How can possibly recover from this?
How can possibly recover from this?
filthy goyim banker detected
Data manipulation is great, ain't it.
>Debt: 11 trillion ---> 19 trillion
Debt 2009: $10.9 trillion
Debt 2016: $19.5 trillion
who cares if he reduced the fucking deficit, the debt is still growing at astronomical rates.
>worst recovery in 70 years
>double the national debt
>destabilize the entire middle east
>be a constitutional lawyer but get away with bombing US citizens
>give mexican drug lords a shit ton of guns
>allow your SOS to break NatSec laws
>Fuck up leaving an already unpopular war and force us to get into more wars via fucking up leaving Iraq
don't make me laugh
Labor participation rate. There are close to 100 million people not working. Obama had to change what it meant to be unemployed vs what it actually is so basically all of the job stats are wrong.
I mean Jesus, they openly admit now that all of the jobs are minimum wage. So fuck yeah lots of job growth...all at minimum wage.
What you need to look at is welfare growth under Obama, I would like to see those stats because i'm pretty sure most of those 100 million are on it.
95% of that is held by americans, which just means the government is their debtor.
whats your point cuck
Dow Jones went up because surprise surprise, economies recover from recessions over time, as stockholders say, stay the fucking course.
Unemployment went down because they changed the definition.
Gdp growth for reason 1#, could've been almost any other person.
Deficit gdp no fucking shit, the economy just crashed and the gdp plummeted and it's going to naturally recover as economies do.
Consumer confidence see above.
All of these can be answered with the simple fact that Obama came in when it was the exact moment that if anyone, literally anyone, was in there, over time things would've gotten far better than what they were when they were elected.
It's easy to do when the Fed sells you money at 1℅ for your entire presidency
only around 60% is owned by americans you dumb fuck the rest is owned exclusively by foreign nations
don't throw around numbers you have no idea about
if 1% is such an amazingly artifically low rate why didnt you take out a huge loan to start a business and make tons of money
o wait...
you'd have a valid point if that number wasn't made up bullshit
point is the majority of it is owned by americans
I own over 250k in canadian govt bonds.
Im not going to cry about the debt because guess what? Im the governments creditors.
the debt is only a problem if youre a retard and havent been cashing in on it
This. Debt is not an indicator of overall economic market success or failure. The best indicator for that is an industrial average on companies which hire mostly American workers. The debt is just an indicator of the government itself being in debt to creditors. If you're smart, you're one of the people they're in debt l raking up time value points and getting ready to bet against the bubble to double your winnings.
>canada and america are the same country
thats almost double u retard
Stupid nigger.
Check em
our fiscal situation is pretty damn similar.
they have a debt to gdp ratio around 80%. ours is 70%. similar amount of foreign ownership. similar rates. etc etc
oh look, more flop sweat soaked tryhard democrat memes
you must go back to normieddit, your kind is unwelcome here
>hehe I cant argue about economics so Im just going to call him a normie and le reddit xd
>wasting hours debating statistics with someone who will never change his viewpoint that leftism is the awesomest thing ever
yeah, nah. I have better shit to do.
It went up because Trump is going to take office.
source: my ass
None of this means shit because the buying power of the middle class continued to erode and wealth inequality became greater.
>stock market being high for literally no reason is a good indication
>government unemployment numbers are reporting low when workforce participation is near an all time low
>comparing deficit spending from the beginning of the Obama terms to the current (he reduced his own deficit, but still doubled the national debt)
>comparing consumer confidence ratings from now to a time literally immediately after the biggest recession since 1929.
>raised the debt as much in 8 years as almost debt since WWII
Exactly the same thing happened in the UK. Economic bounce after the recession at the cost of doubling national debt. It's nothing magical. A fucking monkey could have done it.
DOW is higher because Obama has practiced upward redistributionist policies and Fed QE has caused an asset price bubble. Lower deficit is bad, and unemployment stat is bs.
>The meme that 14 million jobs have been created since the Great Recession is constantly trotted out as a sign of how the labor market has healed, but these folks forget to add a detail: since the Great Recession, the US population has grown by 16.5 million. Turns out, jobs growth was smaller than population growth! So per capita – for each of the 323.2 million people in the US – there are now fewer jobs than at the bottom of the Great Recession.
>Today’s “recovery” has largely been confined to rising stock prices and asset values. Meanwhile, average incomes have continued to stagnate or decline and income inequality has intensified. Quantitative easing has been central to this regressively redistributive recovery, boosting balance sheets and stock market values without providing a commensurate recovery throughout the economy as a whole. These measures have disproportionately benefited those who already own financial assets on a large scale.
buying power eroded: median real gdp adjusted for pp rose.
wealth inequality became greater: lol what are u a commie?
