> athleticism
>Motivation and mental health
>Susceptibility to disease
Your genetics determine literally everything in life. Some people are irrefutably fucked over by life in certain aspects and will be judged as if they have had a chance.(education,dating pool, career aspects). This is the ultimate redpill. How is this okay?
Follow up redpill is accepting that life isn't fair, never has been and never will be.
Was about to post this.
Dunno about op but Canadian genetics are pure shit
If we had natural selection back in oir lifes blacks and arabs would be exterminated,and unlucky people wouldnt get to suffer being ugly,stupid etc.
This is nature. Every creature, human and other, has certain traits, strongpoints and weaknesses. Each creature will survive and thrive, or will not, depending upon how effective - useful - these traits are. Those whose traits are best suited for survival thrive, and pass on their genes. The problem that we have now is that those who do not have the positive traits are breeding like crazy, and being supported by those more worthy of survival. Cut of all forms of subsidy for losers, and they will stop propagating their genes. If only the tall, smart, athletic, mentally and physically healthy are permitted to breed, these traits would become much more prevalent among the population. The solution is to exterminate the losers. But, it won't happen. Right now humanity is in a reverse evolutionary phase.
>How is this okay?
the real redpill
human rights don't exist and nothing is okay. you're a series of chemical reactions and we're one cosmic event from ceasing to exist
in the big picture we're just bacteria and this modern obsession with making everything 'fair' is just a sign of how spoiled and sheltered everyone is
Just destroy all life. Life is suffering and those who aren't suffering are only not suffering because they have leverage over others.
life is unfair
but it's fairer than death
Yes and that's why genetic engineering will bring optimal humans vastly superior to whites and blacks
Immunity to diseases + strenght + beauty + intelligence + everything else
There will be no places for us to shitpost though
How is nothingness unfair?
>tfw to intelligent to shitpost
Says the Kazak/Mongol/Kavkaz hybrid.
Leafs are like aryan God people compared to ruskies.
>Ugly fat Manlet starts a thread
>Projecting this hard, and not even making a point
nigger looks like a fucking tranny
Top kek
I bet that rocky got balls deep inside cara
He has more penises than all Canadian "men" combined
>81 state recognized IQ
>My dick ever lasted more than half a minute EVER (yes falpping too), basically impotent
>Never had clear skin since puberty , permanent scarring
>mild Autism
>Balding NW 2.5
>Ridiculous small chin
>Narrow shoulders
Yes, some were born to crawl while others fly
Good if you dig chicks with unibrows I guess.
10/10 would cringe again
Slavs are the master race.
Stop parroting a pol meme ,luigi
Death is very fair. All people will die.
>I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail
Your own chart says Russia is a quarter mongolian.
It's not. Those who judge never had a chance not to judge either. It's all a giant fuckup that is called awareness tbqh.
Death is the fairest thing on earth, in the end death claims us all
All female approval traits. All of it would go out the window in a survival situation. The scumiest muslim can still get a woman.
I think that't the only time when everyone becomes equal.
All that toilet cleaning made you retarded.
Siberian uralo-finnic isn't Mongolian.
The chart proves Slavs are more white than west euros.
Poltard btfo
>How is this okay?
The real red pill is that this is how things should work. This is natural selection. This is how defective genes are eliminated and the species improves.
What happened to ''muh superior race'' bullshit? fucking dwerp!
this is natural law and supersedes all manmade constructs
Nice try ledditor
Canada is a fag country