What does Sup Forums think really happened in the Robin Hood Hills Woods on the on the night of May 5th 1993?
West Memphis Three
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The Grifter got them
They sucked each other's dicks until they died of orgasm
Who/what is the Grifter?
They did it, the cops just botched the case.
Same thing as the OJ trial.
Was gonna come here to post this. The truth must come out.
Lurk moar, faggot.
Who/what is Google?
Who did it? The WM3? Not one of the parents?
they were murdered. why even doubt it?
Yes but who did it and why.
why does anyone kill a kid? these three arent some special, unique case.
One of the kid's step-dad did it because the mom was fooling around with a Mexican.
>"You want to cheat on me? Fine I'll murder your kid"
The other two were just collateral damage.
The three scumbags who were originally jailed for the crime did it and Damien Echols should be dead, instead he is a free man earning thousands at speaking events and gallivanting around with his celebrity friends.
Damien Echols was well known to be a sick fuck with a history of mental illness and a fondness for satanism and devil worshiping, he also abused animals and was a serial liar. There is no doubt he killed those boys.
Go listen/read the multiple confessions of Jessie Misskelley, Jr, he explains in detail what they did and how they killed them, giving precise details that nobody but the killers could have known. He was not forced into confessing like his supporters say he was, he confessed of his free will on multiple occasions against the advice of his lawyer.
It sickens me that all three are free men and those little boys were killed by them in such a brutal manner. Its even more sickening how Hollywood and the celebrity elite has taken their side and made them into martyrs, trying to make out that they persecuted because they were into metal and wore black clothing.
the Jews sacrificed them to moloch. then they framed the teenagers for it. its all part of a secret pedo ring run by the jews as a way to blackmail powerful people into doing what they want.
Very likely Terry Hobbs
No, Damien Echols and his two lackeys did it, they are the ONLY ones the evidence points to and the only ones who have no alibi that holds up against scrutiny.
Not a single one of them can explain to this day where there were between 8 and 11pm on that day with eye witnesses to testify on their behalf.
They did it.
Damien Echols lives 1 town over from me, he's usually at the neighborhood coffee shop. Why don't we just ask him what happened?
It was Terry Hobbs. He paid a negro drifter to help him. Hence the black man that showed up to the Bojangles covered in mud and blood (which was reported to the police and which had DNA collected which was then lost just after they arrested Echols).
West Memphis looked for suspects first and then found evidence. For fucks sake they had a "Satanic expert" with a fucking mail order degree. Shit you not.
Or perhaps more likely to be those who were originally sentenced for the crime and who have no alibi's for the night in question?
There is not a shred of evidence that Hobbs did it, including the so called 'DNA evidence' of his hair being on one of the boys...who happened to spend a lot of time at his house as a friend of his son.
The step dad's alibi doesn't hold up either. The police didn't even interrogate him.
you should do this. but he probably wouldnt tell you anything.
This is a great example of "training" that police received with "satanists"
Didn't one of the dads get his teeth all replaced before they could match them to bite marks on the victims?
>It sickens me that all three are free men
nigga one of them been dead for decades...
you must be confused
Byers. Although crazy and a bit much, there's no evidence or suspicion. Plus he slowly learned he was wrong and admitted such, even going as far to reach out to Damien in jail to apologize.
Seriously guys. It's Terry Hobbs. He was the last person seen with the kids and his DNA was all over the crime scene.
There was no DNA found at the scene of the crime due to the conditions so it would have made no difference.
Some people say he had mud and blood on him and others at the same place say there saw nothing, it sounds more likely to me to be a boogyman which Echols cult-like supporters cling on to.
You say there was no evidence, yet then you say it was Terry Hobbs who did when there is absolutely no evidence that he did, and far less evidence that he did it compared to Echols who was a well known satanist (which he was) with a history of mental illness and animal abuse.
Why did Jessie Misskelley, Jr confess multiple times against the advice of his lawyer and without pressure from the police? Why did he give exact details of the murders which only the murderers could know?
Why do none of the three have any alibis for that night that stand up to scrutiny and why are there no eye witnesses who can testify that they saw them between the hours the murders took place?
Those sick fucks killed those boys, stop falling for the Paradise Lost propaganda.
Their narrative was they were singled out for being different but I've friends who went to school with Damien who were punks with the whole Mohawk getup who swore Damien was always bragging about worshipping Satan and doing ritual sacrifices. There were plenty of different people in West Memphis, those three were known creeps and almost got what they deserved.
The stepfather of one of the boys did it.DNA confirmed it.
They analyzed the DNA samples in 2097 at Rhodes College and concluded much of it belonged to Terry Hobbs.
And your question regarding Jessie's "confession" is asinine. That was textbook forced confession.
Again, you people are total hypocrites. You state with fact that it was Terry Hobbs when there is no evidence to suggest it was, whilst saying that it wasn't the 3 boys because of a lack of evidence.
His DNA was not 'all over the crime scene' that is a total lie, there was no DNA found at the crime scene because the conditions had washed it all away, they did find a hair on one of the boys shoelaces which COULD have been his, but that would not be surprising as the boy in question spent a lot of time at Hobbs home with his step-son.
Why are you so quick to just totally ignore the multiple confessions of Misskelley, the history of mental illness of Echols, his history of animal abuse, his proven fondness for the cult and satanism and their total lack of any alibi for the time the boys were killed?
Sometimes the simplest answer is the right one. They did it. Paradise Lost has blinded many people such as yourself to this.
American police it's fuking disgusting. They also ruined the case of that ramsey girl whos murder was never found
Rubbish, you have no idea what you're talking about.
If they had found that to be accurate then Terry Hobbs would be in prison right now for murder, all they found were one of his possible hairs on the shoelace of one of the boys, which as I said can be explained as the boy was often at his home.
>And your question regarding Jessie's "confession" is asinine. That was textbook forced confession.
Bullshit again. He confessed MULTIPLE times, including when his lawyer practically begged him not to do so and he did it anyway. Go listen and read to those confessions and tell me he is just making it up, nobody making up something like that can go into that much detail.
Tell me that he was 'forced' to confess after watching this:
He confessed a total of 6 times.
I think you mean
>The truth must cum out.
>Jessie's confession
Been a while but from what I recall Jessie probably had a sub-80 IQ and was probably coerced. I remember not being impressed with his confession.
The three teenagers did it