Man dresses as ISIS fighter and 'walks straight across German border controls'

Germany has surpassed Sweden in the level of cuckoldry.

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Fucking hell germans

stop sliding my thread

The ninth crusade can't come soon enough.

fix your shit germany

So progressive.



What's the context to this


Oh germany...

>those autistic asian eyes
fin false flag detected

There are so many border crossing roads between our countries, that even after we installed border control, people who wanted to drink and drive, could easily continue


Don't insult the Khanate, mongrel, pay tribute.

>danish/german border
it's like walking from your house over to your neighbors, i remember when pol had the good stuff and not this low quality bait fishing brazilian and australian/leaf niggers

>This denial

Time to admit you have a problem

Judging from the complete lack of white people, and the sign in French, they must be in some French former colony

Yeah how come a policeman didn't teleport out of nowhere to this unmanned border crossing? The people demand answers!

you are not even redpilled if you think the german/danish border will ever present any kind of threat to safety, just stupid. i won't even bother to explain it to you but hey, check it out yourself scandinavian vikingnigger :)))))))

Germany needs to secure their borders

its impractical to have a policeman every single part of germanys border

Do you want a wall between every euro country

>some gate in the middle of bum fuck nowhere
Yeah, nah. Try harder next time.

>Do you want a wall between every euro country
Yes. We need to build some walls.

The Netherlands

Mow those fuckers down.

the most far right leader at the moment is backing down on the wall promise. What makes you think any of europes leaders will

>Judging from the complete lack of white people
That could be anywhere in Europe from that description desu

>That could be anywhere in Europe from that description desu

That was the joke

I assume that black flag with the sqiggles on it just says "Allah is totes the best you guys" and its not actually an ISIS flag so going bannanas at someone for having one would be like being mad at someone for having a Hindu or Christian flag.

We still shouldnt let religious muslim types into our countries though.

How do you think the Finnish borders with its neighbours looks like you dummy
Ever heard of this thing called Schengen

>Far right


What was supposed to happen? There was nobody around.

well the immigrants don't come from that side of the border do they?
kek, stupid krauts and snowniggers charade

The point of this is that we need to abolish schengen

He's the furthest right in the west right now. So we have work to do.

Sverigedemokraten 2018, Sven.

Well they could come from that border if isis niggers from Sweden want to go to Germany to commit attacks they need to go through that border

that looks like a gate to a park with that sign.
Anyway the border of germany/denmark has never been enforced

Hillary was far right if you compare it like that.

I still think they should concentrate on the south eastern border...

SD are not even right wing of the normal right wing party

Lmao what kind of boardER cRossing is that?

A YUGE wall incoming on the Danish German border.

Could you define right wing for me?

It's not allowed to have border crossings within the EU (thanks merkel)

Whatever the media tells us that it is.


>The video, uploaded to YouTube, has not been verified and it is not clear where exactly it was filmed.

Fake News.


what border?

>border control
>denmark & germany

literally what


>great manhunt in Germany
>the authorities believe the attacker is still in Berlin
>the noose is tightening
>actually he gest killed by an Italian street cop

(((Germany))) is so far away from Nazi order, they don't even know they are Germans any longer.

Fucking cucks germans you need help

they didnt man everywhere you could cross the border before the EU either

that's the whole point, leaftard

Great Song

>Could you define right wing for me?

A completely vacuous definition which is essentially one group of kikes that pretend to have different interests than the left wing kikes do in order to keep the stupid goyim confused and unaware that both sides ultimately serve only Jewish interests.

>XD le germany will be natzi again XD
I Hope Sup Forums accepts this already. Germany will never EVER be like that again.

Not Nazi, but something different.

Sweden cannot be beaten on cuckoldry

Germany is already dead, just let it go.

There are no border patrols. Any fucking European here who is swallowing this load of crock is a retard. Die tonight please.

Theyre dead

Let it go

Come on, the guy is dressed like an idiot followed by a camera. I wouldn't spend a second of my time on that guy either if I was the police.

He was later picked up by Immigration services and assigned a job in commercial trucking.

>, they must be in some French former colony


"Redneck dresses as businessman, gets a job."

No. There is no hope for them. Stop deluding yourself. Even the ones that are on Sup Forums have already surrendered. That should tell you something.