we are one european race!
sholomo dont enter this thred
Nah. It's better to hate your closest allies with similar values. Soon the schlomos will win.
Are you Nordics or Mediterranean?
Not that it matters; pure Nords and pure Meds should be allies. We're both - equally - at the top of the human race.
I completely agree with you.
Do an edit with the two Italian police who shot Muzzie in Milan
>tfw Anglo-Saxon
>tfw not Nordic or Mediterranean
>tfw probably some Celtic in there
The Lombard Nordic who got shot
Where is Celtic and Slavic?
Finding common ground would be great in the fight against the Jew menace.
The Terrano Mediterranean who had his back and gunned down the mudslime
Mediterranean white aren't as black as that
Shut the fuck up sub-human.
Says the person who live in multicultural hell
Neither Roman, nor holy, nor an Empire.
(((HOLY))) (((ROMAN))) (((EMPIRE)))
Can you elaborate on that ?
Chinese government perpetuating;
- White guilt/ shame tactics
All to confuse and divide the white man, and force them to embrace communism
In the evolution tree the Polaks are considered not more than a toaster. So you canot make fun of Mediterrneans
slav master race
By the 18th century the 'holy roman empire' was merely a remnant of a time long past.
> Thinking the jew controls hollywood
lmao bruh why did you edit it to make him darker?
It was not founded by Romans, Holiness is always up for debate, especially after the Reformation, and what kind of Empire is it if it is composed of half a hundred squabbling city-states.
Fuck up cunt
Canada is behind all the evil in the world
to be fair modern meds are darker than they probably were
To show their moor genetics probably.
>I have your BLACKED
Your non-argument levels are over 9000!
Are pure-bred Phoenicians counted as Mediterranean senpai?
We are always the same you savage baboons
Meds basically look like in pic already and Nordics will look the same in a matter of generation
>mediterranean has literally black skin
>we are the same race!
Atleast paint white skin to them....
We are not that black
>to be fair modern meds are darker than they probably were
One cherry picked piece of painted art proves nothing...
The blonde russians are finnic tribes.
by the end of the 18th century, yes, minority of the time it existed.
There is plenty where that came from.
>Europe is more homogeneous than India, a single country
India is a civilisation in itself, it's only a single country because of the britbongs.
Even the Turkish rapebabies belong with us.
Yeah I agree. Also India does have two large distinct linguist groups, the indo-europeans and dravidians. Europe has indo-europeans and finns and the latter are a bit of an outlier genetically.
India is a toilet.
Obviously, you've never met a Serb or a Greek. No, we shouldn't be in Europe. Most of our people I've met in my life were subhuman degenerates. Only like .2% of us should be allowed to live. Genocide the others.
But we can all agree sicilians dont count.very not white.
Finns are considered ''nordmongols''
there is hope yet
Ever consider they were dealing with limited materials and were making substitutions?
>shit i mixed too much dirt into this pigment
>oh well this pot needs to be done by sundown
Sadly that swedish area had Somalis dumped in there. Not even kidding.
Yeah lets post 19th century maps based on linguistics... Nigger.
Give us our land back, Italian mountain nigger!
>the city of Ireland
Fucking homo
We're majority indigenous, weren't enough Germanics to make a significant impact on most Britons however percentage varies a lot by region, the North is far more Norse ethnically but also more Irish than the South for example.
who /celtmasterrace/ here?
more like
Yes, many Levantines didn't get changed by Islamic conquest too much in terms of genetics.
Meds then and now are the same just stop with the excuses. Majority brunette and swarthy with a minority fair/blonde element (~7%). Thats the way it was and thats how it is now.
why the fuck are they posting a pic of him and his full name online, are they retarded
>tfw born to the prime peoples of the white race
>tfw all of these non-finnics in this thread thinking they are the master-race
t. Pedo
Have to agree with Albo on this.
Holy? How was it Holy? Pope hated them, and Orthodox disliked them which brings us to...
Roman- Byzantine empire was heir to Roman empire. Germans taking name Roman is Texans calling them self Aztecks
Empire - it kind of was...more of loose confederation of kingdoms
>thinking skin cancer/borderline albinism is the master race. wew.
Yeah that area is majority Scandinavian ethnically I know a Minnesotan with a Norwegian last name who looks like your average nord and despite being in the US was pretty much pure Scandinavian with a tiny bit of German and English.
>Implying the French could build a great city like Edinburgh or Stockholm if put in the harsh northern climate.
Yeah made me kek too.