Redpill me on bullying Sup Forums. Why do people bully?Have you ever been bullied?
Redpill me on bullying Sup Forums. Why do people bully?Have you ever been bullied?
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yeah but those people are in jail now.
no because those people would be making my food in the future.
Correction of Behavior. Only fags and freaks get bullied.
t. Bullied and was bullied
Its pretty shitty for people to do but it builds character.
I was the bully. I regret it because some, Some, of them grew up to be alright people and I feel bad about it now.
Some deserved it by behaving like a degenerate scumbag.
This desu
I bully weirdos like hoe u bully younger brothers i was just showing thm the way
How are you faggish or freakish?
more people need it
It's how we lived before gained an understanding of what it is to be Human. It's how the animals create and sustain their 'societies' and it makes animals of us when we do it. It creates a sense that might is right and it drives Virtue into the darkness where we can't find it again. It elevates the phsyically strong and boorish while it extinguishes the light of joy and wonder of being conscious beings.
nb. it's the source of school shootings in America and the FACT that Americans can't seem to *get* this speaks volumes about their narrowness of perception.
I was a kid who never even played sports, just quiet in general and wasn't bullied a single time
It's basically just a looks thing. Ugly and short people get bullied usually.
I was bullied and as I got older and saw these guys in public they were nice to me, maybe because they grew up or maybe because I grew larger than them...
Learn to spell you retard, maybe if you hadn't spent so much of your childhood on bullying you wouldnt be as retarded as you are now
I matured mentally and physically later than my peers, so I was an easy target for a while. In 9th grade I basically stopped interacting with everyone because I gained self awareness and complete realization that no one respected me or was really my friend.
>Bullied from when I was in 4th grade up until the beginning of 6th grade, by a kid who was smaller, but more popular, than me.
>I finally challenged him to a fight, and invited other kids on the bus to see it.
>When he didn't show, everyone knew he was a pussy and nobody ever bothered me again.
Honestly one of the most formative experiences of my life
Bullies pick on the weak . Don't try and dress it up as doing some social good, you're confidence vampires and you're weak. Fucking maggots.
Bully in grade school. Mostly did it so others wouldn't bully me. Grew out of it and became the funny kid who got along with everyone. Coasted through high school without any problems. Mostly because the kids who were being bullied were fucking spazes and rightly deserved it. Your behavior is not acceptable in a civilized country and you need to knock that shit off.
Bullies rarely bully the weakest for shits and giggles. They go after the weird ones because they don't fit in.
For keks.
t. bully
I was a bully. I did it because they let me.
Mixture of both, in all likelihood.
Biology. Survival of the fittest. Pecking order.
Plus it was the primary way of people keeping social rules orderly. If kids learned early that they had to flow with the group through peer pressure, then they were shown how to grow up to integrate into society.
I think not letting children sort through their own problems that occurred between themselves, helped to give us one very messed generation right now.
And you do only get strong through challenges to you. We have the first generation who didn't internalize 'stick and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me', and they fall apart over everything, EVERYTHING they don't like. They are incapable of facing life.
You're supposed to banter with everyone and if they get all pissy about it you just keep going which will eventually turn into full-blown bullying.
It's an important part of the "separating the turbo-autists from the normal autists" -process
Amazing how many bullies say they didn't or don't bully weak kids. I always wondered how these wet shits lived with themselves. Clearly their all fucing insane with a new born babies grasp of reality.
Bullying is another name for hazing, particularly when the ingroup is indistinct and unofficial, it is how Humans, if not a wider swath of tribal mammals, welcome newcomers into their group by allowing them to prove themselves at an accelerated pace. The most modern extensive use of this in the West was when this was used on the Irish on mass, prior to us accepting them.
It made me tougher and willing to stand up for myself, but I think that could've been accomplished through a better father figure. I got it easy because I have good people skills, though.
It also completely broke a few people I know, who apparently got it harder than me. They're just constantly jumping at shadows and thinking everyone's out to get them. Constantly angry and taking everything the wrong way.
he needs those 2 dollars OP. hes a good boy he dindu nuffin. his mom turns tricks so they can pay the rent on the trailer they live in and she spends the rest on meth so if he doesnt get those 2 dollars he cant buy something off the value meal for dinner
You misunderstand.
People who ended up being bullied tended to be physically weaker but that is not why they were bullied. There is a difference. There are so big as hell tards that got messed with and made fun of and put down. Bullies target the kids who fall outside what is considered normal. It makes them a target everyone can condone being picked on. Bullies thrive on the acceptance of their acts by their peers. If you bully a "cool kid" it doesn't work.
t. Only actually smart, wise person on Sup Forums
I started bullying and kept bullying because the moment I started it everyone liked me more.
