How does it feel that your aryan queen is part black?

How does it feel that your aryan queen is part black?

Other urls found in this thread:

Every human on earth is "part black"

When did Annie Clark say she was part black in the video?

Not in that video obviously

t. liberal

Where is your evidence then son?

this was an aryan queen?

seems more like a gay jew

I would cream in her ass

I always thought she was a jewish American princess

True Aryans orginiated from the Caucasus mountains. The out of Africa theory is debunked.

Isn't that unironicially true?

everyone DEEP DEEP DEEP ancestors literally "WAS KANGZ" to a certain extent

the differenation of race comes from the pangea splitting off over long periods of time

isn't that reality?

but they got there from somewhere didn't they?

also isn't that near the middle east?

answer both questions please instead of ignoring it like Sup Forums usually does for whatever reason

She has curly black hair. Obvious negroid trait.

Oh shut up

literally who?

i'm serious. i believe race

i know the races are different

but millions of years ago or whatever...they started relatively in the same place did they not?

the differences in race happened with different groups moving to other regions did it not?

who is this lady schlomo and why should i care


more like turk

nose too

The Aryans originated in Atlantis and then migrated to the high mountains of the Caucasus mountains to escape the great flood (deliuge). From their the moved to Iran, Armenia and the rest of Europe. This is called indo European migration. Has nothing to do with Africa! Ever!!!

literally who?

but i thought atlantis was an underwater city?

why would they need to escape flooding?!?!

I bought one of her Music Man sig models. Great guitar with a myriad of tones. I play it through it a twin with a tube screamer and a combo drive. It is an ugly guitar in a sense but it's so ugly it's beautiful. Plays lovely as well.

Hey, did you know aryans have only existed for a few thousand years? Like, an eye-blink in human history. Wow.

This guitar was literally built for women you fag.