Help me decide which new language I should learn.
I've narrowed it down to the following five:
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Help me decide which new language I should learn.
I've narrowed it down to the following five:
What do, Sup Forums?
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Mandarin :^)
learn Arabic, might save ur life
>soulsucking everpain awaits you
>you are now a robot
>you are now a cucked robot with autism and a lot of money
>maybe learn this one when they've finished rewinding the tape
oops forgot japanese
>because it's irelevant
Russian Chinese and English will be the only languages in the future and they will all merge into one anyhow.
So teach yourself to speak properally in Emperial Russmerican
Probably Japanese or German if your in business. Some people suggest russian for business but Russia's only industry is raw materials and oil and bist industries are super fucking greasy and will try to undercut you. Same with chinks. If you do learn russian like the retards in this thread that don't speak Russian suggest don't actually speak it, just learn to understand it. Russian with an accent is super fucking disgusting.
Sad, but probably true.
Russian will make me robot?
How can mandarin merge with english and russian? They seem worlds apart and non-compatible.
Good for getting us (your only family & friends) laughs too, imported from twitter & facebook
note sure how true is this story , but as a wise man once told me, DO NOT LEARN Mandarin !!
Hebrew or Arabic
GErrman x 10. Theres no way you can learn of the others on your own.
Depends on where you want to go often. If you learn Arabic or German, you'd be able to get by easily in Germany.
>Words don't really need to go in any particular order
>Learning the alphabet gives you tetris-strength nightmares
Mandarin and/or Arabic. Will make you able to communicate with the largest possible number of people.
Russian also a good choice, but Mandarin and Arabic win for numbers.
German will be easiest because it's closest to English but most people (at least the ones that matter) who speak German can speak English.
Japanese is a fun language but it's only spoken by Japs and nerds, and Japs will mostly be annoyed that you speak it.
Once you get past the cases and verbs of motion, it's pretty easy familam
Learn Mandarin my nigga, they'll be our overlords within 10 years.
Arabic is the most spoken language in that list, which opens up more opportunities. I'd pick that.
Hard as fuck, but also the most useful. In 10 years could get you a job in business.
I hate Cyrillic
As hard as mandarin, but also useless
Also pretty hard, could get you a job in the CIA
only if you let them gain cultural dominance.
learning mandarin affirms chinese aspirations to ascendancy.
t. a mandarin speaker.
I also hui shuo the zhong wen and I say DON'T LEARN IT THE PAIN LASTS FOREVER
mandarin or arabic, depending on what do you want to work in the future. They are not as difficult as one would expect
German/Swedish or Japanese first. They are the foundation you can use when learning other Euro or Asian languages. They'll give you a solid basis in gendered nouns and pronoun-verb conjugation, as well as understanding a grammar particle system.
Only Russian when you have both. Chink or Hindi is the most useful if you live in Aus/Canada. Spanish is good fir travelling but romance languages are an aquired taste.
Ukraine and Colombia for sex tourism.
Retarded advice. Anyone that's actually worked in business would tell you Mandarin and Arabic. Every business encounter I've ever had with Japanese reps and corporations speak fluent English. Same applies to the deutsch, except they speak even better English. Mandarin and Arabic are valued because in these dealings YOU'RE the one that has to accommodate.
t. MBA with 2 decades of experience
Dont ever fucking learn mandarin
Chinese people (from/in China) are the rudest fucking people you will ever meet
You'd think learning Chinese would be helpful if you got a job later on where you traded with Chinese people, but no.
They're the worst types of people on the earth and you do NOT want to have to deal with them.
No point learning Japanese if you're not actually a Jap-American, Japs will just shun you
fuck off m8
if you wanna read backwards put a mirror infront of your face and read everything from behind yourself
both good choices, German is easy to learn because English takes a lot from German
Russian would be good if you like delving into sketchy websites and digging around places that non slavs cant go
but never fucking chinese
>Sad, but probably true
As if these monkeys have any power. Have you ever watched memri tv? Arabs are morons.
German or Russian, everything else is a meme language in that list.
Everything < Classical Greek
Economic/job wise I'd say
(Depends on the job)
If you want to read old and instereting foreign books in their language.
When you're fascinated with Nipponland
If you're a fucking idiot
Is it true that the Chinese are soulless pricks?
german is an extinct language, like latin or greek
to elaborate on this. i spend most of my time among chinese people nowadays and one thing i know for sure is that you do not want the chinese to be the premier nation on the planet. the chinese psyche has many positive qualities but one thing that they distinctly lack is the ability to think critically and objectively. the rise of mandarin to become the world's second language is a truly terrifying concept to me as it finally gives the cultural influence that the PRC has aspired to attain for 70 years. through this cultural influence that china will be able to project in 10 years or so, the western world will lose so much.
dont learn mandarin.
Russian or Arabic would be most helpful. I'd personally prefer Russian, but it is situational.
Japanese - meme/weeb language
German - extinct language
Mandarin - enough know english to make it useless, like learning spanish. In less than a generation there will be more english speakers in China than the US.
When they had their "revolution" all of the lower class shit scum killed EVERYONE above what was essentially the lowest class of citizens
Now as a result they have literally 0 culture, 0 manners, 0 mannerisms, 0 social attention and 0 global awareness.
pic related
I saw the warnings too late
This. Japanese and German were the buskness languages to learn of the 70s-80s. I know German and it is useless and worked for Yamaha and everyone spoke english.
