Weed Abyss

this is the deceptive nature of cannabyss; it lures you in and the thc accumulates in your brain cells as well as elsewhere in the body subtly but surely over time with repeated use in particular chronic daily smoking. the body isn't given anywhere near enough time to detox it out so it all builds up, altering the very functioning of your mind at all times, not just when you're high.

people spend years, even decades, lost in the cannabyss without truly realizing it. once they become somewhat aware of it or have other reason to quit, they find the returning clarity of thc-free life frightening - not because weed is jesus - but because they were so used to living lost in a permafried brainfog hazy daze that a lucid mind microscopically focusing in on everything they neglected while lost in the high is disturbing. the return to smoking is comforting, not because being thc-free is an impossible lifestyle, but to become ignorantly and comfortably numb.

and i know exactly what op means about being able to read and comprehend intelligent materials quite quickly after detoxing from thc and then - after smoking again, perhaps thinking that being high will enhance the experience - finding it almost impossible to get through a few pages without completely losing track.

and yet, at other times, it can enable greater connectivity, or in other areas of life; i think it's good for musicians to accumulate thc but if you want to live life with more executive command and higher cognitive functioning then the hedonistic black hole of the cannabyss might be dangerous.

the real problem as i see it is chronic smoking or any other ingesting of it; that leads to total saturation and it hijacks your being. once in a while usage, giving the body time to totally detox it all out inbetween, is much better, however despite the "it's not addictive" shills everyone knows that it's easy peasy to increase one's usage rapidly, particularly in times of stress or whatever else - all kinds of excuses emerge and the bowl or bong becomes like any other escapist drug.

if you don't smoke regularly, you get the benefits of 1) head and body clear of thc throughout most of your lifetime 2) fairly quick detoxing of thc when you do smoke once in a while, return to normal clear lucid mind 3) occasional insights or enhanced enjoyments on special once in a while occasions 4) better health from not smoking every day... and so on.

when you smoke chronically you quickly disappear into the abyss and get semi-permafried brainfogitis and it can take months to recover from depending on many factors.

A fucking leaf

i fully agree with this post.

I smoked weed five times. It was okay.

>A fucking marijuana leaf

>knowing all this to be true and still doing it
>this is how some people tolerate you drunks

>tfw too intelligent to believe 1930's propaganda

Sorry, OP

yo literally whatever rich faggot is listening to me as i type this away

legalize: cocaine and ADHD medications for adults and almost every stoner will suddenly become ubermensch, your call famalam, clearly.

remember we was kangs lel

weed changed my lyfe brah :')

i smoke ash and weed everyday since 20 years, and a big amount, not just a joint to relax before sleeping, i wake up with a joint. i have difficulties to focus, always lazy and confused, and i have big issues with my memories, i can't even remember things like a telephone number for 10 seconds. litterally became low IQ nigger tier.
But without the weed i would have killed myself since a long time, so i guess it's not that bad as consequences.

how is this pol/
used within reason harmless
cocacola will utterly fukin kill ya if you consume too much
lack of exercise will fukin kill you!
living beside a buss station will give you black lungs but ohhh nooooo witto bitto weedo make you a nigger!!!!

Don't legalize it

looks like a nice sativa hybrid?

french bro... i may not be as deep as you but something similar is happening to me, what you speak is the truth... it may or may not already be too late for me


this is very accurate, dudeweedlmaos will deny it but somewhere deep down they know its true

t. former pothead, current occasional user

Step out of the fog....

I agree.

fucking leaf. The worst, shittiest copypasta fucks on all of Sup Forums.

Weed is trash. It is useless, money and time sink that silently damages your brain and fucks you up while tricking you into feeling good and cozy.

why do you keep posting this slide thread?????
wtf is going on??

Which isn't bad thing... unless you think mindlessly getting along today social programming is ok, please mind not the unsustainable way of life we are perpetuating. Weed trick you into thinking about these issue, and trying to find a way to life in a sustainable way in harmony with nature, Unicorns and rainbows. Be cozy until you are ready to rock this shit up,

Holy God Pierre..

I smoked for 7 years straight all day everyday, I finally stopped smoking pot on September 8th of this year and it's still in my system. I want to get clean to become either a plumber or an electrician.

I'm drinking some honey whiskey tonight.

How I stopped smoking pot was with martial arts though, you should give it a try at least.

Is that why cannabinoids are in ALL breastmilk in extremely high quantities? Explain that to me professor. It is a lock and key mechanism that prevents cancer and your profits in oil and pulp and paper. Nicotine is Vitamin B3. How would a lock and key accumulate in the brain. Is the brain made of fat where THC actually accumulates? Where is the weed overdose you asshole?

Wow you know nothing about physiology. I'm a doctor and a recreational smoker so let me tell ya how it works.

