What is Sup Forumss IQ?
You guys are always talking about how high your IQ is to blacks etc.. prove it now with a screenshot of your results.
Ill try and keep this thread bumped as the test takes up to 40min.
What is Sup Forumss IQ?
You guys are always talking about how high your IQ is to blacks etc.. prove it now with a screenshot of your results.
Ill try and keep this thread bumped as the test takes up to 40min.
Took that test b4
It tried to tell me i have 99 IQ like some subhuman ape
Kek how the fuck is it even possible to score under 100 on an iq test.
nignog detected
seems pretty fair to me
Ive always been afraid to take the test, I'm sure it will be lower than whatever the internet approves of
I'll just stick to having confidence and being good at what I enjoy
I took 3 shitty, half-baked tests and they said I was 109, 118-131, and 119. So, feels good, man.
pussy do it
Glorious >130 iq maaaaster race
Which tests did u take, OPs is pretty legit even though the site looks terrible
Take a screenshot and prove it otherwise ur bullshiting
Cypriot master race
screenshot or stfu
i dont believe u took the test in 14minutes, but if you did good job
No I took the test a month ago on a previous thread
>Cypriot master race
ok, well good job then. what do u do for a living?
Am currently in the army
obligatory concription
im good bruh, not my fault u have to lie about your IQ on an anlantian giant squid netting internet chitchat destination
ah ok, what are you plans for after
i do chemistry better than i shitpost on Sup Forums
ah, nothing like "doing" chemistry
shits cash
>tfw too smart to do iq test
I want to believe in the results of this test, but why is it so difficult?
Took me around 20 minutes btw
are you the guy starting all the fucking "too smart for capitalism" "too smart for athiesm" shit threads?
i dont know, but some of those fucking questions literally have no answer i swear, just absolute random shit with no patterns discernible
Tfw gay brit
Above average but not hyperintelligent
you got owned by the tic tac toe questions didnt ya
not an argument
Yeah, the test took me like 15 minutes but i didnt think to deep into ones that didnt make immediate sense like those ones.
nice shitposting, 9/10
>tfw no 10/10
this test maxes out at like 135 or 140. i took it before and got 135 i think but i got 163 on a real one
>take this exact same test a few months ago
>close to 130 iq
>take this test today
>110 iq
Maybe I got dumber or maybe those tests are horseshit
Scored between 130-134
Feels good to be a Mexican intelectual
I got 134 last time and 129 before that. And no I don't feel like retaking the test again because some shitposter made a new IQ or MBTI thread.
>IQ tests on the internet
I seriously hope you guys don't believe you can do something for free on the Internet that is the same as the actual (paid) service made by somebody that has a degree
terrible shoop my friend
I consistently get 135-140 on these tests.
A lot of these questions are just patterns that can be learned.
Real intelligence is if you can use the patterns that you know to solve problems you come across.
If you do not recognize most of these patterns right away you should just get out of Sup Forums
that bait may have worked if you left out the degree part
Fuck this.
who doesn have flash plugin in the year 1982+34?
I don't really need it, but I am obliged to measure my e-penis on this occasion.
It's not shopped.
cool beans, ill be waiting for your results. i will measure your e-peen when you are ready sir.
bro i can see the fucking pixels
Took this test three times during the last ~4 or ~5 months
1st time: 115
2nd time: 125
3rd time: 115
Just what is wrong with me? ( -_-)
It's a screenshot, you dipshit.
My monitor is low ress so probably why.
how many times are you going to take the same test
>that fucking gobbldygook language
the fuck does it say "this test is farting"
jesus christ learn english
I'm probably less though; probably had a good gamble or 2.
got 130 senpai
I am writing in english with you, buddy. The results are numeric and there are no german digits, also there is a fucking graphic.
What did it mean by this?
B-better than nuffin
Fuck I could've gotten way above 103 if I didn't click the swastika, fucking memes suck.
Wew i thought i was going to be a retard
my IQ is 108.
pretty decent
I swear to fucking God this one is impossible.
Hello niggers
This is rather interesting.
I took this test a 4th time and got 118 which roughly is the arithmetic average of my first three results. :^)
I say it is H.
Where's my award?
I spent about 20 mins on
I got 96. This is concerning.
Took the test a while ago I got 130, answers to all the questions are on youtube btw.
The true IQ test is
>clicking on random .swf on the 4chins
>having flash
>i dont know, but some of those fucking questions literally have no answer i swear, just absolute random shit with no patterns discernible
You misunderstood me.
I dont find that test difficult. I find it difficult to believe that I am mensa level.
im drunk now so i cant take the test but i usually get around 125 in these
Got a 40 on the MCAT. Fuck an IQ test.
According to IQ tests, I'm borderline retarded, I'm around 100, 110. 108 maybe. I don't remember exactly.
Still, IQ tests don't mean shit. If idiots like me can come out of university with 78% and get a job, what does it tell about IQ tests and about universities?
Also, intelligence doesn't get you very far, as far as I know. It more often than not comes with social anxiety, paranoia, psychopathy, sociopathy, autism and all sorts of other illnesses. Being smart makes you unhappy, most of the time. Dumb people don't hurt themselves, they don't have the brainpower for that.
Its F, the symbol in the middle is showing you what direction its pointing.
Got 118, good for a subhuman I guess
I still don't understand 37 tho
Will post results after i make the test, the 125 score I got from other test.
>IQ test auto-fellatio contest thread
my dad can beat up your dad
Are those supposed to be neurons? because it looks like a bunch of titty fucking spread buttholes.
I'm just skimming but it looks like the black white grid slowly fills while the two dots move right and down and change color sometimes camouflaging and sometimes not
Legit enough?
But you don't have any information to confirm that (short of previous questions).
The circles move one step to the right and the squares keep appearing (and might hide the circles).
If a circle steps on a square, it changes colours.
>wrong answers do not influence your result
what kind of shit test is this?
hmm there should be 8 black squares, and black&white circles.
>US of A
Results seem fair enough to me
>tfw too intelligent for iq tests
>tfw scared of the result
Brought to you by Captain Subtext :^)
Check on youtube it has all the answers, its F.
Piss easy question tho, I don't see how it gives you trouble.
First row, the arrow points up to the cube stays the same
Second row you have an X so the third symbol on the row is slanted.
Third row you see the arrow is slanted so the last symbol has to be slanted too(just like 2nd row) but also a square like first row so its F.
Easy peasy. That's how I rationalized it anyway.
guessed on every one and got 103, seems like bullshit
>40 minutes
>tfw too smart to actually waste 40 minutes on this
IQ 1000000
It is the opposite of upper left corner in relation to other corners. Correct me if I am wrong.
I see what you fags did here.
Nah, it's real. But I only scored that high on the second B-test, the first time I got 125.
>picking random choices gives the worst possible result
I got 97 but I lost interest half way though and skipped like 20 questions.
>tfw too intelligent to be goaded into something
50% of whites score under 100 on an IQ test
picked G
135+ according to Mensa.
15 point standard deviation
133 in the test with 15 point standard deviation
Spent less than 10 mins on it.
Answers were all intuitive.