What exactly is so wrong with diversity? The way I look at it, it is the only reasonable solution for our global society. If we don't embrace diversity, what is the alternative?
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Many people dislike 'enforced diversity' rather than 'diversity at all'.
A Ethnically coherent State. Look at South Africa, Zimbabwe to see where true Diversity rules.
>muh utopian global society
Reminder that if you want a global society you are nothing but a politically illiterate retard.
But isn't America different? We were founded on immigration, freedom of religion, melting pot etc. etc.
>melting pot
Diversity isn't a melting pot though, it ends up being a stew of hyphen Americans that think their problems supersede everybody else's.
>it ends up being a stew of hyphen Americans
So OP, you can see that a lot of the hate comes from the culture of 'enforced diversity', rather than people being naturally different from one another.
Liberals are actually causing a huge amount of racial tension by promoting racial entitlement.
>global society
>embrace diversity
Utopian idealism at it's finest. It is not realistic. Diversity = differences, and differences only end up dividing.
>We were founded on immigration
Limited and controlled. Mostly from Britain and Nordic lands.
>freedom of religion
Mostly Protestant
>melting pot
Forced integration is not diversity.
Diversity is not a problem, identitiy politics and "interest groups" are.
This is a rough topic for this crowd. Sup Forums likes lynchings, not diversity.
What about the black slaves that were brought here? Hispanic people in Texas/New Mexico/California?
How do you combat the state-sponsored discriminatory legislation (Jim Crow) of the post-Civil War era?
>what is the alternative?
True diversity, none of this race mixing bullshit.
>How do you combat the state-sponsored discriminatory legislation (Jim Crow) of the post-Civil War era
By recognizing that those laws were repealed and not living the past.
Are you high? South Africa is STILL recovering from apartheid and Zimbabwe hates and discriminates/tortures/murders white people. Is this a troll?
There is nothing really wrong with diversity, its just that not being diverse typically makes the country more unified and stronger.
Also, people's idea of diversity is interbreeding and pretty much destroying all the diversity anyway.
A global society would have saved billions of lives in Africa and Asia over the centuries.
Government borders which reinforce global inequality could have been done. The refugee crisis would hardly have been a problem at all.
We don't have a global society. A global society would imply that people aren't being exploited of resources that exist RIGHT BENEATH THEIR FEET by people from across the globe.
That isn't a global society, that's imperialism. It isn't right when anyone does it, and the current model of globalism is based around bottoming out a country's economy, forcing people to migrate to wealthier, service-based economies, so that they become loyal slaves.
What you call 'tolerance' is really just a fancy word for turning every single person into an exploitable resource so that banks and investors can wring out every last dime from humans before throwing them all in the garbage.
They're turning us all into migrant wetbacks.
I'm actually a Tejano. So listen. The past is in the past, and Texas works BECAUSE diversity wasn't enforced, and because leaders in the hispanic community worked hard to get people to assimilate.
That being said, why would ANY sane black or hispanic EVER allow other foreigners or minorities to waltz in and acquire the rights that their ancestors BLED for?
Too much diversity is bad for society. Too much of anything is bad for the world.
You need just enough to get things done.
Diversity inspires distrust between citizens of different cultures/races, as the newcomers do not assimilate, and tend to group together rather tribalistically. For as long as the culture does not assimilate, both the natives and the immigrants will continue to antagonize one another. This is where the term 'racism' comes from; it is effectively just in-group preference over out-groups.
Black people even now in the US still prefer one another over white people, even though they'd been there for at most 180 years or so.
If even after all that time they'd been having a hard time getting to work with the natives, then how the hell will it work anywhere else?
>solution for our global society
People don't need global society.
Not yet, anyway.
There's no meaningful reason to do so until we've moved off of earth, or until people from places other than earth show up.
Divisions exist to make more meaningful decisions.
merit is a better principle for society
>exploited of resources
What does that even mean?
It's gay and fucks everything up
Did anyone notice how OPs pic resembles the star of david
Look at the Murder rate in South Africa. They cant even maintain their own power Grid at this Point. and 70.000 White Boers in 20 Years doesnt Sound like good Relations. And of 12 Mill. Blacks in Zim 3 Mill starved and 3 Mill. fleed to SA and Angola. Zimbabwe i give you that they hate Whites. But they started out as a diverse Nation didnt they ? The Group that has the Most members will start attacking the Group with lesser members to take Power. Ruanda would be the next example. Huthu, Tutsi, both Black both the same People. Because of a Name they slaughtered each other
>What about the black slaves that were brought here?
