Real transition?

Curious what Pol would think if hypothetically transgenders could edit their genes and print organs to actually FINALLY transition. That's probably a century away if ever, but I think about it from time to time. Transgenders and nonbinary fags still wouldn't have much ground to stand on other than mixing their genes to have androgynous characteristics and become unfuckable, but technically trans would cease to be an issue in that future wouldn't it?

Other urls found in this thread:

Transgender people's identities are already valid

FPBP. OP completely invalidates the identities of agender, bigender, trigender, genderqueer and nonbinary individuals.

I guess that would be ok

When we are at it.
Why not make the voices shizophrenic people hear real by following them around and shouting at them all the time ?

They would finally stop bitching when their """friends""" on tumblr disown them for becoming a specific gender and abandoning the special-snowflake issue completely.


If my partner were okay with it, I'd do it. I'd be much happier, and really I give way more of a fuck about my own happiness than whatever Sup Forums says.

This would probably split the trans people into two categories. The pussies who just jumped on the band-wagon/attention seekers and legit people who have a serious problem, mentally or physically.

The attention seekers would whine about validity.

Id just do it, and never fucking mention it again.

This would be the only scenario where Id transition.

Because that might lead to them hurting some one

And interfere with their ability to live normally

>century away

Try a decade or so.

Yes, but this would essentially destroy the issue because they'd just be normal women and normal women don't get as many special snowflake points.
Women would also hate this, because more women drives the price of pussy down.

So it would basically be the solution that nobody wants. Can't destroy western civilization by becoming a normal girl, after all!

uh, why would Sup Forums care?

If we can edit their genes then let's edit the gene that makes them mentally ill and want to be a fucking girl.

If that would be possible, then for enough money, us American mutts could edit the racial markers in our DNA to pass on pure genes to the next generation.

Those genes wouldn't blatantly manifest in the original carrier though, even if it were something as simple as racial markers.

>implying trannyism is genetic and not developmental


So basicly kill them OP? Because that's what you'd be doing.

Such a dramatic cellular change you might as well just have a cancer takeover their body and replace it.

You don't even know if they'd still approve of the whole thing once the new brain was done consuming the old one.

Too dangerous. Genetics is still in it's infancy. No splicing or editing until we know what does what.


Legit trannies would jump at the chance to be reborn as the opposite sex, they're not concerned about "literally dying" due to gene therapy.

Double doubles

But you know people have existed that want to be the other gender even before the concept was mainstream. For a very long time actually.

Its just become this recent fad. Its a very tiny amount of people who legit have this issue I believe, one percent at most, but some do.

Theres reason to believe that hormones while in the womb are a potential cause
Meaning its not genetic

Time to save 100 replies calling it a mental disorder

>if in this hypothetical future many years ahead the technology is already perfected...


I lel'd

no, much much sooner.

Not bait. Wouldn't be their brain.

Trannies brains aren't the opposite gender. They are malfunctioning to believe they are the opposite gender, when they have no point of reference.

Yeah and every cell in your body is replaced every 7 years. Every atom of your body is replaced in far less time than that. You're still you. Stop clinging to a retarded fixed idea of self, it's a complete myth

This. We'll probably have medical nanobots within a decade or so.

talk to your doctor about other solutions than cutting your dick off, those will be alot better

Because that wouldn't turn them into a healthy, normal human being. Fixing the genes that caused their schizophrenia would make more sense.

Of course, if a transgender person's dysphoria is caused by a genetic disorder we could just fix that as well.

But if a healthy person decides that they want to rewrite their DNA to become a healthy person of the opposite sex, what's the problem?

You are the expression of your genes to their environment which as arised from an on going biochemical reaction.

Go ahead. Start sticking needles in your arms full of hormones and see if you feel or think the same.... Now amplify that to the cellular level.

which we all know is very much unlike the case with trannies, who live PERFECTLY NORMALLY.

what are you trying to say nigger

What's your obsession with transgenders? You have an Y, you are a man. If not, you are a woman. Who cares about those people? I don't.

i bet you suck our (((socialists))) president cock in the meantime, you fucking leftist shit, huh?

Dont need to, because Im never transitioning in any way

I can just recognize what illness I have

But I can also recognize none of that will make life any better, so Im just going to try and be happy as I can be.

Because it likely isnt genetic like schizophrenia is.
And because at that point - if its literally that fucking easy to switch sides, its a waste of energy to care anymore. Switch for fun and switch back, just knock yourself out.

