So a pathetic white cuck decides to set all of his shit on fire and spray paint "nigger lovers" on the garage door. Pieces of shit even set themselves up a nice gofundme page to get them some gibs. He's now been locked up in the looney bin. Remember anons, anytime that you see a news story about a church fire, blacks being attacked by whites, or other such things, it is completely made up until proven otherwise. I am surprised the white devil is getting in on this gravy train of gibs, but he does look like a cuck and has 'black friends' which led to this vicious attack. His go fund me has been shutdown, but he still managed to wrangle 5 grand before that.
Another fake hate crime
Other urls found in this thread:
I am guessing that the wife was in on it, but who knows.
The happy cucks in the better times.
>I have no words
>proceeds to write a dissertation
>8% is subtracted
>((they)) keep their pound of flesh
keked hard.
% is subtracted
>>((they)) keep their pound of flesh
>keked hard.
Haha, that will show those bleeding hearts.
why do all leftists feel the need to be oppressed?
'It is considered a hate crime because of what was painted on the garage door. Yes, we are white.
'It just so happens that we aren't as racist as someone would like us to be,' Mrs Williams wrote.
Denton Police were not available to verify Mrs Williams' claim her husband had confessed on Saturday.
Here's the dailymail article
has anybody archived all the fake hate crimes?
They are the losers and betas of society. The only way they can advance or gain power is through pity and our good graces, because they are not strong enough to conquer or smart enough to succeed.
>has anybody archived all the fake hate crimes?
Fuck man, I don't have enough time in the day. It's been going on for as long as I can remember, but really ramping up now that we gots a raciss white debil in dat Whitehouse agins. I read a lot of news, and I cannot recall even one of these stories ever being true. They're always done by someone with something to gain. Burn a church, poor black man, then next few months they have a bright and shiny new church.
>So a pathetic white cuck decides to set all of his shit on fire and spray paint "nigger lovers" on the garage door.
So does this mean he is a cuck? HA
In on it hell
She's probably the one that planned it and browbeat the thirsty husband into it
>I am speechless. I literally have nothing to say. Not one word. Nada. Zilch. Zero.
Here's a fairly good site with hundreds of fakes
Supposedly Reddit has a page of them as well.
that's actually pretty fucking mental, ruining your kids christmas
Nice, thanks user. They need to send these fucks a nice bill from the city for wasting resources and time, then put them in jail.
Pretty sure we called this one too. Sup Forums is always right.
obviously, these liberal whackos are incapable of personal initiative and rely on group approval
they probably realized the scam was up and decided it be better one of them take all the blame
also her husband put himself in the nuthouse so he can plead insanity
I don't think I even heard of this one.
>that's actually pretty fucking mental, ruining your kids christmas
Indeed, but think of it. Before he 'confessed', which I assume means that they were found out and about to be exposed, they'd already raised $5,000 cold cash spending money, and were waiting for insurance to pay for everything else. They about hit the gibmedat lottery.
There usually is some ulterior motive to cover while doing something like this, like he lost his job or lost money in an investment. Or he's just a cuck.
Well it could have been a hate crime and so he did nothing wrong
You forgot about the jewish kid spay painting swatztikas too
Because they've created a model of a bad person and a good person, and these models necessitate that if you're not a victim you're a victimizer. They look around their lives and notice that compared to the rest of the world they're the 1%. In order to maintain their self view of goodness they have to rationalize themselves as victims of something.
damn, should have said wfies kids
bloody hell, how will I recover
Is it really hard to fake these kinds of crimes? Or are all these people that keep getting caught just too stupid to pull it off?
Now white people are buying into this victim complex bullshit. What the actual fuck?
This explains it a bit more, I was wondering how they figured out it was faked. Insurance companies don't fuck around when it comes to investigation, especially if they're trying to push their luck on a destroyed vehicle.
Dumb cuck probably paid for the coverage recently and thought he could get a nice new upgrade and some free internet gibs.
Yah, looking at the pics of them, I assume the two older ones are from a 'previous relationship'. They're much older than the girls. Imagine having those 2 for parents, fuck. They're going to get bullied like hell over this one.
>Dumb cuck probably paid for the coverage recently and thought he could get a nice new upgrade and some free internet gibs.
Yeah that would make sense. Crazy bastard set everything on fire apparently.
One of these things is not like the other.
Did anyone figure out if that homo who was supposedly beat outside a bar real or fake?
If you cuck yourself, you win.
I remember reading about him being a makeup artist or something so take that as you will
>have 4 kids and 3 of them are born retarded
I would go crazy too tbqh family.
With the YouTube guy? Haven't seen follow up and don't think I saw any news about it besides on Sup Forums
>Gay Canadian filmmaker Chris Ball was severely beaten and bloodied by emboldened Donald Trump supporters shortly after the 2016 election. He did not go to the police, did not name the bar he was attacked at, and no one caught the event or aftermath on video. Only still images of Chris with blood on him.