Why do you guys care about race so much?

Why do you guys care about race so much?

If the culture survives, then who cares?

All that really matters is culture, not skin color.

>abloobloobloo my descendants won't have blonde hair
>abloobloobloo my descendants won't be tall and blue eyed
>abloobloobloo I'm going to blame this on a marxist conspiracy instead of natural human evolution

Grow up.

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>black baby looking at the white's junk while reaching for it
Degenerate from birth.

t. tyrone

Some genes are superior to others, most of the genes that divide us from animals are found in wites

Babies also play with their own shit.

Maybe we shouldnt learn about how to live life from them.

says the nigger

>If the culture survives, then who cares?
you cant replace a race without replacing culture

>All that really matters is culture, not skin color.
I agree, but race is way more than skin deep.

> leaf

I miss aussies.

>Grow Up
The only humans who are not racist are Europeans.

the shorter incubation time and superior physical strenght and coordination in black babies are actually visible in your image, OP. Look at the feet and leg positioning of the white baby, look at the limp hand. Now look at the black kid is sitting down in a more stable manner, it also appears to have a more control over its hands and head. Anyone who tries to look at race from a non partizan / neutral position can clearly large notice racial differences instantly.

No, whites are just more inbred. That's how you got blue eyes and light hair and white skin. From inbreeding.

>Why do you guys care about race so much?
Race is an indicator for certain behaviours.

>If the culture survives, then who cares?
The culture won't survive when the rate of change of demographics is quicker than the rate of integration.

Case study:
Locals don't walk on the streets.

Now, shut your whore mouth.

I would trade cuckanda for australia back any moment

i wrote this post on my phone, sry bout the mistakes

were you trying to bait us into posting this?


Wow, there are a lot of grammatical mistakes in this post. Post disregarded.

Niggers taught me to be racist towards them.

>Nobody's born racist
>That new born white baby is disgusted by that nigbaby trying to touch his weiner
>Even nature is warning us in our earlier stage of life

Because I want to have blondee haired blue eyed ancestors instead of disgusting brown manlet poo in loos or chinks.

I dont care what happens because race realism is a deterministic philosophy (how you act is genetic) so no matter which race succeeds or fails in the end it's just part of a robotic evolving system that's trying to produce a totally dispassionate observer of itself

>If the culture survives, then who cares?

It's also a question of IQ...And aesthetics

PS: the culture never survives anyway...Because the culture itself , is the product of the european mind. Change the brain , change the IQ and you'll get something entirely different.

And this goes for all races...
African culture is what it is...Because of the African brain. Same goes for other cultures...(Japanese , Chinese etc...)

Dunno where you got that idea m8, at least facts back up that whites have higher average IQs, can create a civilised realm.

Blacks rape, destroy, and complain...look at Africa.


Descendants rather

Why does "culture" matter? Why does anything matter? Define "culture" anyway.

>A fucking leaf

Utterly unsurprised

Culture is a manifestation of how a certain group of people thinks. It's not some random thing that just pops up out of nowhere.
This fact can be observed in modern times more than ever, seeing as how different races living in the same country have different values, behavior and somewhat different ways of life.

Look at that white toddler and how he backs off in massive disgust. Your very own pic disproove you OP. You suck.

>All that really matters is culture

Exactly, and so let me add on to that by saying that the main problem in minority groups is a spread of ghetto mentality.

I'm a beaner who's not acting like a nigger. If I can do it, so can others.

If I'm genetically predisposed to violence, then I would be. Remember how genetics work. There isn't "all black people have the nigger gene" and "oh that black surgeon is just an exception".

What's really happening is, contararians and concern trolls pretend to be racist while they go out giving niggers an excuse.

If a nigger ever said, "well being a nigger is in muh genes the white folk said so", I know who to blame. You fucking assholes keep giving niggers excuses to do violence. It's all your fucking fault. I've never once gone out and told a nigger, "It's okay man. It's in your blood to be that way.", I've always said "you are a stupid cocksucking little faggot stop acting like a nigger just because your parents and the kids you grew up with were niggers."

