Repeal Hart Celler GENERAL

Before 1965, the United States was 85% white. Today, racial and ethnic minorities make up one-third of the population. Before 1965, the immigrant stream was largely European. Today, most new arrivals to this country come from Mexico, China and India.

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, also known as the Hart–Celler Act, changed the way quotas were allocated by ending the National Origins Formula that had been in place in the United States since the Emergency Quota Act of 1921.

>Previous laws restricted immigration from Asia and Africa, and gave preference to northern and western Europeans over southern and eastern Europeans. In the 1960s, the United States faced both foreign and domestic pressures to change its nation-based formula. Abroad, former military allies and new independent nations aimed to delegitimize discriminatory immigration, naturalization and regulations through international organizations like the United Nations

Senator Ed Kennedy claimed:
>The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs." (U.S. Senate, Subcommittee on Immigration and Naturalization of the Committee on the Judiciary, Washington, D.C., Feb. 10, 1965. pp. 1-3.)

Fucking liar, they knew what they were doing.

After Kennedy's assassination, President Lyndon Johnson signed the bill , the bastard who destroyed the west.

THIS IS IT, this is what should be the target of the recent "nationalism" uprising's anger. This is the single document that started the downfall of the USA and western civilization. We need to start spreading word that this cancerous bill needs to be repealed. It has lasted far too long and its destruction could save this shit world.



A bit late isn't it? Even if you close your immigration completely there is no way to revert the demographics unless you mass deport hispanics.



If Trump does what he says and deports illegals and makes it punishable by fine or jail time to higher illegal immigrants, we will see self-deportations of not only illegals but legals as well.

I'm a 1st gen proud American who's parents are both Mexican,I'm legal and I was born in Chicago. Who does this effect me?

Hart Celler Americans need to be deported

Isn't that unconstitutional to deport citizens?

technically you're not legal - the 14th amendment was put in place so slaves would be considered citizens. You and your parents are no more citizens than that guy from Africa sitting in Tijuana trying to figure out how to cross the border undetected.

not if they're not citizens - i.e. illegal
they can be deported back to their country of origin

Both my parents immigrated here legally though.

You ought to just go back, take your good conservative principles and apply them in Mexico and raise a happy, healthy family there.

I wasn't born in Mexico and I hate Mexican culture. I'm a U.S. citizen. Plus I dont like Mexican woman. I can't make plant a flower in liquid shit.

If we can't repeal it we should just fast track to the DotR and Manifest Destiny imperialism/Lebensborn breeding programs.

I like to view that image the other way around, as in we are going to make Brazil WHITE AGAIN. As part of our new white world freedom empire.

You're correct of course, but our country is likely too cucked to return to quotas favoring white immigration again.

agreed, it must not only be repealed, but every non-White legalized under it must be deported

interesting question, if the act making them legal was itself illegal, then were they ever citizens?

void ab initio

yeah we got fucked over

I guess we'd better just give up then? shlomo

people never learn until its too late

common sense could have predicted this, or the problems france, sweden, and germany are having....

but again we never learn until its too late


Won't happen. Live your own life. Better yourself.