Trump is a fucking racist.

Que paso faggot

A mexican intellectual, criticizing the wall. Sad!

ur bout to be taco meat KID

Yo qiero soft tacos por favor

u can tell by the way this kid dresses he doesnt have a dad lol

ya matate pinche culero

Then go back to Mexico. Must be wonderful there.


Many such cases


it's the law that all mexican are attention whores

I don't get these photos. If you're so proud of mexico why don't you go back?

>Fuck Trump!

Because they were more than likely born in the us. Am mexican I know what im talking about. Many are us citizens but go to mexico frequently and want to keep in touch with their mexican side. Many were told from young that there mexican not american from their parents. Its bs really

gay skinny fat cheek wall builders now?

Hope the Mafia catches up to you and turns your skull into an ornament on some crime boss’s Mexican Christmas tree

I had a mexican girl stick her finger up my ass and yell at me that i was too much of a pussy to build the wall

Was she atleast hot?

He's also a homophobe, so that's 2 reasons he wants rid of you.

Totally average looking, i guess it was hot that she's an insane femdom nutjob though