>Loan money
>Spend that money
Everything jumped after Trump was elected.
all of your figures can be attributed to the great recession and republican obstruction.
the typical metrics by which presidencies are judged reflects fantastic numbers for the Obama presidency given the nearly unprecedented economic destruction of wealth and capital months before Obama took office.
>Low deficit is bad
>people are actually this new and retarded.
its been a bull market for 10 years now
a monkey did
He succeeded on making people poor and dependent on government to vote Democrat in the future
Obama was a decent President. Nothing spectacular but a true professional who managed to have some success despite his millitary fuck ups in the middle east.
His legacy wont stand the test of time as its likely leading to multiple proxy wars in the middle east and obamacare was a royal fuck up that wont be around much longer.
>doubles the national debt in 8 years
yeah, pretty impressive performance
that was the plan all along - so in his mind: Mission Accomplished. Except a lot of Americans this year finally got a spine and activated their brains and voted the Dems out of office.
>black inequity
that's one of those cute figures that republicans pretend to care about only to insult the obama when most of their policy initiatives either ignore black inequity or compounds it.
>food stamps
overall, that image are trends that would be taking place regardless of who became president and given republican obstruction over the past 8 years, they're more to blame than the current occupant of the white house. hell, obama had to pass executive orders just to give government some semblance that congress wasn't piles of shits sitting on taxpayer funding.
>all of your figures can be attributed to the great recession and republican obstruction.
Then can't all the positives be attributed to the natural recovery after the great recession as well?
This. Most of the focus on the 'debt level' are misguided and arguments for 'stopping gubmit spending' retarded, but retrospectively viewing this, what was that amount of money spent on that aided us besides for stimulating the economy shortly (which is only a fraction of the 9 trillion that it went to) and hand-outs to decadent and deceptive manufacturers ? The New Deal gave us a whole new comprehensive infrastructure programs. What did the amount Obama added do?
why the fuck is it always canadians posting ALL the literally retarded shit i see on Sup Forums anymore?
did trudeau really cuck your country up that bad?
ya'll fucking canadicucks need to stop worrying about ANYONE else, and get your shit together. when i read stupid shit like this and i can guess the poster is canadian before looking at the flag, it means your country is a shit-meme.
canadian education system seems just as solid as the indian sewer and waste disposal systems
>natural recovery
what the FUCK are you talking about?
there would have been NO recovery without immediate action and injection of money into the economy; a detail most conservatives still find difficult to comprehend given their ideology is against it and the actions first had to be taken by a republican president.
the truth is that republicans know something their constituents don't: liberal policies work. that's why they decided to sit on their asses and do jack shit to save the economy during obama's presidency. that's why even their own president went against his ideology and injected over 800 billion into the economy months before leaving office. do you ever wonder why we don't hear much complaining about trump's trillion dollar infrastructure program, building useless walls and other nonsense? it's because they know it works and only complain about it when a democrat is in control.
it might sound horribly childish, cynical, & unamerican, but it is- republicans only care about the government "working" when they have power and then they force everyone through their just unholy propaganda to work with them. the bad part is that they're ideologies contradict government, so government never runs effectively while they're in office. it's also why that adorn themselves in the american flag, flag worship, & faux patriotism- it's to provide cover for their ineptitude- i mean, republicans say government is only meant to protect US citizens & then 9/11 happens with 3,000 people being killed. They can't even get THAT right.
>there would have been NO recovery without immediate action and injection of money into the economy;
oh man, got forbid you let a business go bankrupt; there's NO WAY the market would naturally adjust to compensate. there's NO WAY if obama didn't bail out GM or any other big company, that they would be forced to either become an economically viable company or to shut down and let someone else have a crack at satisfying consumer needs.
it's super funny when people lean so far to the left that they think the government is the only thing that can help or change a situation. fuck freedom your, let someone else worry about it :^)
You should actually kill yourself.
your enemy is time you fucking half breed. sure, all that shit is possible, but what other calamities are ensured while everything takes TIME to correct?
just looking at the negative economic figures released by all people that oppose obama and think he's done a horrible job, injection of money into the economy, nevertheless, is the quickest way for turnarounds. everything else takes more TIME. even most conservatishit economomists know this by now.
So what? As if somebody will dare to rise this question to America.
>Republic obstruction
What? The Democrats created that welfare/food stamps system. The main goal when it comes to Republicans and welfare are to roll it back.
This wouldn't be a thing if Dems didn't incentivize people to marry the government in the first place.
>republican logic
>wants to rollback welfare
>doesn't realize why the program was created in the first place despite the great recession, despite people otherwise starving to death, despite its necessary implementation to give people a stop gap measure so that gov/private industry can get their shit together and stop hurting people unnecessarily.