Who here will stay at home tonight because /scaredofterroristattscks/?
Who here will stay at home tonight because /scaredofterroristattscks/?
I don't leave my house
Me neither.
My parents want to walk in the historic part of the city after dinner. I'm 100% sure that they will get killed my terrorists, but they won't listen to me.
I'm going to a Broadway show. Pumped, might see some bloodshed
i'm always home
>the historic part of the city
Which city?
nobody cares about my hometown, a lot of people don't even think it exists
I think I'm fine
why would you go out on christmas eve?
Torino (Turin), 70k regular muslim in 2017+all the unregistered ones+profugees and neo migrants.
Im scared as fuck.
Even ISIS is afraid to come to this shithole.
Try and get them to do something better at home. Invite family over so they will stay...which might backfire with more family going out
>being scared of muzzies
Ahahahahaaha nasconditi sotto il letto di tua madre, Pierino
I'm going to church tonight
It'll be fine
What's stopping a terrorist from breaking into your home and killing you?
Rural South here.
Naw fampai, I'll be fine. Say what you will about niggers, they aint down for the bullshit either.
Many of them are waking up to the fact that it's not the skin color that dictates value, but the agenda that the person has.
>terrorist attacks
mfw safe wherever I go. Feels good famalam
>mfw going to my grandparents who live in a town infested by Portuguese
Living in their world.
This is how they destroy Freedom.
I would suggest still going, but make sure you are armed. Sorry you live in europe man, your government has castrated you.
tfw even dune coons don't want to bother with your shitty coluntry.
twf you could go to prison for being an edgelord and naming (((them)))
those digits are a warning from kek
don't go
Why not go out instead to patrol the streets to defend citizens from shitskins , pussy
inside team reporting, damn comfy here :)
Go to the mezzogiorno.
No terrorists there, just terroni.
great idea
I'm sure my family will understand if I don't show up for Christmas to stay home and shitpost.
I got shit to do and I'm going to go do it.
Besides, some 30% of adults CC here.
Yeah. That worked out really well in Dallas right?
>tfw living in the USA so don't have to worry about mudshits
I'll be enjoying a nightime walk around Manhattan while europoors cower in their homes in fear of their Islamic masters