So Sup Forumscucks , how lonely is your christmas eve?
So Sup Forumscucks , how lonely is your christmas eve?
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I don't celebrate Christmas.
I'm with Family.
I wish I had a bf to cuddle and watch A Christmas Story with
So why are you posting here?
just dined with the family, gonna go out with friends in an hour
I'm spending it with family, but I'd rather spend it with my waifu Saber.
I'm a girl (trans)
Working. And I work alone.
>want to have nice christmas with 10 or so close family members
>cousin insist on bringing the dudebro she happens to be dating this month
I'm with family, on my phone atm
Probably the same
Marrying a tranny is also the most redpilled thing you can do. Compared to a woman trannies are:
>Loyal to a fault, will never leave you, will never steal your money
>Pertain more to gender roles, they love cooking and cleaning.
>Are more often redpilled
>Have a mans brain so they can actually think logically and not emotionally
>No menopause or periods
>Can have real, intellectually stimulating conversations with them
>A sex drive to match your own
>They are better at raising smart children, women feminine your sons, but trannies know the difference in genders so will give you masculine sons.
>Not many men like trannies so they will see you as unreplacable
All you will need to figure out is getting a surrogate mother for your children. And your trap wife will do a great job taking care of them....
extremely lonely. life is pain
Lonely. I never talk to girls, I don't have a gf.
>you will never impregnate Saber
Because I have a lot of free time, earlier I was helping my brother set up a quad bike for his kid, now I'm pretty cosy drink a few beers browsing my favorite mongoloid basket weaving forum.
>he actually believes he's a girl
Jewish mind control through media manipulation.
I chose to spend it with my family, which I despise and haven't seen in almost a year, because I'm really lonely and... Free food.
No man is lonely when he believes in the Christ
Even more of a fag.
Mother disowned me for denouncing my sister's interracial relationship. That stupid whore told my us four days before Christmas. Bound to be the worst Christmas of my life.
What the fuck ever. They never said there wouldn't be losses in having pride for your race and people.
I did hormone therapy before I hit puberty, so I'm more feminine than most girls. Nice try
Top kek
i always knew frogs had shit taste
Hide the fugitives. Don't betray the refugees.
Isaiah 16:3
Went to like 3 churches
Fapped to trap porn
Bretty good I'd say
ummm its on 7th jan. so i dunno
I'm with my mother this Noche Buena. I feel so full I might explode
I'm all alone.
It's the first time in my life that I'm alone on that day, though.
Not lonely at all. Just checking at you fucking virgins and i see this retarded thread. Go spend time with your family you cucks.
I don't celebrate Christmas.
I believe you user. You gonna be qt some day
>posting worst girl
> had gf for christmas last 3 years
> tfw no gf for current year christmas
I didn't post Rin
jew fag
Other than >nogf it's actually rather nice.
Almost everyone from my mother's family side get together, make a ton of food, spend christmas together, bring gifts for fucking everyone, also there's praying because you can'0t have christmas without that. Pretty great honestly
>oy vey goyim why do you celebrate christmas it's like another shoah.
Convert to christianity jewcuck! Do it NOW
>implying she isn't best girl
You get gifts for fucking everyone?
I'm not a fag.
No thanks.
pretty lonely
Its Christmas here but its also 6 am
all jews are fags
I believe you are confusing Jews with the French.
>It's the first time in my life that I'm alone on that day, though.
This is because your going the wrong way: the way of evil, hate, racism.
Pretty lonely, I guess. Most of my family is away visiting my sister so it's just me and my mom celebrating Christmas this year
As predictable as its supposed to be.
>implying you're not fucking a little boy right now
I'll be ur ai gf
Now you appear to be confusing Jews with Afghans.
I'm with you
same shit, different shithole
>implying there is a difference
Shouldn't you be being run over in a Christmas market right now?
lmfao a terrorist hotspot like Israel is gonna talk about attacks?
Not! She will go out with me!
my chirstmas wasnt that lonly since I was at a chirstmas party and had a comfy time, but went home early to be with u guys :3
Yes, because we have a lower loss rate.
Last time I checked there aren't any jihadis trying to launch missiles in Austria, do you have some top secret Mossad proofs that I don't?
Tohsaka a slut
Austria is the same shit as Germany.
Same. Taking a break for quiet and getting over my handover before we all start boozing the night away and playing board games
Which brings us back to the point of Israel being the same shit as Afghanistan. Thanks for playing!
Except that unlike Austria and Germany there is nothing similar about Israel and Afghanistan.
Because you control the terrorists.
I'm Orthodox, so I don't celebrate Christmas with Catholicucks.
Not lonely enough. Fuck my normie family t b h f a m.
No, we are just not liberal idiots like Europeans.
You're bath sandmonkeys who diddle children, we already told you this.
Nice try Fritzel.
Just holding the winning lotto ticket :D
>implying you didn't made our politicians libtards
Your politicians in Europe push sanctions on us for being anti-Arab and anti-Muslim, we support the groups like the FPO or AfD or UKIP in Europe.
Two weeks still remain till christmas
Have a taste of your own fucking medicine.
Not our medicine though is it dumb Frog.
I'm going to spend with my family. Last Christmas eve until I work hard during the holidays as a medic, I'm thinking about confessing to a person I like (after years thinking I was asexual, asexuality is a blatant lie) and rejoining Catholic church.
Tohsaka pleases old men for money.
It's Christmas Eve?
Redpill your mom.
>Not our medicine
>implying you don't control our media and politic
We don't otherwise we would have had you kill all the arabs by now.
it's christmas evve you fagot
im not lonely
About to spend it with my whole family.
>implying it's not us you're trying to kill
we have bigger problems than some cucked frenchman
I'm spending it with my dad and sis, will probably go to church and get trucked
>pulling off Seibahs Ahoge
>Dad's in the hospital because of diabeetus, just got back from visiting him, made an omelette, listening to NPR Politics Podcast, going to play GTA San Andreas later and might get something from the Steam Sale.
Could be worse.
I'm going to get drunk and play video games.
i'm going to sleep in my comfy bed and wait for the midnight
Will do a dota game and go to sleep
A man in his 20's with no gf is one sad fuck