How jealous are you from a scale of 1-10


nice sissy it is really great for you

Well.....Britain isn`t that Blonde and Blue anymore.

a pizza pasta mozarella pepperoni

I'm not. Blonde hair/ blue eyes is nice but I wouldn't want it.

t. Bong heritage

>blue eyed


Snowniggers, when will they learn

You have a fetish for Swedish sissy-boys don't you?

Kind of freaky back right at the end of the Cold War my family went to Hungary and I still had blonde hair (I'm a guy) and was only 12. Random people would come up and pet my hair. Apparently it was "good luck" for a guy to have blonde hair...

i am content

>tfw to intelligent to have blue eyes or blonde hair

you niggers have Christmas a day earlier right?
merry christmas nigger

Blond hair? Check. Blue eyes? Check. Not jealous at all. Two blue - eyed daughters as well.

Speak for yourself

they're gonna get blanda'd

see you in 20 years Jensen ben akmed

That feel when blonde hair, blue eyes and 6ft tall. I basically won the genetic lottery.

Brown eyes or black hair = automatically not white

>6ft tall
>Genetic lottery

Have fun with your health disorders and busted face.

t. Normal human 5'8

Why would i be jealous? I live in that "perfect" area.

Leave Londonistan sometime Mohammed.

>t. manlet

>busted face

Nigger I'm 8/10 in the looks department. Women hold manlets in contempt, enjoy dying alone cuck.

If you don't have blue eyes, you are garbage.

>being a blonde cuck
This is only acceptable for women desu

Kek don't post again until you're 6' or higher, manlet.


i'm sorry to drop this truthbomb on cristmas to you but anything under 180 cm is a manlet

5'11 master race

>tfw I'll never kill myself for being too short or spend my short life banging my head on everything

>Romania isn't 99% blonde and blue eyed
shit map desu

>be me
>blond eyes
>blue hair

If anything this post taught me that Finland is better than Sweden

dwarf posters get out

Not at all. I am a swarthy subhuman and I can roleplay as Syrian to bang swedish qts while you watch from the cuckshed. How jelous are you, Sven ?

>Being jealous of Sweden
I'd rather live in a post communist shithole than pre-African shithole that Sweden is

Not at all, pal.

>tfw medium brown hair, light green eyes, and pale skin
Still mad that I didn't get my mom's blonde hair.

Nah, the ideal human male size is between 5'6" and 6'1" about. Anything more or less you loose bio-mechanical efficiency and you have higher rates of diseases (things like joint issues, heart issues, etc)

Is this proof Hungarians are full of shit and are just slavs in denial, shouldn't they be more blond otherwise?

kek'd and check'd

Probably yes

but reality is not that map Sven

>9gag stamp
>total fucking joke
checks out

>blue eyes
>brown hair

Feels okay man


If Sweden is so smart then why is it cucked?

Is getting cucked part of your plan?

Stfu Mongol


Swedes are not finno-ugric. Look again

Somalis living here are Finno-Ugric.

not at all, blonde/blue eyes is a famine trait, it looks amazing on qts, but gay on men.

>The new swedes


>wins genetic lottery
>still a cuck

>this meme

Half of Sweden is mongol and the other is mixing with niggers

Good luck Sweden

Northern Europe has more Mesolithic ancestry than the south. You guys are half-Arabs.

Extremely few live up north retard

As a 5'6-5'7 dirty blonde blue eyed manlet I feel a bit better now.

thats what inferior medcucks like shitalians and gayreeks tell themselves, blonde hair + blue eyes = evil = nazi = superior = makes bitches moist.

t. had peruvian coworker with nazi fetish

This map is made during the nazist era by serious researchers.

South is Aryan. North not so much.

Old map. We slaughtered and pushed out finno-ugrics out of northern Latvia a LONG time ago.

Still means you're a manlet. Just means that if society ever collapses you'll be better off since you won't require a much food, you'll be more efficient, etc

kek go back to Indonesia

Latvians get a lot of allele sharing with Estonians and Finns for a reason.

lmao does this nigga even have eyebrows?

blonde hair is gay on a man

pretty ok, needless to say all blondes i know are massive sjws

There are studies about it and it's literally in the range of being the most bio-mechanically efficient. Why do you think those manlets make the best gains?

Mate, im too drunk to understand that map, mind explaining it for me?

And no wonder, we assimilated most of the Livonians and were a single entity with Estonians for 700 years.

Fun fact: the only other country with "Polis" is Turkey.

who doesn't?

Basically we've had a shared history since the Bronze Age. Finnish has lots of old Baltic loanwords as well.

Shut up you nordic nigger baboon. Every race in the world achieved great things even the "sub human shitskins" were more advanced in every way and brought civilization than your mudhuts, you subhuman cave-dweller.

Based on reality that map is inaccurate but it keeps being posted because its the first thing that pops up when you google garbage like that. I also cant speak of other countries but here, its definitely more of what sven wants it to be, and currently in a better shape than sweden for sure. Also nothing to be proud of if you have 95 iq, which is partially confirmed based on the fact you are in need of shitposting, because of the crap thats happening in your country.

Wouldn't be surprised about that. We have a lot more common history with Estonia than with Lithuania.

seesame family

Finns didn't cross the ocean till 2000 year ago. We were originally in Estonia.

Note the Sami people in the arctic are NOT WHITE.

They are like elves if they were real.

Santa has them as their slaves, LULZ.

wtf finns are our cousins now

I have blonde hair and green eyes and am extremely jealous. When am I going to find me a beautiful Scandinavian vikang man to breed with?

I'm a Northerner (English), with blond hair and blue eyes. More specifically Anglo/Celtic/Nordic. We must all stick together as the true whites of the planet. There aren't nearly enough of us left.

>notice that the more prevalent blonde, blue eyed people are, the more cucked the area is.

Slav master race/10

Why exactly should I feel jealous at the sight of the map that describes something pretty much everyone knows

>Oh shit there are very few turks with blonde hair + blue eyes

How's your dictatorship going?

tfw brown hair and green eyes
also sweden how long until you go black with brown hair and brown eyes you refugee loving sardine suckers

Pretty stable
We'll be okay for decades, but only if russia doesn't invade

swede men are pretty ugly and there seems to be a lot of inbreeding that goes on up in those scandi countries

Aren't your countries so close anyway that an invasion would be completely unneccecary?

Are you saying you wouldn't fuck your own cousin over a disgusting roach?

post tits

>Swedes inbred

What do you mean?

Post baguette hon hon hon
Je suis une omelette du jambon


>t. Manlet

you could have ignored the attemtion seeking shitpost
but no

You are part of the euroasian-union with russia

anyone else getting 404 when trying to click pictures? every single picture i click i just get 404

when i click them i get is.Sup instead of images.Sup

In the north, not in cities, everyone is right wing and germanic/anglo

It won't last long
When russians realize that they live in shit and their government is fooling them again, we'll be the next country to """fight fascism""" in so as to distract stupid russians by belarussian hitler memes.
Just like it was with ukraine and georgia.
We're next, i can feel it with my ass.