Just nuke us already. This country is such a joke,
Just nuke us already. This country is such a joke
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Why are Germans so prone to fascism?
Hi, does germany not have free speech laws?
we have sort of
(1) you are entitled to speak your opinion... no censorship
(2) we can make laws to fuck (1) lelelelele
Telling the truth has always been illegal in Germany, remember the 6 gorillion!
Must be nice to control exactly how much can be said against you. I'm surprised that the father of the dead polish driver hasn't been jailed yet. You better fix that fast.
Will take good care of your clay after you fall.
Germany is cucked beyond repair
Link the article ffs. It's clearly aolitically motivated attack on the cop:
>He is said to have made the comments at an event held by the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party earlier this month.
They have an ant mentality
Doesn't matter to them if it's communism, globalism, fascism, monarchism or imperialism.
They are austistic.
Just like Russians, they grab any ideology and make it the worst.
So what is the difference between this and the censorship in totalitaarian states...could you iluminate me on yhis one hans?
totalitarian states have functioning borders
>we have sort of
Interior ministry: "Everyone can express their opinion but with facts and without attacks'.
to the Interior ministry something like "Islam is a religion of peace" would be consider "fact" and ok. While "Mohammed was a pedophile" wouldn't be considered a fact and would be consider an attack.
>Unlike Russians, they grab any ideology and make it the best
>to the Interior ministry something like "Islam is a religion of peace" would be consider "fact" and ok. While "Mohammed was a pedophile" wouldn't be considered a fact and would be consider an attack.
that triggers me
This. We enforce an ideology with the same fanaticism as previous one ,who is diametral opposed to the first. Doesn't matter if Prussia , 3rd Reich or liberal hellhole, it's the same ant-like fanaticism
>Just like Russians
You always have to mention le ebil russkies but this statement is false. Communism was force-fed to them and they adopted shit, it was always foreigner who tried to enforce shit and always with extreme predjuice aka mass murder, we on the other hand do it willingly.
Stay strong, brother. We're coming soon and bringing the freedom.
just because someone charges you, it doesn't mean these charges are going anywhere
>Free speech unless we disagree with you.
The thing the US got the most right was the first amendment.
well, it's do as you neighbor does or else you'll stick out like a sore thumb. we germans are cowards, nobody dares to be really different.
The thing US got right was the second amendment, apart from that the US constitution is just a meme, especially the "make all niggers citizens" stuff.
At least when one day, they go
"hold still, we are enriching you with intravenous arab and black semen which will cure your racism!"
They'll get btfo for the n-th time and current year """left""" will be put to slumber, at least for 1/2 a century
Nice source
>Just nuke us already. This country is such a joke,
It's not fake news, its even on the Lügenpresse, to statute an example.
Russians had the worst monarchy, the worst communism and the worst capitalism.
And germans destroy right wing politics forever.
On other news:
Found a Muslim weapons cache, all 9 suspects are free again.
deutsche freund. listen suggestion from polack. just make ordnung in syria and send back shitskins there. what your sexi army do not help assad regime, why you still waiting for russia to clean after jews. u r germany or us cuck like polen?
>This. We enforce an ideology with the same fanaticism as previous one ,who is diametral opposed to the first. Doesn't matter if Prussia , 3rd Reich or liberal hellhole, it's the same ant-like fanaticism
It's something about the analytical Caucasian mind, with Germans being the most analytical.
Analysis means simplyfing reality into simple rules. This worked well in physical sciences, but applied to complex societies it leads to fanatic one-rule following.
stolen cars
but no urgency involved, release them so they can flee the country
no biggie
one can dream
was this caused by the religion wars?
russian took the worst of monarchy and now capitalism and communism was inhuman compared to the communism of yugoslavia
replace the german flag behind merkel with the turkish/syrian flag and it's perfect
>communism being anything other than the worst
Yugoslavia was better than Russia, that's what I meant
you have already been nuked, you're actually living in hell
Yeah, and the tabloid omits the relevant part: that he called her a criminal.
> Spaniard who can't even install a stable government argues "Fucking commie Russians".
> German defends Russians saying communism was force-fed to them (true, desu). We didn't loose 12 million people in a civil war after commies took over for nothing.
> Spaniard suddenly starts talking about Balkan's politics (perfect derail instrument, since they are so fucking complicated, it's essentially just shitposting)
What a nice thread.
But he is right yugoslavia was the most prospering communist state and restrictions were nowere near as bad as in the rest of the communist block...
Which is a serious offense that calls for years in prison, unlike gang raping a 14 year old kid or building a jihad weapon cache with your Muslim friends.
A fine you.. listen to yourself talk for a second, you've lost it ... no point in trying to discuss this with you
yugoslavians lived better than ruskies
stable goberment? spain has been more stable than russia and if we had that many people and that many resources we'd be goat.
Could he become a martyr of sorts to wake others up?
>Bei übler Nachrede und Verleumdung einer Person des öffentlichen Lebens drohten bis zu fünf Jahre Freiheitsstrafe.
Do you live under a rock?
> stable spain
>While "Mohammed was a pedophile" wouldn't be considered a fact
because it isn't a fact, Idk where this meme started but is utterly false
traditions back then meant that he had to MARRY a 9 year old girl, he did not fuck her till she was much older
we can't kill the oposition so we are not stable as le based Putin
ebin my vodka friend DDDDDD
>he did not fuck her till she was much older
yu don't know that
Is there ANY hope for Germany?
>especially the "make all niggers citizens" stuff.
That was Lincoln's fault. We had a good thing going until the country began to feel sorry for the niggers. The US would've never sent them here if they knew what they were capable of doing to us in the future. We should've just picked our own cotton.
You're just proving here that you don't read your own sources. You just pick things that fit your narrative.
At least Germans have some respect for their leaders
this can't be real
orwellian and utterly autocratic drakonian
if people paid attention it would, but everyone is busy wacking off to porn and the women busy watching TV dramas and chatting about sex scandals between their social media circles.
Everything is fine Hans no need to worry. These are just memes, actually this whole board is a meme.
You need to stop bothering your mind with these socially unfit people that with their serious inabiliy to conform. Their opinions do not matter.
Close the tab hans.