If there were no blacks, there would be no slaves, no racism, no problem.
>Hispanic people in Texas/New Mexico/California?
You mean those diverse territories that had numerous wars fought over them?
>How do you combat the state-sponsored discriminatory legislation (Jim Crow) of the post-Civil War era?
These laws do not need to be implemented. People segregated naturally.
That sounds like Marxist pseudo-intellectualism. You can not prove any of that.
And my Country recoverred from WW 2 in less than a decade. Why cant SA recover from Apartheid with all it s infrastructure intact 22 fucking years after the fact ?
Get fucked you dopey cunt, not everyone wants a "global society", and we certainly don't want to be forced to interact with people we don't share anything in common with.
We do not get along well with people who are different.
Foreign real estate investment, oil exploitation, etcetera.
Different places have different natural resources.
Texas didn't have a war over diversity, it was a war over gungrabbing and the fact that people didn't want to obey a promise-breaking dictator.
>What exactly is so wrong with diversity?
Violates NAP.
Putting a bunch of races in one country is the destruction of genetic diversity you fucking retard.
white immigration
Kinda RARE
Because the concept is based on a nasty falsehood called equality.
Liberals place no value on the innovation that made civilization possible, they have no concept of the very rare nature of this level of advancement, and they have no concept of the very racial character that nations are based on.
Because they have no sense of history other than "muh women's struggle", no sense of tradition, just nada because a liberal is an empty brainwashed shell of a person who could have been.
has its own general on int
Greatness and prosperity?
It was about self-governance and autonomy. Whether Texans were going to live under their own Anglo-American laws and culture, or under Mexican governance.
diversity doesn't equal quality and it destroys civic engagement. more homogeneous communities are a lot more stable.
this diversity is great meme is a myth of the left.
Foreign investment is good though you retard.
Developing countries have very little capital of their own
The problem with forcing diversity is that the different races are often incompatible and, dare I say, of varying quality.
Certain superior groups will always end up pulling the load for the the inferior ones and will eventually grow to resent that.
Remember this the next time you swipe that EBT card.
i would be fine if everyone did it not just european based societies
OP is right, there are far too many people with black/brown skin, brown eyes and brown/black in the world.
It's fine until 20 years passes and you realize you've sold out all your children's opportunities to the Chinese.
I'm not saying that it is all bad. But what I'm saying is that you can't just say that it's all good.
You should've watched this video before asking such a stupid question.
Everything you dumbass.
White people has come from exactly diffrent place than niggers or chinks, they simply can't live together because this will end up as killing each other, you can see it in europe right now
One culture and incompatible with diffrent one
the alternative is white, chink, and light skinned latino supremacy and a world free of dindus and pop rocks
git yer fockin tits owt, cunt
Please tell me what good about diversity beside
Get a fucking cookbook, or, use the internet you fucking idiot. Recipes are not bound to people of other races or cultures. Selling out your children's future for sushi and tacos is retarded.
For starters mixing DNA is not diversity its actually the destruction of diversity as that DNA took thousands of years to become as unique as it was.
If you wish to increase genetic diversity then you have to create geographical isolation then wait around 20,000 years for a new human race to develop, as evolution shows, its actually geographical isolation between organisms that causes genetic diversity in a species.
However if the species is kept in the same area then new unique genes will develop thus it will stay the same.
Adding blacks and muslims doesnt make you diverse nor enhance your ability to survive in the wild , you are already european so you were engineered to live in the European wilderness anyway your genes are fine.
And I'm sure once whites become a minority in white countries suddenly leftists will be demanding more white immigration?
>Recovered from WW2 in a decade
Cute, that you think that.
it's pretty simple if you look at it in a primal sort of way.
Humans are social animals, we live in packs and if you don't belong in the pack then you're not welcomed.
What, you mean people won't be able to invest money and create jobs because 'all the invest has already been done'?
That point doesn't ever arrive, I expect
If you want a lesson in Diversity, look towards India. The crowning achievement of multiculturalism.
Same people. Different cultures. A massacre waiting to happen that subsequently did happen.
Diversity = Division. Divided we fall. Why would you encourage division in communities, when they rely on being united to function? The more diverse a community gets, the less it will function. You'll just result in a bunch of phantom ethnostates all vying for the biggest share (See the division of India for the result, and the politics behind the borders, see the lack of social capital in diverse US locations).
On a macro scale, you can always be assured.
Muslims will always prioritise Muslim interests.
Christians will always prioritise Christian interests.
Blacks will always prioritise black interests.
Or more succintly,
X will always prioritise X interests.
