Recommend a redpilled PC game? I cant think of one. Plz don't say battlefield 1

Recommend a redpilled PC game? I cant think of one. Plz don't say battlefield 1.

Other urls found in this thread:

dirt rally.

Victoria 2


Empire Earth 1
>german campaign spanning over ww1 and ww2
>Bismarck with 88 on bow

Can't go wrong with this.

Mount and Blade Napoleon with the Zulu War Mod

Deus Ex

Good choice, rally is truly a patrician motorsport.

Red orchestra 2

red orchestra 2

Deus ex human revolution is the most redpilled game ever produced
The whole game is basically trying to fight (((them)))

Also far cry 4
The le ebil dictator is actually presented as having a good side, he wants his country to prepare and be strong
The (((freedom fighters))) fighting for LE RIGHts are actually just terrorists

Holy fuck my dad taught me to play this with cheat codes back when I was 4 years old

Wolf et

>play victoria 2 with HPM as Switzerland
>when I finally can stop being neutral I go full autism on Italy that's going from revolution to revolution
>genocide North Italy and resettle it with Swiss
>faggot Italians start crisis and get help from everybody around, can't get it back because now I'm low on pop since so many of them went to Italy
>I've turned most populous part of Italy into hellhole with sparse Swiss settlements

god yes.

>his dad taught him how to play empire earth

New deus ex series is completely blue pilled.
>these people are different from you and might seem dangerous
>the real bad guy is this white capitalist though
Same shit as usual.

Severely underrated and very enjoyable to play, red pill withstanding


Literally genocide an entire planet, one civilisation at a time, using flamethrowers, circular saws and explosives.

The core theme behind it is that intelligence and technology are the most powerful forces.

Mount and Blade: Warband
This is the only acceptable answer.

Imperial agent story in SWTOR

Assetto Corsa
Arma 3
Rabi Ribi

Tyranny was pretty awesome.

Most red pilled is probably crusader kings 2

I wish I could avoid tAlex at least for while

RO1, if people still play it.

Possibly RO2 has been salvaged, but was AWFUL AS FUCK when it was released (and for at least a year after, when I finally gave up hope and quit).

Frozen Synapse is always great, one of the true tactical games.

Most of the Total Wars that aren't Rome 2.


Deus Ex


Arma III ISIS mod

Baldur's gate, in its original format. I haven't played the re-release but I wouldn't be surprised if they added trannies in it or some shit.

X3, You can fight for the multispecies Commonwealth, or the Isolationist Terran.
Or you can be a kike that builds it's galactic trading empire. Your choice.

As always fpbp.

Deus ex

the original deus ex is the only truly redpilled game

i cant stand mount and blade. the AI on the map is just fucked. I'll follow my allies around until they run into an enemy army, and theyll turn around and run away at the last second while i'm forced to engage because i'm .1 slower and get fucking raped and they never come to my aid. maybe at a certain point you can be king and give orders or something but until that point being at the mercy of retarded AI and taking forever to go anywhere and do anything is not fun

Spec Ops The Line.

>rabi ribi
Sneaky good game.

Overwatch is pretty redpilled

>he doesn't just take cavalry only and steamrolls everything


I agree for the most part. The AI is retarded and the game play is long and repetitive. But with some mods the game becomes a real gem in my opinion. Bannerlord is coming out next year so lets hope they make some changes to the AI.

Well it plays far in the future and europeans are still white.

You stupid fucking fat anime fucking jerk off cunt.

The autism in your fucking post grants me 5000 rage.

Agreed. Most racing games are acceptable but the DiRT series is particularly good because rally is the purest discipline

Wrong, only OG Deus Ex is redpilled.

Postal 2
>Hey I'm just trying to exercise my second-amendment rights here ya fuckin' Communist!

The Witcher 3 is redpilled.

What in the actual fuck? Mankind Divided is using augs as an analogy for muslim immigration in Europe. Just sitting through some of that bluepilled faggotry triggered me so hard I ended up berating or executing the NPCs. And people complain about the writing in Invisible War? Jesus Fucking Christ.

There are so many fucking dindu nuffins, terrorist sympathizing and shilling bullshit, I don't even.

Oh! Oh! And the little bullshit sequences when you get stopped and hassled by cops demanding papers as they're rude and bigoted towards you. (Way to shit on Polish police, Eidos Montreal) Some liberal leaf cuck game designer actually thought this was going to change my views on muslim immigration? No, it just annoys the shit out of me. Dear liberals, quit using video games to preach at me. It doesn't work.

>The whole game is basically trying to fight (((them)))
The Illuminati and VersaLife in Deus Ex are run by white males, not Jews. What the fuck, Germany?

Metal Gear Solid Revengeance

Would not play this game now because of graphics. Though I played this for hours on my intel celeron with geforce 2.

it keeps you focus.

Stellaris is pretty redpilled.


Can't tell if b8 or shit taste



So why is playing for xenophobe is much harder than playing for xenophile?