Nothing wrong with niggers.

Everyone should own 1 or 2.

we wuz gud baby

we aint racis n we dindu nuffin n sheit

da white man cause our problem

Culture IS race. Whiteness developed in order to survive the extremely cold winters of the North, requiring high intelligence, high investment in offspring, and cooperation between closely knit communities. The opposite is true in the warmer climes where selection favours brute strength and low investment in offspring (R selection vs K selection).

Race is strongly correlated with IQ and its sub-correlates which are aversion to aggression, criminality, and delayed gratification all of which are higher among whites.

Think about it. If you were to import millions of Australian Aborginals into western countries do you really think they would ever fully assimilate? Why do you think it would be any different for Sub-Saharan Africans or Middle Easterns?

The influx of massive non-white populations into white countries is a relatively recent phenomenon, and as we are discovering is an experiment that has gone badly wrong. Is it too late to adjust course without collapsing the entire system?

Only time will tell.

Pic related also counts for you guys.

>Culture IS race
Is this what they teach you in the UK? Pathetic. Culture is completely separate from race, it's something entirely different.

i was in walmart, me and my mom, waved and smiled to little black kids and one of them finally waved back after about a full minute of smiling and waving and overhear one of them say "I don't like him" so its really bothersome to say that no one is born racist, its probably true for horny white girls but my story proves its not true for blacks.

This image is correct. I wasn't born racist, but half a lifetime of interacting with blacks made me that way.

>be me
>chilling with nephew
>mother comes in and asks does he want to go see his nigger cousins(not my side of the family)
>he says no
>she asks why
>because they're black
>he's 5

proud moment.

No, its really not. You just cant wrap your head around it because you've been brainwashed by the liberal establishment.

Blacks are on average 20 IQ points lower than whites, which strongly correlates with criminal behaviour and aggression. Why else do you think Africa is such a steaming pile of shit?

Deep down all whites know that non-white societies are shitty places to live, they're just afraid to admit it for fear of losing their jobs.

>higher average IQs
Which means you have some blacks with higher IQs than some whites.

Would you pick the lower IQ whites over the higher IQ blacks? If so then you clearly don't care about the facts you claim to care about.

My rage has not been so strong since weeks. Please, kil all your black people.

Race mixing is propaganda pushed by Jews

>the liberal establishment
Go back to Fox News.

Yeah. It's contrarian to be racist on Sup Forums. Fuck off Reddit.

rumors are that israelis are saying that canada is slated to be a goner now lol. i would tend to agree with that sentiment since they seem to be on top of things. cute comment frand.

fuck are you talking about?
I love other races like east Asians and Slavs. Even Persians are alright, and some of the other middle easterners as long as they don't have that cancerous islam variant that wants to convert or kill everyone like saudi arabia/isis and other wasabiists. All the races who default to civilised behaviour are fine.

>a leaf

Why don't you care about the only thing that matters?

Abloobloobloo retarded leaf can't think for himself


Nuff said

I don't care about race. I care about fact, that rather a massive number of bearded men want to behead me. There are also plenty of darker skin fellows, who act like monkeys for some reason

this mixed up generalization of blurryazation assumptionism is so "Liberal(tm)(c)"

The Church of Mickey Mouse Disney Liberalology Scientology LaLaLand


the more you grow up , you'll see the differences yourself , you don't need society . even you libtards feel it and try desperately to suppress it.

>It's okay that most blacks are criminal thugs because 1% of blacks aren't niggers
What matters is the statistical average. If large sections of the population are criminally oriented it has a destabilising effect on the rest of society. When it comes to social policy you have to look at the bigger picture

Except whites have killed more people than anyone else. So I don't see how we averted aggression and criminality. Asians have got an even higher average IQ than whites and they have butchered countless numbers of people too, maybe more than whites.

