going to eat next.
Human psychology and ideologies are more than a passing interest of mine.
i feel with you on this nigger
was in like 3rd or 4th grade when it hit me and it wasn't fun
~tilts Tyrolean hat~
I know you don't, but give it a few years and you will, if you're lucky.
Women are bred to find the best thing.
She will find someone better than you and you'll be an afterthought. It's basic human nature.
A truly enlightened individual.
Women and men in general want to find the best thing. In a study the difference is that women usuallly prefer power (Money and Status) while men usually prefer beauty.
Old people love always warms my heart
Humans are not merely biological machines and can construct their own values. What is 'better' depends on your value system. You're assuming she settled to be with me, she is good looking enough to be with any basically any man she wanted, yet she is in my bed every night being fucked by me.
We will never have a problem with money. We recently bought a house outright no mortgage and our first child is on the way.
>if you are not blinded by the commercial jew and a mindless wage slave and realize the value of life before age 10 you must be a evil chinaman who does not value life
>values shekels over fate of humanity
>t. schlomo shekelstein
>before you're 10
That's one of the reasons you get your kids a pet
>our first child is on the way
congrats user
Yes, congratulations. Did you start that name thread a few days back?
>literally an statistical anomaly
If you think this is an argument you are a colossal retard.