Its the ultimate redpill.
I made more friends, women wanted me, and even work became easier. Everyone loves a bully. Its so fucking stupid and pointless, but it "just works".
If you allow yourself to be bullied you deserve it.
In Canada at least when I was growing up had a Grade 9 hazing ritual where bullies would make the new kids push a twoonie.
So I started high school and first lunch got surrounded by seniors and
>hey user see that twoonie?
>push it with your nose! Hahahhahhahha!!!!!
So I get down on my knees, push it, they're all laughing
>hahaha user is a faggot
I get up and
>get pockets searched, empty
>"ok I'll tell you, I didn't want to tell you because I was scared of him for snitching"
>WHO user
point to random big guy
Walk away as they start yelling at him then ended up beating him up
>mfw I shoved it down my underwear and bought a Twix with it from the vending machine
Bullying separates wheat from the chaff
Also only people who get bullied are Liberal pussy dropouts and faggots
Nah, you misunderstand, or rather, you can't understand. There is absolutely no virtue or merit in bullying. Anyone who does it is being an utter cunt who revels in anothers misery and enjoys depersonalizing with absolutely no sense of what they're doing.
What else could account for this kind of behaviour?
bullshit. Power, might, aggressiveness, bullying are part of our human self, not part of some leftover animal self, we crave it, even though we hate it
I was bullied for a while, my main antagonist's dad was in prison and the kid had a shitty life. I lived pretty nicely and managed to stop the bullying via a few fist fights.
It's less fun to bully folks if they can hurt you.
After he started leaving me alone someone tried to take his place, I stopped that pretty quickly by taking up wrestling and getting in a few fights with him.
Fighting stops bullying right quick.
I was a very odd kid at school, I would 'bully' a lot of the the 'cool kids' who simply deserved it. You know those kids who are extremely arrogant, and try to bully other kids? I would antagonize them infront of their peers, it often led to fights (I went to a school which was by British standards quite rough school) to knock them down a peg or two. Oddly enough almost everyone liked me for it. Once they had lost a fight to me their popularity would plummet for quite a long time, it all worked out in the end.
Fuck off dick head
You're a scumbag.
>Why do people bully?
I don't know.
It's really fun to get people genuinely upset just by saying stuff. I always end up bullying and losing my friends because I always get to learn their weak points and I'm too sadistic not to want to exploit it and make them feel like utter shit. It's just great fun.
>Have you ever been bullied?
Not really, you have to be a real pathetic piece of shit to get bullied.
Bullies bully the smarter so they can feel better about themselves. IQ decline is all becouse of bullying. We can see that IQ drops many points in next hundred years.
>polish jew
You are sounding like a bitch poland.
>What else could account for this kind of behaviour?
He is a deranged lunatic? Not every single bully is a murderer. We know this because every single school in every single nation since we started the very concept of school has had bullies and they will until you remove humanity from the equation.
based dutchy
only freaks think bullying doesn't happen to everyone.
you are scum
t. Autistic Indonesian who got bullied for being a little bitch
the grumpy little shits who bullied in my school were always the ones who lived in a trailer, had shitty family lives and were poorfags essentially they were miserable and spread their misery onto others
What the fuck is up with these faggot thin skinned toads from Poland?
It stops pretty quickly if you fight the bullies.
Was bullied, it weeds out the weak.
we should teach kids who see a kid getting bullied to beat the shit out of the bully
t. bullied nerd
LMAOing at your life
Did you listen to Lordi and dress in all black with dyed emo hair because Humanity is overrated?
Or at least fight back. Don't even need to win, just need to make the bullying not worth it.
Bulling is needed to toughen up those who are weak.
Less bullying = more cowards, cucks and numales.
This, see my above post - the kids who were bullied by the people I would knock down a peg or two, they would be inspired by that and not take shit from their bullies anymore. If you stand up for yourself they don't do shit, that's what a lot of people who were bullied either didn't realise or were too afraid to act on.
>bullied relentlessly through elementary school
>bullied in the first two years of junior high
>start playing hockey
>realize I'm taller than the 8th graders I'm so afraid of
>realize that a year's difference in age doesn't mean much when you're bigger than the older kid
>realize my coach is grooming me to be a goon
>first serious fight of my life becomes the only serious fight I need to have in jr high
>get to high school
>bulling starts again
>at 14 I'm 5'9", 180 pounds, fairly athletic
>this time it takes two fights
The most important lesson we can teach children is to stand up for themselves.
