So let me get this straight

god gave birth to himself to sacrifice himself to himself to save his creations from himself?

Other urls found in this thread:

God created us
We're not God
He loves us
He made rules
We sinned
We broke his rules
He loved us too much to punish us
So he sent Son to guide us
His Son ends up getting crucified
Crucifixion is the sacrifice required for our sin
God sacrificed his only begotten Son for us

Mah bruh

God, as a result of the first sin (Adam and Eve) started the sacrifice system when he slayed a few animals to make clothing for them (first sacrifice). As a result, he knew that in no way could we ever return where he is. So he himself had to pour himself out as a perfect sacrifice to restore creation that was ruined by sin.

>We broke his rules
How could anything happen except the omnipotent creator of everything wants to happen? This is stupid

>except what

No. It is free will. Would it be true worship if you were forced into it?

Much like islam today, "be one of us or die" doesnt create real believers, it creates people going on to get along

Humans aren't born as sinners, babies and children do not sin. It is when we reach a certain age that we start sinning. Associating family members to God is a pagan concept. God does not have a son, daughter, or wife. God is unlike anything in the universe, he does not beget and nor was he begotten. Humans and animals have offspring to multiply our numbers, God does not need to multiply himself.

>Implying Christianity doesn't use forced conversions
You must be really retarded to believe a religion based upon worshipping a dead Jew in the sky spread to all parts of the globe without force

I didnt say that. The spread of it at times was questionable, however, lets talk about today. fastest growing churches in the world are growing inspite of persecution

because they're accepting gays and dikes.

You are correct in saying that he is unlike anything in the universe. being the creator of said universe makes that clear. in addition, we cannot understand him because he is so completely beyond our ability to comprehend. you are hung up on the trinity teaching of Christianity. It is hard to grasp so let me explain it the best I can. May not "convert" you but im not trying to. Only his spirit can do that.

So imagine, we live in a 2 dimensional world. We have height and long but no depth. so up down left right but no forward or back.

now imagine one day, you encounter a 3 dimensional object. all you can percieve is higth and width. but on watching the object it begins to move, but in a manner we cannot. the object is merely a box and is spinning. eventually we see a whole other side of the same box but yet in our mind we think it is a diferent box but it is not. we think it, but it is not true because as 2D, we cannot understand 3D

>So imagine, we live in a 2 dimensional world. We have height and long but no depth. so up down left right but no forward or back.
>now imagine one day, you encounter a 3 dimensional object. all you can percieve is higth and width. but on watching the object it begins to move, but in a manner we cannot. the object is merely a box and is spinning. eventually we see a whole other side of the same box but yet in our mind we think it is a diferent box but it is not. we think it, but it is not true because as 2D, we cannot understand 3D

You're just referencing Carl Sagan

if the cosmos fits

>Associating family members to God is a pagan concept.
We're talking about religion, what the fuck does it matter where a notion came from? The point is that in Christianity (we're talking about Christianity) God is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

>he does not beget and nor was he begotten.
Except that Jesus is his begotten son.

>God does not need to multiply himself.
He didn't need to multiply himself but he needed to send his Son to guide his "Children"(Us)

God created us with free will and he also gave us rules to live our lives by. He doesn't force you to love him or force you to live your life any particular way. He can't punish you unless you make that choice yourself(i.e. unfair).

Back to /r/atheism you edgy faggot. Only a cucklord of the highest degree tries to shit on people during the holidays.

>Would it be true worship if you were forced into it?

Is it true worship if you only do it because of what god will do to you if you don't?

what will God do if you don't worship him?

>Would it be true worship if you were forced into it?
>worship me or go to Hell eternally

Have this attractive female to fix your dumb brain user.

Yes, the God ways are mysterious.

>Except that Jesus is his begotten son.
God doesn't have sex and he doesn't have children. God didn't impregnate Mary with his sperm lol. He created Jesus in a similar manner to that of Adam and Eve. God is one, do not associate partners and offspring to him, the closest man can get to God is prophet hood.

You really dont understand Christianity as much as you think. I really dont know any Christians who worship him for that reason.

BTW, ever consider what the nature of hell is?

Heaven, standing in the holy light of a loving God (heat set to comfy fireplace with warm cocoa)

Hell, standing in the holy light of a loving God (heat set to purify)

So like what are you a Jew or a Muslim? In Christianity God is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

do you believe in gravity? do you understand gravity? Merry Christmas senpai!

I believe in you, do you believe in me? I love you, do you love me?

I do believe in and love you Canadabro. I hope your new year is awesome!