Mfw I met some Americans and they were actually very friendly

>mfw I met some Americans and they were actually very friendly

It varies


They probably didn't wan to get bombed

usually we're assholes

Who would of thought that people might act differently face to face than they do online

>white people get along with other white people

I'm usually pretty nice to White foreigners. We get a lot of tourists here in D.C.

you met Californians

Nigger you high

Guess you didn't come to NY.

So you mean poo in the loos actually poo in the loo?

How fucking sheltered are you mate? We American's live to share our crisps with all you plebs. Except for Mooslims, no crisps for them.

I got into a fight with a brit exchange student back in college but then we were buds after. Id fight one of you again for sure

The further away they are from New England, the friendlier they are.

Haha silly user, of course not!

Probably from the south or south west

He didn't say they tried to convert him to an arrogant, ignorant, faggot Muslim loving piece of shit.. he just said they were nice.

Me on the internet

Me in real life

Don't take it personally we usually hate everyone.

Overly friendly, actually. I know the Germans can't stand it. They think we're all fakers and closeted assholes which, to a large extent, we all are.

From Utah.


Did they tell you the Garden of Eden was in Missouri

German's wear latex pants, and let their girlfriend's peg them in the asshole with large nigger dick strap-ons. Who cares what they think anymore. They wish they could fake not being cuckold beta bitches.

the more friendly in real life, the bigger cunts they are online. Same with japs

Stereotypes arent fun when they disintegrate are they?

Cheers m8.

delete this

yeah, Californians

We are loud, generally not well-traveled outside our own county.

We are a bit caught up in ourselves, because we don't have to leave to do much.

We are a mixed lot, but on the whole our hearts are in the right place.

>I've only met Californians
>The airheaded liberal stereotypes are true