Shut up yuh fuckin moron. How do you think people become *de-ranged*. It's because of prolonged dehumanization, loss of self esteem and intolerable suffering. It's life that shapes are attitude to life, our influences and upbringing.
Many of them are now poor and stuck in my old shit town.
I friend them on Facebook just to show the $$$$ I made because of them. I was in the library a lot.
Bullies toughen kids up. I wouldn't be the person I am today if I wasn't bullied as a kid.
Nah. I wasn't a nerd. But needless to say that bullies didn't succeess in life.
If you're being bullied and not fight back then you deserve it.
bullying is an essential part of childhood, obe or two bad kids set an example of how not to live. assault or battery does not count as bullying, and serious matters should be stopped. If we teased these kids for acting like retards we probably wouldn't have furries, bronies, stormfags, and trannies
This. The current generation of nu-male beta cucks with their blue hair and shit is because they weren't bullied enough.
They were told that everyone is friends, love and compassion will overcome hate, any form of conflict is wrong, they're always right no matter, and that they can be whoever they want to be etc. etc.
They never get the opportunity to know how to present themselves and stand-up for themselves.
>Y-yeah so what I was bullied for being a freak b-but at least I'm s-successful now t-that's all that matters
Then they should fit in or stand up for themselves. Prolonged bullying without behavior change is going to lead to further bullying. Also why are you putting a hyphen in deranged you mongatron?
What if the bully is like a 6'2 guy with big muscles? Besides self-defense is banned in schools
First off self defense isn't allowed and second what if the bully is like a 6'4 big guy
Part of human nature, still happens in adulthood, just with office politics instead of fists
If you weren't bullied you are a pathetic freak
I used to do it just for entertainment. I was a pretty sadistic child. Usually out of boredom most of the time I'd just kick the shit out of some local kids or make them do stupid shit for the bants like get from one end of the street to the other on one foot without falling over with a heavy bag and if they failed, they got beaten up. Or fuck up someone's paperround and throw the papers all over the street or ride my bike into them.
Same with school, I'd just go ruin someone's game or something and walk off laughing or start random fights or hack people down in sport. But I grew more of a conscience with age and stopped it by my mid teens. I don't know what happened, just got a certain age and started to feel bad for the other people then never did it again.
But then it comes back, at uni always I got this urge to start fighting SJWs and raging liberal twats. Went to a couple of 'protests' with the mpretending to be one of them only to get in fights with them after I'd put a balaclava on.
low level point scoring shit to the detriment of all human interaction
there's always some passive aggressive asshole playing these games that nobody else is. usually a single child
eventually one day this annoying fuckhead is badly injured and learns to shut the fuck up
I was bullied for a few weeks when i switched schools in middle school.
I remember this kid kept shoving me into a locker and and kept repeating "come on" or something.
This guy named Nick pushed him off me and the guy landed on the ground. He said something lame and walked off. I stood up for myself after that, I just needed to know that there were people that liked me or had my back.
Honestly felt really good to feel like someone cared about me getting bullied.
I paid it forward in highschool 3 times twice my senior year and once my Jr.
Fuck bullies
If the person being bullied lost the fight, it didn't matter (in most of the cases I saw) - they wouldn't be bullied anymore purely because they stood up for themselves. Also, it really doesn't matter if the kid defending himself gets in trouble with the school for fighting or whatever, is a school going to suspend a kid for standing up to his bully? I doubt it. But then again everything is so fucked up now that it would probably happen. In any case though, the bullying would likely stop.
Didn't get bullied, never bullied anyone.
People who do it should have their eyes gouged out.
>isn't allowed
>what if its hard?
i know that feel. i was bullied for playing hockey too.
>To be bullied
Allows you to know your place in the world. Case in point. Look at men today, they are bitches, yet still entitled somehow. Wonder why?? Most of them have never had a good beat down by anyone! Not even parents dare spank a child. /gasp! How the fuck will they ever know their place? Hint.. it's below any average mans boot heel.
>To bully someone
Again, you learn your own limitations. Perhaps you bully other bullies as I did for kicks, some people want a challenge. All lessons we use to learn in the real world that are now lost due to nanny state politicking. Zomgbbq... those kids are fighting!! lol
All sport originated from this beat and be beaten ideal. Men who are not initiated end up being the biggest feminine shit wads in history.
