>walk into american convenience store to buy some snacks in 2016
>get to register
>this guy turns around and tells you to pick up that chocolate bar white boy
What do?
>walk into american convenience store to buy some snacks in 2016
>get to register
>this guy turns around and tells you to pick up that chocolate bar white boy
What do?
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Look at him so that he knows that I heard him, and then proceed to the counter to check out.
His move.
Im 6.4 and hench as fuck, it would be his funeral
he'd probably pull out a gun and shoot you
Then the police would arrive and either arrest or kill him for weilding a deadly weapon
CNN would report it as "Black Man kills White Man in convenience store in self defense, police show up and a WHITE officer murders an innocent Black Man"
Ignore his existence and continue with my life.
>acknowledging niggers in 2017
dont make me kek
say "que?"
Step on the chocolate bar on my way to register. Only one nig there, he isn't doing shit.
Tell him to make me.
good thing I brought my good old stomping boots isn't it you fucking yard ape
Do you live in America?
Take my gf, throw her in his direction and run away as fast as I can.
He looks like an ethiopian that skips leg day.
no i live in south korea
Ignore but keep a close watch. Around blacks, never relax.
But if he tried something I'd double leg shoot his scrawny ass and drop elbows until his jaw was sufficiently broken away from his skull.
Guy looks all of 110lbs.
"Well, like all black things it's lying where it belongs, on the ground."
Honestly CNN would completely forget to acknowledge the fact that he killed a guy. Till about the end of the story. The headline would just read "White officer kills Black teen in X location"
Let out a "HA" and go to the register. He couldnt do much to me and i always have my work knife on me. If he had a gun id probably get shot, but id rather be dead than take orders from a nigger.
what happened to the baggy clothes thing what is this skinny jeans faggot I am more thug then he could ever dream.
>implying i wouldn't scream "OMFG ITS LIL UZI VERT"
>implying i wouldn't ask for an autograph
Tell him to fuck off? Day I got home from the Army a few years back some nigger was arguing with a cashier at the corner store. Little prick was yelling calling her a bitch etc for a good min or 2. Finally I got pissed and made my way in front of him. He mumbled some nigger shit and said I should show him some respect that's disrespectful. I just looked at him, shook my head and looked back at the cashier and bought my shit. Nigger didn't do shit about it other than mumble under his breath like they do 99% of the time they try to act tough. 10/10 would do it again.
I respectfully tell him that he is mistaken and that he should stop assuming other peoples racial heritage.
>What do?
Tell him to check his privilege.
>that hipster nigger with skinny jeans
>doing shit
He takes dick up his asshole
You steal hockey pucks and maple syrup? I'm so fucking scared lmao
*unsheathes katana* back the fuck off?!?!
i would tell him i'm not white but a fellow non black ethnic, then i would suggest we join forces and rob the store to fight racism
Literally say fuck you nigger. Then wonder why his pants are in backwards.
>Much cooler than I could ever hope to be
>Didn't mention the fact I'm ugly and short
>Didn't swear at me
Sure thing pal, here you go and have a nice day.
>mutter stupid nigger under my breath as I walk away
You're walking down the street and this guy slaps your boyfriend's ass. What do you do?
I say "no"
What the hell happened here?
white scum
A moment of silence for all convenience store workers out there.
That guy would get to the hospital in critical condition in 0.2 femtoseconds if he did that here.
Tell the skinny nigger he needs it more than I do.
>muh dick
This always makes me smile.
>you've got arms.
suck him off obviously. I really shouldn't have to give the answer to you canada
Say ok and pick him up
"ha fuck off mate"
>Assume he was talking about his bbc and start suckin
you posted it, now explain this shit
That white car needs a new handbrake.
>what do
I use my phone to write a hurtful comment on his MySpace profile, forcing him to either an hero,stop being gaymo or throw a My Chemical Romance disk at me
that would never happen to me
Lil Uzi is like 5'4" lmao
Either ignore him or laugh in his face, depending on my mood.
I wouldn't be able to understand him, I don't speak nigger.
