Bros for life. Reminder that you're irrelevant if you live anywhere else.
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People upset with the electoral college believe this.
Fuck west coast.
If that's true, why did Trump get elected?
fuck california and fuck NYC
t. upstate NY
>the two worst states in the US
>that insecurity
>Implying you actually like the states and not just LA/SF & NYC
So Cal here, I also lived a little north of Syracuse for 2 years. I love our states, but hate the stereotypical inner-city liberal cucks.
I live in California, it's literally a shithole.
if you are relevant, why did hillary lose the election?
cuck faggot
fuck California
>>Not living in Maine
Why bother breathing?
>literally having your vote count less than other US citizens
are Cali and NYfags the definition of cucked?
What's up to all the Californians in this thread 714
661 here
New york and california were irrelevent in the 2016 election.
714 here, fuck this shitty state tbqh
That's why so many liberals were so butthurt this election: They've always been told they were a special snowflake and have never been told "no".
LOL the two most fagtastic totalitarian states in the nation. I think the terrorists need to try harder.
>all this butthurt
Keep it coming flyoverfags
Go kill yourselves, you delusional fucks
You wouldn't exist without the Midwest and the south.
>nyc votes hillary
>the president-elect has a giant tower above all you liberal faggots paying $3000 a month for a shitty condo
how does it feel to be cucked by the president?
>fuck this shitty state tbqh
Agreed. I've said for the longest time that California needs to be fragmented into 3 states: Southern California, Northern California, and The State of Jefferson. Not just to diminish political power, but also to have better distribution of our tax dollars. I mean our freeways and shit look like a goddamned junkyard.
California will be returned to the desert. It will become the roost of crows and slithering things. With mandatory vaccinations this former paradise can be regarded as a breakaway province which has torn up the Constitution and is now just passing random legislation based on hardcore Bolshevist principles. The real brains will not stay. I was just an early adopter of the U-Haul policy.
>are Cali and NYfags the definition of cucked?
In the cities.
>remove LA & NY City
>Trump wins by 500k+
can't wait for a few of these shit holes to get nuked.
Which one is better?
t. never seen america
>subtract 14% of the population and Trump won the popular vote
Literal autism famalam
Both have their own unique charms. It's a matter of taste.
t. Lived in both.
Orange county is pretty nice if you got money.
i have family in both. objectively the worst states in the country.
everyone has accepted that florida is the only state that matters.
you just described capitalism in a nutshell
fuck the poor amiright?
>Which one is better?
NY changes in colors from season to season.
If we get rid of the bottom 50% of the population, the US would be a much better place.
Commieforinia and Jewyork
I wonder who could be behind this post?!
If you dont live in America's America, aka Texas, then you are pitied to be sure
Washington would be really good if King county was nuked. Same goes with Oregon if Portland and Eugene was nuked.
212 reporting, if your building doesnt have a janitor and a doorman, your poorfag ass is not wanted here fuck off
>not white
>not one of the original 13 colonies
New York hasn't been relevant since the mob died. California hasn't been relevant since 'Fornicators starting infesting Dixie. You live in a sugar-coated, $3,400/m slum, and your """""municipal taxes""""" go toward rebuilding the mob, lining politicians pensions, and enabling Juan and Abdul to live in your apartment complex for free. Enjoy~!
Better to be irrelevant than annoying trash
>212 here, eh
Dear cuckolds,
Fuck off.
And yet it's blacked all year long.
>tfw central new york
Disgusting. and live in nyc, this is why we should be nuked outa here. neo-leftist commie cucks.
>Snowbirds (+Miami and Tampa)
>Not forever cucked by the Eternal Gator
>tfw central valley master race
949 here fellow OC user. Fuck this commie shithole.
Florida is the trailer park of America.
I hate California politics, but you can't beat the weather.
>You can not.
Fuck the bay area in particular
t. east bay
Butthurt snowbird who missed his inbound TIA flight detected.
Just look at all this over inflated self importance! If you live in either of these places you should know that nobody who lives elsewhere gives a single fuck about your life there. Stop setting TV shows there, it's not relatable to anyone who pays less than half their earnings to the rent jews.
Bronx, New York reporting in
Fuck this state and its liberal agenda
eat shit.
Richmond/Oakland are ghetto shitholes that need to be fire bombed. I hate the politics of SF/Sacramento, but I can't forsake NorCal because of the weather/the nature.
Also, fuck SoCal
I agree wholeheartedly. And I've been to Sub Saharan African shitholes that are better than SoCal.
Fuck Commiefornia and fuck (((PEDOWOOD)))
t. Long Island