>not owning a semi automatic carbine chambered in a Nato round
How does it feel to suck dicks user?
>not owning a semi automatic carbine chambered in a Nato round
How does it feel to suck dicks user?
Other urls found in this thread:
What is "Nato round"?
Reminder that Joe Biden is a fucking niggerfaggot.
>not owning a rifle length308/7.62x51 and a carbine in .223/5.56x45
why not fully automatic?
5.56 mm I'd wager
Not chambering your AR in 6.5 Grendal. Its like you dont even want to kill past 1000 yards.
Sweet jesus the voice on... what ever that thing is doing the interview
>not owning a Tiger II
You tell me, user
Its like you don't even want to be able to scavenge for ammo in a SHTF situation.
holy shit a famas
Nice meme round ya dip!
>not owning a rifle in glorious .22 NATO
Please America, send me one of these for Christmas.
I'm waiting on Trump to let us import Russian aks and ammo
>Semi cuc ks gtfo
absolutely disgusting.
>will never own an FN FAL
statistically speaking the only person you are going to use that on is yourself
baka at ignorant amerilards
statistically you're still a faggot living in a faggoty muslim police state
>says trudeau land
>still using expensive, loud and obnoxious combustion weapons
>hasn't gotten a powerful,silent,cheap ammo airgun
Its like you want the government keeping a eye on you cuck
>How does it feel to suck dicks user?
It's actually pretty damn fun and enjoyable. Way more enjoyable than eating pussy. Shame I can only stick my dick inside women, though, as I consider asshole to be exit only and disgusting to put my penis into.
Just a waste of ammo, if you look at combat footage you'll see that very rarely if ever is full auto used by anyone other than illiterate dune coons.
Hahaha, choosing a (((NATO))) chamber because you can't afford to fund your own, better, rounds.
Hahaha, fag....
Maybe if you'd used airguns in the Falklands it wouldn't have been a one-sided curbstomp.
No NATO lads but SKS and vz58.
Should be good enough. Waiting on RPAL so I can get a .357 Ruger.
You can't even have spoons for defending yourself agiants Mohammed!
Kek,I'd love to shove a Exocet up your beta ass
Keep paying those taxes cuck
M1 and AR user? I'm a 7.62 x39 /54 kinda user
it really is nice :^)
Im collecting Swiss officer pistols for now. Not really in it for self defense.
I want to get one but don't want to spend more than $900
Do Swiss guns tell time
Why buy an FAL when you can get the superior FNAR?
If you point them at someone... Sure...
But they are very well made
SKS and M70 here. Iktf of that love for soviet tech
9mm is a NATO round?
> .22 caliber rifle
> how does is feel to dicks
Talk shit once you upgrade from that daisy red ryder.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a round NATO countries use so it's all standardized so we can use each others ammo.
5.56 (.223)
7.62x39mm (.308)
>How does it feel to suck dicks user?
dunno. ask your father
You mean 7.62x51(308)
762x39 is the ak47 round
Am I the only person with guns on this board?
You didn't need a fucking gun. That's what the POLICE are for.
When seconds count cops are minutes away
7.62x39 is ruskie ammo. Youre thinking of 7.62x51mm
>not having the skills, strength or balls to use fists instead of guns
How does it feel to suck dicks burger sharts?
Sup /k/
pretty bad desu
That's a rifle, not a carbine you retard
About as good as not having muslims suicide bomb our concerts or run over our children with semi trucks you autistic faggot
No you're just an autist. Go post some second amendment memes on Facebook or talk about trigger discipline or buy a sticker for your truck or something
You're the only person with a purse gun
>he forgot about Orlando
>he forgot about San Bernardino
>he forgot about 9/11
kek stay cucked ameridumb
noguns detected
5.45x39 is superior though. Lighter, cheaper, penetrates better and does more damage.
Warfare doesn't give a fuck about your skill nigger
Was this supposed to offend me?
>Am I the only person with guns on this board?
Some of us lurk both /k/ and Sup Forums you know.
I weep for my country some days.
Because my M1 carbine is infinitely more cool and american than a chinkshit AR15.
Tfw having best rifle in the world chambering with 5,45x39
>forgets about texas mohammed art festival where jihadi gets btfo
>forgets about mall of america somali getting killed by citizen with cc permit
Having guns feels pretty "Nice."
Which rifle?
How are gun laws in Russia?
Had to open presents early due to travel plans.
Santa'a fat, 2nd Amendment loving ass brought me a 7" 5.56 AR upper.
Yes pic is my collection. No the upper is not in it.
Fucking beautiful, man.
Need info on that angled forward grip
Nah, I'm here also.
It feels bad
>no time stamp
>nato round
I prefer to call the round a .223, which per this name is not a NATO round.
>angled grip
What does this do in RL aside from increasing ADS in R6 Siege?
>Need info on that angled forward grip
That is not an aftermarket foregrip. The SAF-200 only comes in one configuration.
I'm LMAOing at your single stack magazines
>He fell for the shield meme
>not a rifle
Lift you faggot
Because automatics are great for suppression which has a role in conventional warfare. Not so much in irregular warfare.
>>not owning a semi automatic carbine chambered in a Nato round
Legal in the UK with a firearms certificate.
I'm pretty sure the gun on the left is illegal.
The Shield is NOT a meme. Apologize this instant.
People that don't know what the fuck they're talking about need to shut the hell up
I'm going ot buy a Vepr 12, they seem pretty nice
dude what?
In a free state it's completely legal famalam
It's like you have no idea what you're talking about!
bullshit, this isn't the fucking desert m80, running around in your townhouses and delishops you're going to come up on people within 20 feet, automatic just makes it that much faster to put 10 rounds onto them so that they stop moving and pulling triggers.
automatic fire is absolutely useful and important. you think you're going to snap shot someone running perpendicular to you at 40 feet? nope, you're probably not going to fucking do that. but if you've practiced a little, you can fire 10 bullets their direction and hit them 2-3 times as they're running.
What afg on the skorpion?
>are you ready, cracka?
>implying i dont
Its as if these anti gun cucks want niggers to break into their house and rape their wife and daughters
it increases your ADS irl too.
and fuck ubisoft.
>Needing more than a bolt action .22LR to take out a tyrannical government.
I own a wooden katana from my teenage years. Does that count?
comfy af senpai, mirin
It's a FAMAE, not a CZ scoprion EVO 3. Sig 540 variant chambered down to 9mm, built under license in Chile.
The only CZ Skoprion i have is the old style.
hahahaha that little thing is so cute
>there are people who buy steel case
>captcha stop