Here this video is a really simple break down. Even on the genetic level the cells inside you differ from each other. Leaf suggested that a gene therapy to change someone's biological sex would effectively be killing them an they'd be someone else afterwards. That's a very dim way of looking at it. Your cells are constantly replaced and your DNA constantly changes, if replacing a gene in someone's entire body is killing them and replacing them with someone else, then I'm afraid you have been multiple people, each of whom has died and been replaced several times

Thinking or feeling differently has absolutely nothing to do with death. Everyone thinks and feels radically differently during different stages in their life. By your logic, people "die" when they go through puberty or cure themselves of a drug addiction.

I dream of this.

The funny thing about this scenario, Is that it would give the Liberals EVERYTHING they would want. And they would hate it.

At first, it would dressed up, Removing diseases and what not genetically is already happening. But as we go down the line we start to make the means so that humans are more physically fit, More adaptable, And then we hit consumer genetics and thats where the real shit starts.

Once you hit consumer genetics, The market opens up for people who would /happily/ change how they look. Adjusting metabolism so remove fatness, Changing skin tone with just a few syringes, And finally the ability to finalize swapping genders in all facets.

Every day some tumblrina somewhere loves to talk about the Patriarchy, About the white privileged. Well guess what happens when consumer genetics hits? Anyone can be the white male. Thus, If anyone can be whatever we want Affirmative action disappears, Diversity becomes a shame because anyone can choose there identify, And finally privileged of race and identity of race is no longer a ruling factor.

And will laugh, Because when that day comes they will get EVERYTHING they ever wanted. And the'll hate us for it.

>Curious what Pol would think if hypothetically transgenders could edit their genes and print organs to actually FINALLY transition.

Wouldn't it be easier to just cure their mental illness itself then rather than change everything else

Better yet, OP, how about if we take the unborn baby out of the womb, then replace all its dna, and inject it with extra hormones, then it will be born a woman! with its own uterus and everything. It wouldn't even have to 3d print a womb.

Because a 3d printed womb wouldn't work, it wouldn't be able to make a baby.

/pol wants its own children. That's the point, really, of getting married. Raising a family.

Otherwise you just fuck and date forever.

yes but that still doesnt change the fact that trannies have malfunctioning brains

Why stop there?

Where's my catgirl futa maid?
Where's my neko mimi mode, science?!

>My hypothetical scenario is not even remotely realistic but I wanna get you guys to say that Trans ideology is acceptable in some forms so that gradually I can get you to openly accept and want Trans ideals in the future by pushing considered norms.
> jew: the thread

What's more likely is that a treatment will finally be developed for body/gender dysphoria where ultrasound is directed towards the malfunctioning part of the victim's brain.

But for the sake of argument OP, I will go along with this thread's premise and say that if that was possbile, 'transgenders' would be the least of society's problems as you could never tell if that white person near you is actually white or a Clayvonnius-level negro in white clothing.

>state fact psychology journals have known for years
>means I side with socialist "president"

They would still have a manly bone structure


they could also possibly change something other than what you wanted and could eventually dominate the world with that

Life is an ongoing biochemical process relying on billion year old continuance of a very slightly imperfect process. Both you, and all of your ancestors, incur slight genetic damage, along with cellular replacement and aging.

This natural process, is to gene modifying, that gradual mental decline from age, would be to a doctor implemented lobotomy.

Sure, but why can't it be treated with transition? People on Sup Forums always seem to arbitrarily compare trannies to schizophrenics rather than autistic people, I think largely because they consider wanting to transition insane and insane roughly equates to being schizophrenic so it seems similar. But if we compare it to autism, some developmental disorder, maybe in the womb, maybe in childhood, there is no way to undo that with a drug or some kind of therapy.
For those trannies that want to transition and get on with their lives, and believe me there's more than you think, they just don't announce themselves to the world like the attention hungry SJW trannies, why shouldn't the treatment be to make them as comfortable as possible in their bodies? The methods may be crude right now, but maybe one day gene therapy will be an option, why would the fact gender dysphoria is a disorder mean that treatment must involve them staying as they are physically?

>(((psychology journals)))
Written by the same (((psychologists))) that decided that homosexuality wasn't a mental disorder based on political pressure and no actual evidence.


The only rational (read: medical) argument against transition therapy is that it's irreversible and may (depending on which studies you read of post-op life satisfaction) not even be the best treatment course.

If it were both reversible and flawless then there's no medical ground to oppose it.

Socially, it's up to every individual to make their own mind up and vote. Society is what we make of it - we don't have to justify our opinions with reason because there's no omnipotent force that makes us. Simply holding those opinions justifies them.

But it's literally not:

honestly look at some of the live operations and shit and tell me that you still dont think that that person has a mental disorder and that they should be allowed to do that.
overall i think it would be alot better for them to just get over themselves, their operations and shit cost them alot of money, and alot of trannies end up regretting it later.

It literally is.

Trannies arent comparable to either schizophrenics or autists (who have more in common with each other then they do trannies.

Trannies are more comparable to people with anorexia nervosa or adonis complexes, or those people who want to mutilate themselves because they 'perceive' themselves as disabled. Their perceived ideal body image is obsessive and self-destructive.

The problem with what you're proposing is that you're asserting the solution is in full body conversion of the afflicted person instead of targeting the misfiring cluster of neurons related to body image that is destroying the person's health and happiness.


Get catastrophic brain damage, then ask your loved ones if your still "THEIR" John.

that'd be pretty cool
they'd find something else to bitch about of course

Like okay, let's take a survey

1: Use CRISPR gene therapy to give the 0.4% of population with gender dysphoria an easy out


2: Use CRISPR for the relatively easier goal of replacing depleted cellular telemeres with fully refreshed ones, resulting in a cure for aging.

pick wisely, Sup Forums

All operations are gross. Go watch some plastic surgeries, or he'll just watch someone get organs removed or replaced. Being squeamish isn't exactly an argument, and mutilation is subjective. Is having your appendix removed because it causes you distress more legitimate that genital surgery because it causes you emotional distress? I mean it's not like the surgery is fatal. It's a serious surgery sure, but there's also penis enlargement surgeries, are they too far too?
Once you're in the realm of body modification by surgery, the lines become completely arbitrary and its down to the individual as to what is too far.

I'd respond to the "get over themselves" shit but it's a tired argument, there's no point.

And as to the money and regret, again there's surgeries you can get now that are costly and you may regret. If someone wants to do it why can't they make their own mistake? A lot of them don't regret it. A lot of them don't get genital surgery either because current methods aren't up to their standards, what are your opinions of them?

It'd be pretty fucked up, but I suppose that would make them the opposite gender.

>Can't destroy western civilization by becoming a normal girl, after all!

This is true, which is why the jews would never accept a transgender solution that allows them to produce more white people.

Just remember, guys... the whole transgender movement literally only exists to remove people from the gene-pool...

Fluoride is a fucking bitch.

Read Trouble on Triton. Sci-fi book that explores this in a way that is blessedly not autistic.

TL;DR man falls in love with woman, woman fucks him a lot but never loves him and leaves, he decides that the only way to find his perfect woman is to become his own perfect woman, does a full transition, realizes he's even unhappier afterwards than he was before, can't bring himself to actually fuck any dudes because he gets too emotional and still pines after the woman who broke him, because transition doesn't change what a lovesick freak you are.

>the misfiring cluster of neurons
My apologies, I didn't realise I was talking to an expert neuroscientist from several decades in the future. Us humble folks in 2016 have yet to locate this simple singular cluster of neurons firing wrong, in fact a lot of our (presumably foolish) experts right now seem to think it has a lot more to do with entire regions of the brain developing the wrong structure for their sex

> "A psychological state is considered a mental disorder only if it causes significant distress or disability"


Go talk to people you haven't seen in 10 years, ask them if you're still the same person they knew

> It's not a dissociative related disorder it's that you're not paying us enough to drug and brainwash you.
>stupid goy!

Your comparing a inch to a mile dumbass. Course you transhumanist freaks can only justify yourselves ignoring the most basic sense.

If that where possible and they where truly genetically female then I would probably not care as I would have already used the same technology to transform myself into a death breathing dragon. The real question is will society respect my need to self actualize by raping and devouring virgins and filling my mountain hoard with the loot of a thousand worlds.

>it's fine to change over a long period of time and be a completely different person but changing in a short period of time is unnatural godammit!

well its a more complicated """solution""" to an easy problem. if they can simply be fine with bieng a man or a woman then thats that.

>"Us humble folks in 2016 have yet to locate this simple singular cluster of neurons firing wrong, in fact a lot of our (presumably foolish) experts right now seem to think it has a lot more to do with entire regions of the brain developing the wrong structure for their sex"

Weird that they've found no evidence to back what they're looking for.

>if they can simply be fine with bieng a man or a woman then thats that.
I think most of them try that first. Trans people I've met always, and I mean ALWAYS, repressed their feelings for several years.
It seems to me only the ones that can't live as they are transition.

Yeah. I've already demonstrated it in this thread.
Sorry if autism doesn't allow you to see the difference.

I could alter my own genetics to remove the trace amount of minorities in me.
>no more "just one drop" arguements
>no more spic blood
>no more redskin indjuns

I'm proud of the rest of me (maybe even the bits of Spanish and shit that come with the package deal of being a beaner) but I'd gladly rewrite it if it meant I could be a full-blooded Anglo.

