You're having your coffee in the morning, look at the window, and see this group marching down your street chanting "Free us or you die, cracker"
what is your response?
You're having your coffee in the morning, look at the window, and see this group marching down your street chanting "Free us or you die, cracker"
what is your response?
Other urls found in this thread:
Open fire.
This is not an open-carry demonstration, this is brandishing.
Fucking googles.
*legally arrested* for open-carry
call up city, tell them to cancel the bus lines.
They can burn down their own neighborhoods, i don't give a fuck.
I chuckle and close the curtains. Sit back down and finish my coffee.
b-b-but niggers are based guys
niggers don't have cars, don't have jobs, don't have money.
Shut down the bus lines, and there isn't a goddamn thing they can do.
I shall set you free.
teach them the ways of guerrilla warfare and return home to watch the happenings.
ooga booga where da SAPI plates at.
so who would win in the race war?? the black panthers or white survivalists??
I get out the Indiana jones whip and a .238 and start cracking with a confederates flag
I'd wonder who let all these niggers into my country. Must have been the fucking b*lgarians again.
>implying the irish know anything about warfare
when are whites going to wake up and realize that the only solution is to exterminate all subhuman niggers in the usa? they have a billion people in africa. we're not exterminating their worthless race
these fucking subhumans are chimping out over a gang banging nigger cop who murdered his own nigger friend and blaming whites. dumb animals
go be free in africa
More blatant racism that the media will be happy to ignore. Whites would be vilified and have their careers ruined for doing anything remotely similar to this, all liberals are doing is infantilizing them by not holding these animals to the same standard.
These tantrums are only going to get worse by the leftists that empower them. What a disgusting fucking race.
>what is IRA
In terms of pure numbers whites would win. Only hope blacks have is race traitors from the whites
>the black panthers or white survivalists?
Hope it happens soon. I'm getting bored and would love to participate.
White survivalists hands down. Black panthers would have more passion and anger but that would be no match for the sheer autism of white survivalists.
They have the perfect blend of low empathy, hyperfocus, stubbornness and fastidious attention to detail.
This excludes neo-nazis though, I'm talking about the innawoods 1776 sneks
They want segregation with their own black cops and black government and black economy
Why we can't just let them have this?
Liberals could watch this video and come to the conclusion that whites are actually the problem.
Lets say the niggers win. Ok, now what? They are terrible, terrible farmers. They have a history of being incapable of peaceful leadership structures. They are fucked
never heard of them, would you mind listing their accomplishments?
the USA is a bigger failure than the USSR was.
> You're already free; but chimps have never been credited with an abundance of intelligence, so I get why you didn't understand that.
go to the back door light a fire cracker and throw it outside then get inside quick and lay on the floor
This, black people have had all their attention to detail and purposefulness sabotaged by the nanny state. They don't plan.
They'd get hacked, try and have a meeting and someone would IED their ass. No contest.
That hurts bro.
they put one of their own in government and achieved civil rights in the north and paved the way for a united Ireland.
but i know you're just being a smart arsehole who thinks burning a village of sheep herders is military might.
>call the police
>start screaming and yelling that there are armed terrorist who shooting people
>watch the massacre of the negroes from your comfy window
Where did you found this picture of me?
I love the juxtaposition of the cops with their guns and the skinny little hipsters with their phones out thinking they're filming something important
Assassination of Louis Mountbatten Uncle of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
1996 Manchester bombing
lots of chimp out
>Britcuck windows literally BTFO
Try us faggot, we'll see which country ends up the failure.
Tell them they can buy crackers in the store with their food stamps and to get the fuck off my lawn before I call the police.
lol wtf you on about burger for brains?
I'm saying your shit country is nothing compared to the good ol' U.S.
whatever you fucking retard.
>Free us!
.....From what? Yourselves?
But in all seriousness, that would be relatively unnerving no? Guys wandering around with automatic rifles? Wtf is that shit? How does shit like that not get shut down? No-one called the POHLEECE?
that's not an american. it's just a nigger
>go outside stand in the middle, just like tht chinese guy did with all those tanks,ill be carrying grocery bags too
>once thy stop in there tracks i bring my hands up n say,"I AM FREEING U, U NOW HAVE UR FREEDOM"
>Turn back back n look at camera with smug pepe face
>free us or you die , cracker
>walking on the street freely
>no handcuffs
>have weapons
>have handguns
>have decent apparel
So what are they trying to free themselves of actually?
