This was real thread

Post pics that make you understand you were born too late

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Good riddance.


This is Saratoga Springs, NY and all these buildings are still here - you can still walk down that main street except its boutiques, restaurants and Starbucks' now. I work in the horse business and Saratoga has a lot of horse racing and sales. It's a nice little town.

You're posting this from your mom's basement. You are a loser and wouldn't be allowed into such a dignified neighborhood unless you were shining their shoes on the corner. You'd live in a ghetto with the rest of the riff raff fighting over loaves of bread.

I wish I was 10 years younger for the race war, desu

I know this is a colorized photo, but can anyone tell me why some of the trees are discolored on the lower half of the trunk with that distinctive ring 3/4 of the way up the lighter colored part?

Beat me to it!

They are painted with lime against rodents.

>being so cucked that you give up on making the present your civilizations golden age


Ah yes I can picture it now

>The golden age of liberals and globalisation

Although that age is at an en- CONFETTI!!!

Dutch Elm disease?

That doesn't make any sense, limes are green!

horses WILL make a comeback this century screen cap this.


Strange how color makes it seem so much more relatable


Maybe lye then? Or actual powdered limestone I dunno

>le born in wrong generation meme
how about instead of whining like a little baby here, make it great for you.


best timeline ever

That still doesn't change that fact that right now things are pretty fucked up and have been going that way for awhile

When men were men instead of slaves.

Slaked lime
Calcium hydroxide

A was born at a perfect time. 4 TV channel childhood, the digital age kicked off in my 20s, unbelievable lifetime of mind-blowing happenings, and I will live to see man determine his own evolution and become God.
I love this shit.

>rich people

Yeah I'm good living in the current year


Born in 1986

Voted for Trump in primary and general election

> I'm living in the best timeline


Sup Forums says this but 90% of would be fucking serfs and/or generally poor as fuck

Unless you're a millionaire now, you certainly wouldn't be one back then


>Always brings a tear to my eye

>this was real
>people post romanticized paintings

>Internet make trump win against the elite, same for brexit. Despise NSA existing

>being born at wrong era.
pick one

Come to think about it, the only impressive part of the British Empire was India
There was actually a "civilization" there when the Brits showed up

The rest of their territories was just people with pointy sticks that could be rolled over by 20 guys with muskets

It seems much more impressive than it is due to the large amount of territory, but Aus/Can/NZ/Africa was piss easy to take.

>Not showing worm movies through your penis

Why live?

(Remember when degenerates were at least entertaining.)

>Not living the late 1940s life of freedom and jazz

I live in saratoga about 200 yards from where this picture is. Those trees are no longer there. That building on the left has a pretty good steakhouse in it.

Look at it.

Everyone is white.

Everything is clean.

There is no trash anywhere.

Everyone is dressed well.

Urban development was done with aesthetics and nature in mind.

Nothing is overcrowded.

Kids are engaged in wholesome activities.

Men look dapper and gallant.

Women look charming and polite.

Transportation is sustainable.

Fashion is modest.

One look at this picture is enough to know that we have peaked.


When cops were respected

Fuck off leaf traitor


I've said it before and I'll say it again, 1914 was the high water mark of western civilization


truly beautiful time

Kerouac is no difference than some crustpunk living busking in the subway while bitching about how the man keeps him down

He died at 47 from being an alcoholic
He couldn't handle the responsibility of being a man so he just travelled the country being gay and drinking, avoiding as much responsibility until he died from his degeneracy

And he was French Canadian

you fool, read some literature from those years. some REAL literature. Rivers of shit flowed just next to this picture-perfect bourgeois dreamland of lies.

Though I would still prefer living then, but for the river of shit: for it was more authentic, human, filthy, fun, warm --and brotherly, certainly more than the bamboozled warped consumer society we had the misadventure of being born in.

Rather triggering. kazakh are animal kin to horse. I once discover kazakh in barn making sausage cuddle with princess mare. in his mouth is full of hay chew, maybe a whole kilogram. (kazakh chew hay as a horse camouflage.) I shine light on his shit face and he scream like a rape and did two back flips out of barn.

I hate kazakh.


Check mendelev out

You're missing the point.
It wasn't the Abos or the Zulu that the Brits were fighting against, it was other Europeans in the land grab.
The British Empire is so great because it shows Britain's dominance over the filthy Continentals.

Exactly what did you think the 18th century was like for 90% of the population?

I giggled. Thanks.

>alaska, canada and america

which delusional person did this







Regardless of his lifestyle, I still loved the book.

Even though I don't agree with everything he says and does, the sense of freedom he describes is overwhelming. And not possible anymore, these days.

Only shit nations went for foreign colonies
That's why they had no competition.
The rest of the European powers fought for control of Europe why Britain took over savage lands

It was a good idea, economically, but it wasn't like, look at that military power!

Niggers ruined everything about the police force.

Nigger crime and nigger shootings forced cops to get tough in order to survive while keeping the criminals in check.

Marxist liberal nigger apologists started cried foul about that in the 1960s, and it's all been downhill from there.

Being a cop these days means sticking your hands into a cesspool of nigger depravity while getting admonished by sheltered faggots who think all criminals are created equal.

Calm down, Borat.


What the fuck are you two




>proper use of adjectives
>calm down

What about a video?

Give it a watch.


And by and large owned by various organized crime syndicates. Cops were never respected.

Also, if the kid was a runaway in the 1950's there's a near 100% chance that that scene would have ended in him being raped.






>Only shit nations went for foreign colonies
All European nations are shit nations

stop projecting your autobiography, Temurbek

Stop being so butthurt. None of us are Uzbeks.


Took the words out of my mouth.

>God, Americans are based

>read some literature from those years.

Read some literature about how your dipshit uranium mining techniques are polluting the shit out of your country.

Stop blasting water into uranium veins while pretending that you aren't poisoning your fucking groundwater.

Your kids are going to be born fucked up, and you're going to whine the UN for aid money that my country will probably provide.

Your stupidity is costing me money.

The nazis where the only group that could ever join glory and modernism.

>and it's all been downhill from there.

Murder rate is lowest it's been since 1962.

>And not possible anymore, these days.
Absolutely it is.

They just look like this now instead of some beatnik you imagine Kerouac to look like

There are lots of people who just go where they want and busk/steal/beg in order to get food


>you will never be part of Tsar Simeon's armies
Why even live without tri moreta

Nice - I'm usually there for the Fasig Tipton sale in August. It was so fucking humid when I was there this summer. I like Saratoga a lot. Stoked to get back this year.


I wanna go back.

art deco



YFW the painter didnt draw all the sewage in the streets

The light doesn't come in like that anymore because the buildings next to it block the sun.

>seriously thinks one single Kazakh could write this correctly

that flag, that's just an icon, man

If you can't tell the difference between a crustpunk and a man who wrote over 20 books (mostly before he made any money as a writer), then there's not much hope for you. Also, he wasn't constantly on the road; he was actually quite a homebody.

He wrote about the joy and beauty of America.

that painting is beautiful, FUCK, what I would do to just spend a week in a beautiful place like that

There is one interesting thing and it is called "history". Read about this more, bro :3

Do you even know what a syrup nigger is?: