When the USA and Russia become allies which country should our Crusader Alliance destroy first?
I consider Islam the "baby seals" of religion /Theocracy governments.
My vote is Saudi Arabia. Of course you keep the oil.
When the USA and Russia become allies which country should our Crusader Alliance destroy first?
I consider Islam the "baby seals" of religion /Theocracy governments.
My vote is Saudi Arabia. Of course you keep the oil.
i always hated that pic. you know the seal realizes something very bed is about to happen and its scare and is crying out. but that piece of shit just continues his lovely work.
would anyone else like to shoot someone doing something like that
i would have no guilt. funny eh? prioritizing animals over people.
not really. you just sound like your typical leftist. spoiled enough to want to save animals, but still butthurt over the fact that you are poor and others have it better than you
I have no idea where the second part of your comment came from. But ok. Nice chat.
reditt ----------->
Animals are better than 99% of "people"
If u don't have compassion for wild animals (the ones grown on farms belong to those people who grew them) then u are biotrash and should be exterminated.
No exeptions.
Rats are better than 99% of (((russians)))
My guess are Japan again lads
I've heard many people say they prefer animals to people. I would agree except for the rare times you fall in love with a person and have a relationship with them. That cant' be mimicked by an animal unless you have severe psychological issues.
in texas you used to get a worse sentence for shooting another man's horse than you would get if you had just shot the man riding it. they asked a texas judge why that was one time and he said "i never met a horse that needed killing"
Being right wing and wanting innocent animals not to suffer aren't mutually exclusive. Rather have a subhuman nigger that understands it's wrongdoing die than an animal that doesn't.
The actual reason was it basically deprived the man of his livelihood. As horses were so crucial back then. Far more important than cars are now.
nikola tesla had a pigeon that he said he loved as a man loves a wife though
you kafir piece of shit, keep fighting us you cross-worshiper for it will only bring you closer to your end.
Serb being a Serb. Not his fault.
Canada is worse than ISIS
It was over for it in a second user
Russian kafir pig, don't think that we haven't forgotten Halab, Inshallah we will send your mercenaries back in coffins. Allahu Akbar!
Yeh, the actual dying. You could say the same about people who lept out of the WTC to avoid burning to death and smoke inhalation. The fall took forever but the actual death was fast. The terror beforehand is what is so reprehensible.
I vote for Germany.
Their reich's joke gone too far.
UK can join us like good old times.