Why is Sup Forums obsessed with race?

Why is Sup Forums obsessed with race?

Most Sup Forumsacks are failures in life. They make everything about race because being white is their only accomplishment.


maybe because they keep making racial divide an issue lol?

the left told me that identity politics was the highest moral calling, i just went a group further into white identity.


A nigger is a nigger regardless of their skin color. Sup Forums is full of niggers.

Why are muslims obsessed with rape?

why do you spam this shit everywhere

nazi piece of white trash

Obsessed is a strong word. More accurately: have correctly identified one of the primary problems with our society and are taking steps to correct it.

>Why is Sup Forums "have correctly identified one of the primary problems with our society and are taking steps to correct it" with race?

Jesus, that's cringe. No wonder there are so many polacks complaining about not be able to get laid.

>Sup Forums

Everyone's obsessed with race dumbass.

And Sup Forums the only place where you'll find people being honest.

>Everyone's obsessed with race
>And Sup Forums the only place where you'll find people being honest.
Extra no

Facts vs Feels

Because society is a racial construct.

It's completely true. You're fooled by people who have practiced lying about it enough.


Well, I'm not obsessed with race so that's false right out of the gate. I don't care if you're black, white, yellow, or fucking green; respect me, I respect you.
>And Sup Forums the only place where you'll find people being honest.
This is objectively false as well and actually pretty laughable. Sup Forums is merely filling in it's role as the counter culture. Just wait, a couple years into the Trump presidency and it'll be Left as fuck again.

so jews are at the same time all powerful plutocrats controlling the world while at the same time the untermensch in your view?


>well I deny reality so ha
Maybe you do. That makes you a fool though.

If you can point to me and show me how I've denied reality, go right ahead.
I am denying a generalization placed on me without generalizing in return. I'm not foisting a world view or proclaiming to know the truth like much of Sup Forums
Only saying that this particular "truth" is not mine.

>He doesn't agree with me
This is why you're not taken seriously.

mostly we are just angry we were lied to about it since we were children. they forced something on us that they knew was not true themselves.

>we are diffferent species, different animals.
>people disconnected from reality and their senses force their delusions on you and your children.
>the lesser hominid species are livestock. Our children are forced into schools that brainwash them to breed with violent weak minded subs.

this is an agenda with an endgame. we are STILL being lied to. the .01% has determined that only they should be white, and that all other genepools must be muddied as much as possible to corrupt and destroy us.

they won't succeed, though they will get close.
they already are close, but they will bring us to the edge, and then we will burn them all and reclaim our world from them.

You do realise that you just summed up the entire left/sjw/media shilling side in a nutshell, right..?

Race is reality. Everyone is conscious of it and everyone is concerned with it. I'm saying you conditioned yourself to give a response to matters involving race that does not reflect your actual thoughts. Obviously I can't prove that but, maybe I'm giving you too much credit.

Do these people have any self-awareness?

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

no, cumstain, it's because race isn't talked about in typical discourse because (((they))) need racial harmony and political correctness to ensure that gentiles don't get wise to (((them))). how many shekels do you make per post?

>nazis watch out!

Kek. Nerds

>Everyone is conscious of it
I'll give you that one, sure.
>everyone is concerned with it
Not really.
>I'm saying you conditioned yourself to give a response to matters involving race that does not reflect your actual thoughts.
So I'm racist and I don't know it? You sound like the Left now.

As far as that infographic goes:
I'm having a hard time making out much of it. Tiny text combined with pseudo intellectual jargon. I'll check out the original and re post if this thread is still around.

When others try to get rid of your race, it's hard to ignore.