That would not amount to anything, potato nigger. Your black cousins are too stupid and unorganized to form an army and if SHTF, whites would wipe the entire black race from the U.S.
so american?
lol fucking retard
White Survivalists. Niggers are outnumbered and outgunned, for now.
no just a nigger not american
i don't care what the outcome would be.
Okay I shall free you from this life
>unzips di...I mean unholsters gun
eat this
I never understood the appeal of marching chants like this. A running speech as you march would be far more alluring. Squawking like a parrot spouting the same 3 phrases over and over just makes you look a bit daft.
Yell "Go back to Africa, you're free now, niggers."
funny how these niggers and SJWs didn't bother to research open carry and are doing things that are NOT open carry
Glorious pic. Post more.
Continue drinking coffee. I wouldn't want to live in a country that disallows racists of any skin color to walk down the street with rifles. That's freedom baby.
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They're asking to be freed, then insulting a whole race then stating that they're victims and they're gonna fight for their freedom. These niggers are the ultra version of entitled middle-class faggots with nothing to do. None of these people have jobs, they sale drugs, guns and they expect society to care about them? I hope they do, do something and watch how fast the nigger population goes down with the already declining numbers they have with abortion and gang violence. More niggers die from themselves then cops, what the fuck is wrong with niggers.
Simple-minded repeating of simple-minded slogans is simple-minded.
Nothing wrong with this. Blacks are not violent racists. guns white progressive
preppers are the most insufferable turbo autists in existence
>what is your response?
I'd move to a city where niggers are less than 10% of the population.
When they corner that white driver and threaten him I might have tried to shoot them at that point. I doubt they had any rounds chambered and I'd be well within my rights to blast them after an armed mob threatened my life.
It would be more to the point if they were chanting
"free us or you die ,semite"
since they are the faggots that run the USA anyways
>>Free us!
ikr. they look pretty fucking free to me.
they're time machine must have broke down before they made it to the 1800s and didn't have time to rehash their plan.
These fools are going to get people killed.
4% of black homicide is cops, many of whom are black. Black cops are twice as likely to shoot an unarmed black than a white cop.
>Blue lives don't matter!
>Only black ones!
>Black cops are twice as likely to shoot an unarmed black than a white cop.
Check your black privilege, niggers...
Then shut the fuck up or die.
>what is your response?
Free yourselves. It's like they want white people to do everything.
>go to see armed nigger march
>bring Black Cat (tm) Firecrackers
>see dozens of niggers drop their bubba'd sks and aks with one mag while shitting themselves running
They are slaves to their own ignorance
Is brandishing a felony.
>black protesters
>no rythm
Free them from what anyway?
brits should've nuked dublin desu
Thats not proper open carry
>walking around in the street with a gun
>not free
My response is to not be dumb enough to live in a nigger city. I mean if not these than eventually some other nogs will eventually fuck the city up.
Its like feeling sympathy for the idiots who live in areas that get wrecked by tornadoes all the time. Like wtf you think was going to happen. Its been nothing but decades of bad shit happening eventually it was going to come down on your head.
I have dropped my entire life, packed up and moved 3000miles away on 4 occasions. It is easier when you are younger. For some people the idea of "leaving your home" is not really on the table so to speak. I've done it, I get what you are saying, but it isn't always as simple as you might think it is.
We're not discussing the how unimpressive it was for England to keep Ireland under their thumb while they were off doing important things we're discussing how unremarkable it was for Ireland to be unable to throw off the thumb
>Free us or you die
I free them
back to africa
sounds like those right wingers talking about day of the rope and shit.
nothing to see here folks, just a product of the higher powers dividing ppl and reactionary white ppl on image boards not understanding this and fueling the jewgenda
Yeah wandering around with AK15s yelling "free us or die cracka"... nothing to see here. The fuck are you on about?
"as you wish". Pull out gun and start shooting them in the head. "I free you of life. Next time be more specific."
Right, because otherwise you'd have to "die cracka". Gotta do what you gotta do.
>lab coat
i'm on about a bunch of ppl protesting with guns out, like many have done in america before.
wait. do u live here or?
Non-Texan New England. We don't see stupid horseshit like this in these parts.
is western mass considered new england?
cause the KKK and like-others were around that way after the election. getting but hurt because a school they don't attend and hate anyways lowered the american flag. talk about soft and fragile
Would be sweet if someone started playing the sound of apes out their window
I missed that one. Goodtimes.
the polish are niggers of europe, pls stop this