Garry's Mod

Hearts of Iron 4


Battlefield 1

Game looks great with only new vision and hdtp. GMDX v9 is coming out soon too which will improve the graphics and animations in some ways.


Planescape Torment

Folsom kingdom.
It's all about taking over cities and getting rich, and if you lose too long you become the darkling and culturally enrich (steal and beat up) the other players.

At the end of the game whoever a the richest wins

Starcraft 1

Fuck yes! Don't forget the teladi, literal space Jews
>Lost profits.... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

t. Alex Grandi

t. rob

t. Johan

t. podcat

Postal 2.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is proof that everything Canada touches turns into utter shite.

Which makes Fallout 1 even more redpilled by technically starting with the annexation of Canada by America.

Play it whith the phantasy calradia mod. You can become a necromancer and besiege towns with a handfull of undead then just blow the shit out of people with fireballs and magic missiles. It's fucking insanely fun.

If you like turn based 4x strategy...

Alpha Centauri. There's literally no other game for you.

The moral ambiguity of that game was amazing.

Nothing was really good or bad; just a choice with consequences.

This might sound silly but when Kreia told me I had failed her my heart skipped a beat and I never felt so ashamed in my entire life.

Although I don't share your opinion (finished the new one and have to say it's neither blue nor redpilled, just a fun game with a propaganda twist aka bad russki antagonist) I have to admit it was a step down.
I think (((they))) told them to shut it down ,last game was too much redpill for the goyim.

t. R&I

Papers, Please

How Communism subverts a healthy work ethic by micromanagement, unfair rules, and meager compensation. You can get screwed over by trying to be a good worker, or you can make extra income that your family desperately needs by shirking your duties.

not w&b

Can't get more repdilled than Far Cry 2

>fight in African jungle looking for a nihilistic, redbulled, Nietzsche-quoting weapons dealer
>see how corrupt and evil humanity is by working for the two warring factions as a gun for hire
>you are a lone wolf mercenary, most redbulled profession there is

I play the blue collar version truck simulator (cue jokes). Is it better?

Also surprised no one mentioned anything like dishonored 2 or new Wolfenstein or doom? I know dues ex but I don't want French brainwashing.

>not conquering the galaxy and genociding every other species in existence

You're doing it wrong Ivan

>Victoria 2

What are the best warband mods now

I've played Floris and the other pendor whatever the fuck it was 2 years ago

Calm down faggot.
Seems like you are a classical example of a burger, literal moron and didn't understand the plot at all.
Jews have white skin.
HR was redpilled as fuck. Substitute (((Illuminati))) with kikes and you have basically a description of the global power structure.

Mankind divided has indeed nothing in common in terms of redpill with HR.
They obviously (((shot it down)))

>the virtual jew
>red pilled
Sup Forums has hit a new low.

I understand Cyrillic and good amount of Russian yet I have no idea what the fuck is going on here

Tyranny felt extremely unfinished

Doom 4 is as straight-forward as it can be. You are the Doomguy, demons are running loose on Mars, kill them all. Simple as that. The first few times a certain NPC tries to contact Doomguy ends up with screens and intercoms getting punches, since there is no time for bullshit like that when there are demons around.

Wolfenstein The New Order is like Inglorious Bastards: It feels one hell of a lot better when you realise that you are pretty much playing the bad guy there.

Dishonored 2 has a godawful PC port, so I can't say much about it.

>either kill your friend and steal their diamonds or just grab them and run away
>either way they're fucked and can't pay to fly out of the country
>use the diamonds to help niggers
Pretty gay pham

Look Johan shitlarris was a failure just accept it move one. You have all that wonderful dlc to make for goy$ and eu$ still. And remember no matter how bad the China dlc is for ck2 paradrones will by it up and defend it. Just let shitlarris die already.


Dwarf Fortress, maybe?

I recently started Crusader Kings II and it's pretty great, although I always end up marrying one of my cousins

t.Google translation
>it's fucking? SAME CUBES fucking fuck! CUBES BLyaT. Fuck Skills 0-2, in Russian - 8-9. CUBES. Army bleed the fuck MAXIMUM A RUSSIAN these fucking EXCEPT cubes. CUBES BITCH! With fucking generals ALL TECHNOLOGIES drain Fuck fucking Russian. CUBES cube cubes Fuck go nAxyi Jam ALL

raging about dice rolls.

Swedish Mayo if you enjoy genociding South East Asians

Dickplomacy for pussy

Gekonewer if you're a weeb

Warsword if you like Warhammer

1257 or Warwolf for Europe

Minecraft is the most conservative game ever. You only reap what you sow

>hur durr stop liking things I don't like!

>not exclusively marrying close family members and taking them as concubines

Europa Universalis 4.

Only make your nation diverse if you want to get nice and fucked.

Rising storm 2: Vietnam is coming out early 2017 guys :D


>Go to Barcelona
>I need some wine shipped to Jerusalem
>Accept job
>Deliver the wine
>12000 dinars

>Arma III