> Get chocolate bar
> Lace with tranquilizers while he's not looking
> Shake his hand as he collapses into my arms
> Take him home and use him as a human pin cushion for the next 25 years
no problems here famalampai
Oooh maaan goddaamn
Notice, the other white man doesnt pile on, like niggers would.
This guy getting beat uncionsious and pants stripped off
Bong, it doesn't matter here. He almost certainly has a gun and will use it the moment you turn around.
Top kek m80
is this the ramen noodles guy?
Is he an emo?
He has emo hair.
We don't like Emo's in Russia.
Let's bring good ole beating back. 2007 here i come.
>nigger hittin' dat booty on da downlow
>gets caught by other nigger
>nigger that was taking it up the ass and the one that caught them start wailing on the other gay nigger because he gay
>no thanks i dont want to buy a chocolate bar
and you guys call yourselves civilized
dude put up a good fight
Kick him in the pussy
Seriously, I need context.
>Video starts off with some nig playing pin the tail on the donkey with another ape on a urinal.
>Gets caught
>Proceeds to act confused and embarrassed
>Other nigger walks in says something.
>Suddenly, nigger that was getting his butt pounded begins beating the shit out of his top.
Did red shirt guy act like he didn't know what was happening and beat his boifriend so the other bruhs didn't think he had the gays.
Okay so I basically got the gist of it thanks.
Nevermind its somebody else, looks like that guy who was rapping while eating hot cheetos. Thought it was ramen but that was a white kid.
>this guy turns around and tells you to pick that cotton, boy
What do?
Same guy beating the shit out of his girlfriend
that's Famous Dex
If you think he looks menacing you shout visit my neighborhood.
He most likely would've been beaten to death the moment he came out wearing those clothes and haircut, even if he wasn't black.
I'll just kind of furrow my brow, turn 360 degrees and walk away.
Oh look, it's the leaf again.
This fool has absolutely zero leg dexterity with those hideous skinny jeans. His tight button-up/hoodie doesn't leave much room for arm movement either. Also, given the fact that he weighs about 140 lbs soaking wet, I don't think it would be too much of a stretch to just pick him, dump him, get on top of him, grab him by his braids and just start pounding his face. Might even choke him out with his own chain. This guy is not prepared to fight.
pretend to reach down for the chocolate bar, then lunge forward to drive a knife up under his rib cage and pull it straight down
Finally I catch his intestines as they fall out and tie them in a hangman's noose and hold it in front of his face to intimidate him
I call him a nigger and proceed to tell him to pull his pants up.
Also forgot to mention that his shoes are untied. This guy would get rekt.
you sound oddly proud of that
tell him i like his last ep/mixtape and ask him if he wants to chill
Break that faggy lil nigger in half, that's what.
I would pull is pants down
Open my jacket enough to show the hilt of my grandfathers M1911.
Must be why he wears skinny jeans
thats not how it works
No im just telling how it is. That negro from OP post looks like a bitchboi compared to the most men who live in my neighborhood.
Turn 360 degrees and draw ccw
skinny little bitch
unless he has 10 brothas waiting for him outside, one punch should knock him unconscious
Triggered, Serbia shill faggot?
Ask for a pic and then post it on facebook and watch the normie girls get jealous that I met Lil' Yachty
>being immersed in nigra music
You should be ashamed of yourself.
>look down
>see blue shoes
>pull out my shitty 9mm
>empty the entire mag
>end up killing the two poo in loos in the back
>jamals already taken off
now THIS is a story all about how my life dun flipped turned upside down
Tell him no, and buy my stuff. If he heckles me, then tell him to back off and bother somebody else
Russians, the black people of white people
>trys sucker punching an obvious good ol redneck
someone give this nigger a darwin award
I thought that was the Irish.
>t.of Irish descent
>not rifling his pockets for gibs
>friend not joining in to sucker punch him
>not kicking him in the head after you knocked him out
>not standing over unconcious body shouting in ebonics
Oh white man, you're not even trying.
He would pull out his gun, and shoot you. You're not getting this.
Scream "Allahu Akbar"
That would make him run away like a pussy.
kek, you can almost hear the guy in the orange shirt yellin.