THC is fat soluble and absolutely is stored within the fatty tissue of your body. This is why it's possible to test positive for THC weeks after by urine, and even months after by hair test.

It maintains an equilibrium between fat tissue and your bloodstream, by which it affects your brain. The higher the concentration of THC in your blood, the more it affects your brain and the "higher" you are. There is no weed overdose in the sense that nobody will ever die from weed toxicity. This isn't because THC cannot accumulate, but rather because of the areas of the brain that it affects.

Let me explain with alcohol toxicity. The first effects of alcohol are related to it's inhibitory affects on the frontal lobe, which normally inhibits other parts of your brain, this is why it disinhibits you and affects your impulse control and judgement. Drinking more, you'll eventually begin to affect the cerebellum which controls your coordination, articulation of speech, and balance, which is why you get drunk people careening from side to side and slurring their words. Finally, if you have too much alcohol, it begins to affect your hindbrain, which is responsible for things like maintaining awakeness and consciousness as well as the unconscious control of your breathing. This is why people who drink a lot will pass out, and if they've managed to beyond fucked, they may die from alcohol poisoning, which is essentially due to respiratory arrest.


THC has many effects on your brain, but it will never be toxic because thankfully, the parts of your brain that take care of important shit like your will to breath do not have cannabinoid receptors. Still, elevated THC concentration does affect your hippocampus, which impairs your ability to form new memories; your limbic system, which is your motivational system and is why you become apathetic while base urges such as hunger, thirst, and lust may increase; and your frontal lobes which is why you feel like you think slower, lose your train of thought, and have difficulty completing tasks that require working memory such as mental math.

The more you know!


I agree 100% OP and am trying to quit myself. I smoke maybe a few times a week, but think weed is like the "emotional cure" for me, like its the only time I can really think and come to compltely understand something in my life, or feel the true emotions behind something. Honestly it scares me that I can only get that feeling from weed, because I feel its so important, but hopefully I can gain 100% emotional and mental control when I've compltelly detoxed from weed

or maybe this is just a mental compromise my brain tells me to keep on smoking weed, when really the truth is I need to quit weed and move on to become better, even if quitting is mentally hard for a bit

I used to not believe posts like OP but now I'm coming around. Just had a job where I could get away with smoking every day during breaks. After a few months of that I started getting sick of feeling either awkward, anxious, or dulled down all the time.

I think this was a helpful step to reduce my cravings. Now I still smoke regularly, but only a minuscule amount, and I'm noticing the negative effects more than the positive. I intend to take a long break in the near future, maybe when I start my next job.

Still, it's hard to justify not smoking when you can't do anything about your boring sandpit life and nothing requires your mind to be sharp. You need something in your life you WANT to be sharp for.

OP those are some very true words regarding chronic marijuana use.

I guess its like drinking alcohol. You can live life as a drunk and still live to be 80 or whatever but alot of your potential would be wasted, mentally and physically.

And like alcohol i think weed should be legal.

I guess i think that for alot of people, they just want to live a relaxed life in a haze of alcohol or drug. And weed is much preferrable to prescription pain pills.

One thing i noticed during my years of heavy smoking/vaping/eating weed, was that combined with physical exercise it had very profound and positive effect. Anything from stretching routines , lifting weights to running , they all feel very good while high on weed and the after effect of exercise was long lasting(would feel great the next day) and positive, and the exercising while high itself became somewhat of an addiction.

Of course exercise without weed is great as well.

Also i have heard there is a difference of the quality of high you get from the strain of weed you ingest. Sativa strain will.act more like an upper i heard. I have always bought street stuff and never knew what kind of strain i was getting though.

I havent used weed in 4 years. When and if I am able to comfortably retire i would blaze like a motherfucker but until then i will be sober.

Except for taking some lsd here and there but thats another story i guess.

>and i know exactly what OP means...
What did OP mean with this?

Op was probably originally a reply to some other post which was then copy pasted in its entierety as a new post

I've been smoked almost daily for 8 years and I pretty much agree with this. Especially the part about a lucid mind being frightening. I sure like having my memory back though.

Now I only use it a few times a year, and I do huge doses that make the experience comparable to a low dose of a more powerful hallucinagen. Good for unfucking yourself when you get a little bit /too/ lucid and need to shake your thinking up a bit and get some new perspective.

%100 my life right now

I was a big pothead from 15 to 31, all my friends were too

I knew in my heart I was addicted but was bombarded by "lol you can't get addicted to pot" shit

I slowly came around and realized that paying to get intoxicated constantly was being cucked. Especially if you don't really even get intoxicated after years of daily use.

The worst part about quitting has been losing all my pothead friends, but I can't stand to be around them because they are losers and if I hang around them I will end up doing the same thing again

You're right OP

All Sup Forums memes aside, I don't even read Canadian posts anymore.

You did this to yourselves.