>Trump is a Jewish puppet
Holy shit. I can't believe that i actually voted for this guy...
Now i regret voting for him. Anyone else feel the same way?
>Trump is a Jewish puppet
Holy shit. I can't believe that i actually voted for this guy...
Now i regret voting for him. Anyone else feel the same way?
>Now i regret voting for him. Anyone else feel the same way?
I do. I voted for him because i thought that he is going to drain the swamp, stop being Israel's puppet and fight against Wall Street.
Oh boy, i was so wrong....
i'll never get tired of you, serbian samefag
I kinda dislike the UN so I could probably find a way to support what he is doing.
This post is weird and makes no sense
>Mr Jewish daugher turned out to be a kike puppet all along
Well color me shocked
such obvious samefagging
Nothing to see here goyi... I mean guys !
Good little drumpfkinigger
Ignore the obvious signs, move along and obey Herr Drumpf!!
The alt-right cuckshed awaits you, goy!
What is this travesty of a post?
Ive always like the jews. I think trump will be good for America and Israel
Mmmmm gullible Sup Forumstard tears
4 more years of this might make up for you guys putting the whole country in danger
Idgaf what he does as long as i get my wall.
NO ONE is a "Jewish Puppet" and Israel is the democracy mecca in the middle east and a center for technological and medical advancements in the world. You should look up all the great things Israel brought to the world before you hate on it. You realize Israel is fighting against genocide by the same Muslims killing Europe, right?
>there are still people on Sup Forums who don't realize that zionists are the best ally against the eternal internationalist Jew
c'mon, lads, educated yourselves
For better or for worse, Israel is one of few allies in the middle east. Trump understands quid pro quo and we should be using THEM as OUR attack dog, not the other way around.
Israel = Good
Liberal Jews = Bad
Sure, there's some (minimal) overlap
But look at Netanyahu always backing up Trump, coming out to say he isn't racist, etc.
That's what I thought
I realized that the people Trump picked
built up their own career themselves,
not sitting around in DC waiting to be picked up via the elite.
Trump picked self-made men & women, not just politicians
this fucking serb CTR keeps posting false-flags and concern shilling 24/7
Now we will never stand a chance, thanks to your kike loving president. Have you ever realized that the Jews lose once you stop supporting people that enable them? All we want to do is live in peace. Maybe we wouldn't come to USA and Europe if you guys didn't ruin our home
Also, you're pathetic. There is ID for posts
Yes yes, it's all a false flag, goy, obey daddy drumpf and his israeli friends and everything will be fine!!
You naive fools.
You thought Trump, of all people, would never lie to you? Hah!
God damn it Serbia
>(((DA JOOS))) seriously you're a fucking retarded piece of shit who is too stupid to have an original thought. good thing you have (((DA JOOS))) to point at every single fucking time something goes wrong in society. trump isn't a retard, like you, so he knows (((DA JOOS))) aren't to blame for everything that's happening. it's interesting how he gathered a following of braindead retards like you who play race politics. seriously what are you doing here? if you're a cultural marxist retard you should be with clinton chanting NOT MY PRESIDENT.
His daughter is Jewish, wtf are you so surprised about?
Please, please kill yourself
You know the UN is what's pushing this filth, right? Look up their policy for "replacement migration".
soros for example, is banned from israel, and most of these lefty kikes are secular/non-practicing/jews-in-name-only. Trump's ambassador to Israel has compared globalist jews to the jews that aided the nazis.
I voted for him 5 times - I drove to different states to vote - and now I regret voting at all. I hope Drumpf gets demolished!
Hey its not like he didn't warn you, he had a daughter convert to Judaism, he stepped in front of the Jewish Conference or whatever that is and said "I will be the biggest friend of the Jews". I remember that Sup Forums also shit its drawers over that.
You also put way too much faith everyone is as anti-Jew as you are, I think they are a great people who deserve to rule because they are the best artists, lawmakers and they hate Muslims.
As a Christian I know my religion is shit tier right now but I still love it, I guess its like people who still stay Chicago Cubs fans. Jewish people will let me do my thang as long as I act like cattle, Muslims will slaughter us all.
All fucking day
Replacement migration bulletpoints from the UN
Read the last sentence
he said, increasing in his nervousness.
I'm sorry but I must not have noticed, was Moon Man running for president and I just missed it?
Because all of you retards to seem be pointing out that Trump isn't a white nationalist and anti-Israel, and are talking like there was a Moon Man ticket that we all just overlooked.
Wtf I hate trump now
Trump ran on "tax the chinks, trade war now" and Sup Forums misheard it as "gas the kikes, race war now"