Brand new map
Starts with 6 people
>But i dont know what locations are called
Brand new map
Starts with 6 people
>But i dont know what locations are called
Start on korea Blue.
shit. on Seoul.
btw i used to be the fastest host in the west but havent done it in a while and i dont know location names either so bare with me boys
i aim for 10-15 min mupdates but it depends on how fast people post too
>southern japan
Ainu Federation
Anywhere on Hokkaido
4P so far, ideally want 6 to start
boats can travel to other boats, not just to anywhere, thats a slight mistake
any short distance of water can be crossed without a boat or anything. like getting to close by islands and shit is fine
Do I get to build a castle?
roll double digits and when you do, reply to your own post telling me where you want it within your empire
Literally anywhere
first roll doesnt count ;)
game hasnt started yet, first mupdate everyone is equal with 5T
will start in 5 mins if no one else joins, and i will play to make numbers (id rather just host)
people usually join once it has started as well anyway
mupdate 1
new players always welcome
expand tokyo region
Make my way to the Russian ship
fill korea
fill hokkaido
delaying the mupdate till the hour passes hopefully someone will join
>dark blue
>north west of Korea
>Facist Korean Empire
If I can already roll in this post, move east
Added Tripcode
do you want to be orange instead because it looks aesthetic but the guy has left
>HellGhan Legion
>Northern Japan
Darn, Hellghan Legion will take Western Japan and Cyan
awsome we have a nice game now
rolling to expand japan
castle in tokyo
sail to this location and begin expansion in Japan
fill shikoku and spill kyushu
expand towards shippo
fill south Korea then attack Fascist Korea.
Put that castle on Pusan nigga.
change name to Hellghan Legion
Attack 'em filthy Korean mudslimes
Why not?
Im newfag to pol, how do?
There's a "name" field when you write a comment.
>Kim Dynasty
>Pyongyang Region
>Any Color
Thanks all
I think you meant to reply to this guy
no roll from ainu
this roll counted, please place your castle
BTW OP's roll only counts when I give instructions, same rule as everyone else
attack the fascist pigs and advance North.
Sail to Korean caliphate territory and attack them
>1 off
>Kim Dynasty
>Just north of Fascist Korean Empire
>Any Color
Fuck the Korean Caliphate right in their filthy muslim pussies
ive put you in, ill put your castle in pyongyang, roll for this turn
You're a great ally. Too bad about that one digit.
Attacking Fascist Korea.
Expand west
Advance into pyongyang into the fascist lair.
just keep filling
Who you rolling for
fugg im ainu
Im rolling for more central japan, mupdate soon
im attacking the russian hackers, driving them out of japan, then spills to try and help save the korean region from their attack as an independent peacemaker force
my castle goes in nagano
btw people with castles, please put your bonus in your names
Kill Korean caliphate, try to take their castle
attack the hackers drive them out of south korea.
Castle goes in most eastern russian territory I control
im lowering the castle bonus to +3 instead of +4 because its over powered
If you leave Fascist Korea alone, I will give you your castle back and all your territories that I took from you
Expand west
Good, I'm glad we could agree on something
I ceding allowed?
sure but no quit ceding
I will give you your territories back next turn
it's called a EAST SEA. thank you
no roll from:
Fascist korea
Kim Dynasty
Ainu Federation
sailing to kagashima
keep expanidng in kyushu sorry i had to take a shit
i keep getting massive rolls but i dont want to win
i mght cede some of this to someone
Get a ship invade southern Japan.
Cede Korean caliphate their land back
Invade Ainu federation
Expand here my dude
expanding south through japan
can i be your vassal?
keep expanding kyushu
no vassals allowed
finish off ainu, spill fill the rest of the northern island
because i got more point can you land on the islands around shikoku?
ally then. pls i dont want to get annexed
Take Hackers here
ok im going to cede my land in kyushu to you
>1t gained
Rip, rolling not in my favour this game
counter attack helghan
expanding around myself
attack korean caliphate on mainland japan and spill honshu
Rollin for counter counter, take Hackers in Russia
Holy shit, I actually feel bad for you
might as well bomb my own people with these numbers
its not over yet, sea travel cushioned you a bit