happy """holiday season""" goy
Happy """holiday season""" goy
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Would you prefer it if she was a single mother?
Sup Forums BTFO, for real...
Atleast then she wouldn't be wed to a Goy
I'd prefer it if they were both gassed, desu senpai.
Yes, as a matter of fact.
Single mother > coalburner by far
Stupid nigger cant even open the box right
T. Retard
She will be one very soon
t. americuck
What makes you think they're going to stay together? Black man/white woman relationships are statistically the least likely racial sex paring to stay together.
She will be before their fist wigger leaves the womb.
That nog will get in the wind faster than Superman
It's a work in progress
>(((insurance))) company
>stock image
Here's a proper couple, faggots.
That girl looks like she's 14.
Fun fact the first romans was ruled by kings who was black. Tarquinius superbus the last black king of rome was overthrown by the whiteys who ruled rome for a couple of centuries. Until sulla the great black general overthrew the whiteys and exterminated them in the social war. Now blacks was running rome again and a whitey wasnt seen in the region again until it was sacked by alaric and the whiteys eventually killed or sent the black romans to africa. Julius caesar was black
Why is he holding it backwards :3
Why don't black/white babies have stripes?
----They will in some prison systems!
Fuck State Farm anyway.
A Fucking Kike
There is no difference between a coalburner and a single mother. the latter comes from the former.
She's on her way to being a single mother
I only see niggers in their twitter what the fuck is this?
Slowly, but surely, the negrification of the Jewnited States of America will take over all aspects of society and academia.
Who you calling cuck, Leafboy?
You actually make me google this stuff....
>posting a picture of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Bro, that girl is underage.
Are those actors? Or for real? Because I'm under the impression that its payed for advertisement... and not an actual engagement...
It christmas nnigger
She's pretty cute. Gonna fap later to imaging her getting her butt hole ravaged by that black dick
Fucking ewwwwwww.
Is this staged? Just another company I'm boycotting now.
Don't worry, they're just actors and were paid for the shoot.
Why is Tryone proposing to a 13 year old?
wtf that girl is like 13 at best
>ayo bitch we gettin married fo dem taxes n sheit. An imma need you to put dis gun in yo name bitch, im a felon.