And what's the benefit? There is absolutely no benefit. There are only downsides. So why? What is the point? Why support a system that only creates schisms in communities and gives them reasons to fuck each other over.
Tell me the benefit. Nobody has ever been able to do that. They usually trot out food, but the diverse array of food we have is a result of the existence of separate cultures developing their own take on things, not multiculturalism.
>global society
>every time "diversity" is brought up it's only how white countries need more and not non-white countries
I hope you jewish cunts realize as soon as there are no more white people in the world your precious "god town" is going to be fucking destroyed right?
Because not all humans are equal.
We span a wide spectrum of evolutionary physiological development. Including physical, neurological and psychological differences.
Why do you think Blacks never invented the wheel, domesticated an animal or developed a written language? Despite tens of thousands of years to do so in a very hospitable environment?
The same tens of thousands of years that saw our people meeting and overcoming challenges. Adapting to new environments and requirements. Mastering technology after technology and building civilizations.
We are not all equal.
And some humans are downright dangerous and so backward that they have no compatibility with modern, western society.
It takes an IQ of ~>90 to create and maintain a civilization. Look at that map and tell me it isn't so.
Holy shit I used to identify as a lib/mid....what the fuck was wrong with me...thanks pol for saving me from cancer, how blind i was
Nice post, we're seeing Nepalese living in isolated communities high up in the Himalayas beginning to branch off from their East Asian cousins and adapt to the lower oxygen rich environment there as evolution in motion. Mixing only debases to the lowest common denominator.
Look at this bunch of racists, where is the diversity in their group?
Diversity means Blacks, middle Eastern and Asian men come to white countries and diversify, yet out of all the ethnic groups whites have the lowest population size and birth rate, multiculturalism doesn't apply to other places, most countries immigrants cove from are extremely racist against whites so why would I want people coming over to replace me and my relatives and friends just so some rich guy can make a little bit more money?
Because of demographics and multicultural Marxists encouraging race mixing in white populations white people won't really exist in significant numbers on the future.
It's funny because Sup Forums has already embraced diversity. I did research on how Germans were extremely disliked after ww2 in Canada to the point where they couldn't find work. Look at pol and Germany now, they feel bad for them and get angry about shit happening there.
Pol also secretly wants to fuck Asian women. People that we interned 70+ years ago.
Trust me, in 50 years, Muslims will be part of the "redpilled" group and we'll be hating Sikhs in 2066.
It's what our forefathers did, it's what we do and it's what our children will do.
Judging quality by fitness alone completely ignores the issue of diversity, which is
defined as the degree to which chromosomes in a population exhibit different genes. Sometimes in Nature, very unfit-looking individuals and species survive quite well in ecological niches which lie outside the view of other, more fit-looking individuals and species. The Diversity Principle states that it can be just as good to be different as it is to be fit. Equating quality with fitness alone encourages instances where extremely diverse individuals, which might be able to contribute greatly to the gene pool, can be completely eliminated just because they have a fitness metric slightly lower than other individuals who look very much like the rest of the population. Such termination of unique individuals results in genetic uniformity, thereby impeding the evolutionary process.
tl;dr Don't be a racist retard.
Left wing Diversity: make everything brown.
Right wing Diversity: lets have lots of colours living in splendid isolation from each other as diverse groups.
>race mixing
No the real issue is the non white high breeding rate, race mixing is a non issue because it will take a very long time to successfully destroy the white race. Meanwhile the muslims fuck their women and breed about 5 kids each who continue this city, the pure muslims will be far higher than the mixed ones.
That's because despite everyone hating on it, Civic Nationalism WORKS.
As long as you have a common enemy to despise, and you take it slow and give people time to actually become less diverse in their outlooks over time.
> multicultural society is just India with modern clothes, hair dye, and skin lighteners.
this, daily reminder that the SS was the most diverse army in the history of human kind, fighting for the heritage of each race
>Let me speak on behalf of everyone on Sup Forums
Fuck off leaf.
Staying seperate, but interacting on the most important of levels- those being through diplomacy, national relations, trade and commerce.
Pouring our civilians over to each others nations does nothing but create divides- its unnecessary.
I have pictures of a lot of the patches
The problem with diversity is that is just a code word for anti white. That is white college diversity meetings ban white people from entering.
>What exactly is so wrong with diversity?
It's one thing for a place to naturally diversify based on compatible social ideals.
It's quite another to play favorites based on color of skin, as well as irresponsibly import mass quantities of people with completely polar opposite moral and societal beliefs.
>Diversity is the only reasonable solution
You call this an argument?
saving them, thanks