Look at what girls are attracted to on a sub conscious level (Chads, biker types, niggers etc...) and tell me we're not supposed to be hard edged kick ass alpha males. Maybe you're not alpha but you could still try right? Nope... getting a beat down is t..too painful. Guess what, you get hard by training, you get training by being bullied or being a bully. It's instinctual in most all animals.
tl;dr if you never got/or gave a good beating you're probability a piece of shit unfit to breed. Enjoy the sloppy seconds, thirds or fourths or truer more masculine men.
Literally nigger behavior
You can be 6'3 250lbs and still be a humongous beta
>t. me at age 20
>First off self defense isn't allowed and second
>If you weren't bullied you are a pathetic freak
and it's canada. yeah who knew
To keep the weirdo runts in check
Establishing a social pecking order
Also pro tip, you can't be bullied if you're extremely polite and kind in public. Eventually the bully will just look like a sociopath and have to stop. Bullying is a show of power and if you claim "no contest" then it ends.
If you're a whiny spergo who cries and "demands respect" while REEEEEEEING it's only adding fuel to the fire.
You're either intimidating enough to resist being a rarget or you're not. If you can't tell the bully to fuck off effectively - then call a no contest. There's no in between.
some cholo gang tried to get me to join up and sell weed and eventually cocaine, and when i turned it down they got butthurt and tried to force me by hunting me. that's something other than bullying though i guess
I put a hyphen in it to stress it's meaning. Amaerican English is a shadow of proper english and words have only a facsimile meaning and YET, you goomas speak as if you know what you're talking about ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Even the most stupid of you will get a pass because of that fucking rag you wave about bellowing about "Freedom", another fucking word you cocks use too fucking much without having a proper understanding of what it means.
Bullying is the answer to SJWs.
>bullied for playing hockey
bullied weakling detected
>Also pro tip, you can't be bullied if you're extremely polite and kind in public
Played field hockey with the girls
got bullied
thought me to stand up for myself
i thank my bullies
Thanks for playing though
I was a bully. Then I got my ass beat and I never bullied anyone again. I did take up karate to reign in my tendencies and help ensure that a re-run of my ass beating wouldn't happen. That was over a decade ago.
Kek. So you can be white thrash living with social benefits and the guy who wasn't even bullied and has university degree is STEM is the pathetic one?
Gimme a break.
I was bullied based solely on the fact that I was weird. Bullying in group form is a show of solidarity, an individual bullying another one individual is usually "small man's syndrome" manifested. It is a pecking order of sorts, but that shit all falls away in the real world. If you don't stand up for yourself before you leave school, the chances of you becoming any more than a door mat for people or a mass shooter are pretty slim.
Pretty much all the people who were bullies in my school ending up being colossal failures. I have no sympathy for them.
Blame the school system for encouraging brutal aggression between pupils.
Yes schools punish the kid standing up for themselves more because the belief is that if you fight back you are perpetuating violence and are therefor worse
you're a pussy
Actually it's weirdos and social runts who aren't bullying, and bullying only happens to those who are polite and kind. You are whiner
Your a moron, theres more than one way to engage someome and violence can be avoided almost always.
Tldr a virgin speaks his gospel
You are weakling
i was bullied because i was a bid different socially ( loner, awkward, study a lot, basically like half-autism).
it only made the issues far worse and as i became more and more antisocial the chance of recover were becoming slimmer.It cut me out from other people and dragged me into self-delusion.
i think people who justify bullying are pretty retarded.
just because once every 10 cases the kid snaps back and fix the problem that baited bullism it doesn't mean it's good at all for the other 9.
School and parents trying to solve the kid's social problems would yield far far better chances of success.
All i needed was a bit of therapy and parents becoming more respoansable in forcing me into social interaction.
Same I visited my old bully just to laugh that he's a blue collar worker.
>bullying only happens to those who are polite and kind
lol no. I'm polite and kind and I've never been bullied
Bullying meant asking for trouble around here where I lived. I was never bullied but I never bullied either (of course there was lots of banter but thats fucking normal #bantz)
Some guys used to fuck with this nerdy kid from another class when we were 4-5 grade. The kid then stabbed 2 of my classmates, the other ended up with torn organs and shit, he never recovered. dont know what happened to the stabber kid
Highschool again some guys started to fuck with some random kid: turns out his father is some Bandido and someone ends up getting shot etc.
Lots of gun violence here too where I lived and very old school attitude, fucking with wrong people would end up getting stabbed/shot, almost always some kind of violent retaliation in every bullying case I can think of