We also have imported millions of blacks and such as slaves, another example of aggression and criminality.

You can argue that we have advanced more in science, technology, etc but you cannot say it has been with less aggression and such.

I didn't play with my shit. I always knew it was shit and it was bad.

This is how you know you have a stupid baby.

>Why do you guys care about race so much?
>If the culture survives, then who cares?
>All that really matters is culture, not skin color.
Implying [culture] is just a function of [other/previous culture] and not a combination of [culture]+[genetic predisposition to having such and such cognitive abilities].

>Maybe we shouldnt learn about how to live life from them.

Fuck off faggot
I hate leafs

The IQ gap between whites and Africans in Britain is only 5-7 points, nothing worth getting your panties in a twist over.

Also most African countries and cities are India/Russia tier, sure they're not great but they're not mudhuts either.

You do understand once genetic engineering picks up no one will bother with having kids that aren't perfect. Evolution is slow and imperfect. Humans will weed out anyone not suitable.

Btw racism is a natural thing. If it was a "social construct" who was the first racist then? It's a retarded idea, I hate my neighbor because he's a piece of shit, it's not unreasonable for someone to hate a whole race because one or two of them is a piece of shit.

Come live in South Africa boet, you have no idea what racism is until you live in Africa.

>Except whites have killed more people than anyone else.
We also created western civilisation and are the ones capable of maintaining it
Pic related

Seems like someone doesn't know how genetics and populations work

>once genetic engineering picks up
Nice scifi pondering you got there. Genetic engineering won't be sophisticated until at least a few hundred years, and whites will be gone by then. All humans are going to become one race, and we will see the end of war as a consequence.

With your black skin you are going to die and or have crippled offspring as soon as shtf up there in the north.

Clearly this just means brits are stupid. In this country, it's a 16 point difference after removing their shit upbringing from the equation.

Genetic engineering is already sophisticated and designer babies are already possible. The only problem is ethics standards preventing it.

>Why do you guys care about race so much?

They don't have much going on in their lives.

No. You need to read more about biology if that's what you think. We aren't anywhere near genetic engineering.

Lol that meme. Gooks/chinks/Mongoloids have killed beyond counted numbers

Nobody is born a racist, daily-life knowledge teach us that there's differences between races AND everybody is born prone to stick together with their own kin.

You need to get the terms straight.

Just looking at the crime stats isn't looking at the bigger picture. If you only cared about statistical averages then you would be saying most black people aren't violent criminals.

Also if you wanted to look at the bigger picture just on crime stats a white person should be more worried about another white person as interracial crime is higher in both cases. White on white crime is way more common than black on white. So as a white person you should be more scared of a white person killing you than a black person.

Yeah, and in a few centuries it won't matter. People not genetically engineered will be treated as second class. You should just accept that race is a real thing and humanity will get rid of it. It's also closer than it's seems.

>1970: you would never be able to carry a computer in your pocket are you stupid?
>2016: shit I forgot my pocket computer at home

Don't be small minded, we have been engineering DNA for a while. Full fledged genetic engineering will come around and you'll be left behind.

If you saw German State TV and had half a brain, you would believe in a Marxist conspiracy too my friend

I'm a grad student in the US studying bioinformatics. Look up CRISPR/Cas8

This is completely erroneous. The effects of dysgenics are very real and have a tremendous impact on sustaining civilisation. It's no coincidence that average IQ has been falling precipitously in recent decades with the rise of third world immigration. A recent study showed that IQ in France has been falling by 4 IQ points per decade for the last three decades on average for this very reason.

But even without the threat of third world immigration, diversity and the mantra of multiculturalism poses insurmountable problems.

"In recent years, Robert Putnam has been engaged in a comprehensive study of the relationship between trust within communities and their ethnic diversity. His conclusion based on over 40 cases and 30,000 people within the United States is that, other things being equal, more diversity in a community is associated with less trust both between and within ethnic groups".