I know German, Spanish, and a decent amount of Japanese. Not to mention my major in college was Latin and Greek. But you know which language helped me the most? (J)E(w)speranto.
Apply for the Chinese government scholarship. They will give it away to you. It covers dorm, tuition, textbooks and living expenses for 2 years of mandarin language training then a 4 year bachelor degree or even grad school in China.
Best time of my life, met many great people and it gave me tremendous opportunities in life.
Just play airfare and boozing.
Learn C++, much more useful than the languages you listed.
Learn mandarin but NEVER tell your employer. Why? Two reasons:
1. It gives you the ability to spy on Chinese conversations which is very useful in business
2. Assuming you are worth your salt, you could proposition (in Chinese of course) to engage in corporate espionage to Chinese businessmen dealing with your company.
People don't care that you speak Mandarin. Chinese people want to speak English. Not useful.
Every German can speak English. Useless
Way too hard. Don't bother
There are way too many dialects and the standard dialect is useless. Way too hard as well
I would learn these languages:
Russian, Turkish, Azeri, and Indonesian
They are all considered "critical languages" which means they are high in demand, so they will make you more marketable.
Учи pyccкий, eбaннa poт: лaкoничнocть и вeличиe- двe бoльшиe cocтaвляющиe этoгo языкa, ты мoжeшь cкaзaть cвoю мыcль, кaк тoлькo ты хoчeшь.
Я жpy гoвнo
Жpy я гoвнo
Гoвнo жpy я
Гoвнo я жpy
Bce эти пpeдлoжeния нecyт oдин cмыcл, мoжeшь гoвopить. кaк тoлькo хoчeшь
I studied it as school for 4 years with a teacher from southern china. she was a kind, lovely person and I enjoyed having her the whole time.
Then I talked to other Chinese people. Had conversations. I realised at that point that I had made a huge mistake. It was already too late, half of my brain was scarred with hieroglyphs and my fingers were left crooked and painful. And even after you learn the language it still sounds like a busted radio.
i want to learn japanese and korean
currently trying to learn japanese.
If you need someone else to pick the language for you I don't think you have the drive necessary to actually learn one.
I learnt French because I badly wanted to read counter-revolutionary philosophy and I learned Japanese because I badly wanted to read autistic girlfriend simulators. In both cases I had a real reason to learn the language before taking it up.
Hows nip?
Korean is fun. But TOPIK testing is stupid. Do memrise and have a giant vocab before you start. Will help. A lot.
I need some help too. I'm a Castizo, and I've been thinking about "going back."
Which South American country is the least shitty, and should I learn Spanish, or Portuguese?
>If you need someone else to pick the language for you I don't think you have the drive necessary to actually learn one.
Too true.
>Help me decide which new language I should learn
Anata, taida desu ne? Low energy. Sad!
Would you guys consider Korean useful in any way? Wanted to learn it, but I suppose it could be nothing compared to Mandarin jobwise?
Learn the language of a place youre going to move to or vacation in frequently.
As long as you're willing to put in the effort to learn the writing system, Japanese isn't nearly as hard as some people make it out to be. I'm more fluent in Japanese than in English, despite German being my native language.
Same probably goes for Mandarin, although the pronunciation might be hard for someone who grew up speaking an Indo-European language.
Word of advice: DON'T learn any language other than English for business/economic reasons, unless you actually have a very specific foreseeable need for it. Learning a language costs a lot of time and effort, and investing that time (we're talking literally thousands of hours here) into learning e.g. mathematics or computer programming is going to open you a lot more doors than any language will.
I suggest learning Arabic or Hebrew. Your skills will be invaluable in the race war.
Chile, Argentina, Uruguay
USA user should learn Spanish I believe.
I speak German but it hasn't helped me get a job, and i'm pretty sure speaking Nihonji would be a lot more lucrative.
Don't come here we are full
ive been friends at university this year with a lot of chinese students who claim to be 'the new chinese' - ie. respectful, cultured and open minded. it doesnt take long to realise that the 'new chinese' concept, although an improvement upon the cultural revolution era, still doesnt cut it. My favourite experience of this year was when i brought my taiwanese friend to stay with me for a while and my mainland friends took every opportunity to talk cross strait politics with him in a very aggressive manner.
that being said, i find learning the language extremely interesting and entertaining. I have a completely different set of views in regards to taiwan and traditional chinese culture
Mandarin is a bad idea. You'll be stuck talking to shifty ass yellow Jews from China the rest of your life in the professional world.
i would recommend a language that has to do with one of your hobbies. for example, if you like anime, i would recommend japanese, because it will keep you interested in the language
if you try to learn a language but you don't do anything that is related to that language, you have no incentive to learn it. you will probably end up giving up.
You are likely correct. i suck at math however so I probably would fail at it.
interesting...I didn't know about the many diff. dialects of arabic, ty.
cyka blyat~!
I want diff. opinions on which languages people think are most useful in the world. fuck off.
I hate the way spanish sounds, so no.
I'm mainly in it for the challenge. Of course if the language has utilitarian advantages then all the better i suppose.
I think it's wise to learn the language of your enemy, so I'd recommend Mandarin or Arabic in your case.
I also don't know which to pick next. I've narrowed it down to same list as you, except German, since it's useless unless you live in geman speaking countries.
I'll probably go with Mandarin or Japanese (just because I like it)