I could go on.


And you dont see the link between race and culture? Africans in Japan will propagate Japanese culture?

What the fuck are you talking about? You know thats entirely false right?

The average black person that lives in UK (probably students and top-tier IQ blacks) isn't the same as the one that live in US (bring by slavery)



"In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa".

I would laugh if I wasn't so overcome by apathy

It's the same with dogs. Dogs get blue eyes and white hair if you inbreed them enough.

JIDF go to bed or the bad boogeyman will come and gas you.

>not inbred
sure m8, nice map

I doubt the claim that people aren't born racist. For one humans are inherently extremely tribalistic, inherently preferring the company of people they consider to be within their "tribe", whether that tribe is a group of fans of a sports team, a political party or ideology, a country, or a race, and disliking the company of those outside of it even beyond the point of reason. Studies have even shown most people will support policies against their ideology or oppose policies that they would otherwise support depending on who was claimed to have supported it. In other words if people who supported party A were told that someone from party A supported a policy the vast majority of them would support the policy. Likewise if a group of people from party A were told the same policy was supported by someone from party B they they would oppose the policy.

As for personal anecdotes because Sup Forums prefers those to actual facts I personally was an extremely racist child despite my family not even mentioning black people or race and never seeing a black person until I was like 5. I didn't hate them but I thought of them as dirty and would avoid them, even refusing to drink from a water fountain after a black person. Of course the same was true of girls so make of that what you will.

Our blacks here aren't as bad as in the US because they're a smaller minority and aren't segregated in the same way, but still pretty dreadful to live with in close proximity

If race doesn't matter, then why do Libtards push for diversity so much?

>low intelligence at first years predicts racism
>nobody is born racist
So which is it?
And you are saying races don't exist and are actually an illusion, aren't you

>nobody's born racist

I disagree. When I was a kid, I didn't want to hang out with black kids and thought they were gross, despite my parents being very anti-racist. I eventually grew out of it (don't care for nigs but civil blacks are cool), but it seems like racism is natural and tolerance has to be learned

-In 2014 in New York City, a black was 31 times more likely than a white to be arrested for murder, and a Hispanic was 12.4 times more likely. For the crime of “shooting” — defined as firing a bullet that hits someone — a black was 98.4 times more likely than a white to be arrested, and a Hispanic was 23.6 times more likely.

-If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent.
In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.

-In 2015, a black person was 2.45 times more likely than a white person to be shot and killed by the police. A Hispanic person was 1.21 times more likely. These figures are well within what would be expected given race differences in crime rates and likelihood to resist arrest.

-In 2015, police killings of blacks accounted for approximately 4 percent of homicides of blacks. Police killings of unarmed blacks accounted for approximately 0.6 percent of homicides of blacks. The overwhelming majority of black homicide victims (93 percent from 1980 to 2008) were killed by blacks.

-Both violent and non-violent crime has been declining in the United States since a high in 1993. 2015 saw a disturbing rise in murder in major American cities that some observers associated with “depolicing” in response to intense media and public scrutiny of police activity.

The more you know...

>I have no idea how genes work
>Canadian education

Actually everybody is born racist, and society teaches them not to be

But OK

That's right! Negros and other mammals have inferior white teeth, while the lesser spotted britbong has evolved multicoloured teeth as part of its mating display.


>talking shit about inbred dogs
>has probably never seen an inbred dog

Fair eyecolor and fair skin are main biological traits inherited from Neanderthals. Fair hair mostly from those Neanderthals from further northern parts of Europe.

Advantages of fair skin in Europe: Due to lesser sunlight and flat angle of sunrays white skin is much less a barrier for UV-rays the body has to absorb to create Vitamin D.

...for fair eyecolors: fair eyecolor - especially blue - reflects sunlight which gets reflected by snow and ice to help not becoming snowblind

What will you fucking moron come up with next? "Polarbears are all inbred because they white, ya"