>misfiring cluster of neurons

No, the problem is that environmental estrogen mimickers (such as fluoride) are altering genetic expression in the womb as a child develops, creating a difference in brain structure, causing males to have more female type brains, and causing females to have more male type brains.

(Almost replied to the wrong post, lol.)

Maybe correlate the disproportionate amount of suicides with the disproportionate amount of violence abuse and poverty and you'll have a case

Ah man, look at that, a 30 second Google search, research from over 5 years ago discussing proof of tranny brains with entire regions developed wrong

>inb4 small sample size
The results were still statistically significant meaning there was only a very small possibility of them being due to chance.

Now present me with your "cluster of neurons" that you can just zap back to normal.

> "Maybe correlate the disproportionate amount of suicides with the disproportionate amount of violence abuse and poverty and you'll have a case

Not needed, see:

> "A psychological state is considered a mental disorder only if it causes significant distress or disability"

Rewriting your DNA wouldn't magically make you sprout a functioning dick or vagina

>it makes girls' brains be like boys' and vice versa
this shit doesnt make sense, how can one chemical have opposite effects on the 2 different genders, now it would make sense if it made everyone more feminine or masculine but not both at the same time.
>Almost replied to the wrong post, lol.
with this and your double spacing in your lines you must be from fucking reddit

Marrying a tranny is also the most redpilled thing you can do. Compared to a woman trannies are:
>Loyal to a fault, will never leave you, will never steal your money
>Pertain more to gender roles, they love cooking and cleaning.
>Are more often redpilled
>Have a mans brain so they can actually think logically and not emotionally
>No menopause or periods
>Can have real, intellectually stimulating conversations with them
>A sex drive to match your own
>They are better at raising smart children, women feminine your sons, but trannies know the difference in genders so will give you masculine sons.
>Not many men like trannies so they will see you as unreplacable

All you will need to figure out is getting a surrogate mother for your children. And your trap wife will do a great job taking care of them.

>Rewriting your DNA wouldn't magically make you sprout a functioning dick or vagina

I think they are discussing some form of super advanced gene therapy coupled with surgery....

Sci-fi, basically.

it's a hypothetical... chill.

>"Officers, I am led to believe that tragic external factors are what led to this man's suicide"
>"lmao what a mentally ill retard"

>Loyal to a fault, will never leave you, will never steal your money
Depends, but generally yeah trannies are less likely to be heartlessly after your money
>Pertain more to gender roles, they love cooking and cleaning.
Loving cleaning might be a bit extreme but yes they largely enjoy traditional gender roles
>Are more often redpilled
Certainly can be. Lot of SJWs because SJWs will give them gibs
>Have a mans brain so they can actually think logically and not emotionally
No. Not at all. HRT completely fucks their brains, they are very emotional
>No menopause or periods
>Can have real, intellectually stimulating conversations with them
They are often raised with guys so yes they communicate well with guys
>A sex drive to match your own
It can depend. Some of them lose their sex drive, some become nymphos on hormones
>They are better at raising smart children, women feminine your sons, but trannies know the difference in genders so will give you masculine sons.
>Not many men like trannies so they will see you as unreplacable
If your feelings for them are genuine sure. But they also get used to fetishists only being interested in their cock and they don't tend to like that

>this shit doesnt make sense, how can one chemical have opposite effects on the 2 different genders

Because that's how hormones work.

The y chromosome only codes for the testes and vas deferin duct.

Depending upon what gonads the child has, the hormone that they produce basically guide genetic expression in the womb to become a male or female body type.

Testes produce testosterone, and make the genetic expression into a male body pattern (including the brain)

Ovaries produce estrogen, and make the genetic expression into a female body plan.

if a male fetus is overexposed to estrogen, that parts of his body become more female type...

If a female is exposed to too much estrogen, her body builds up a better system for eliminating estrogen from the body, and effectively become "Ungenedered"

it's a bit complicated, I'll grant you, but it is basic genetics and epigenetic understanding.

>a qt girl will follow me around and pretend to be my waifu tupla

I doubt it will. Best Medical can do with genetics is ID a problem. Protein therapy might work temporarily. Rewriting will not work.

this is why

>all the fucking constant trannie / trap threads are wearing you down


Well, theoretically such a thing is possible, rewriting a persons entire genetic code through some sort of retrovirus or something, it's not out of the realm of possibility, but our state of the art genetic science is woefully inadequate for the task.

coupled with the fact that genetic testing on humans is prohibited (and as far as I'm concerned, thank god it's prohibited... there's no telling what these multinationals would do if they COULD legally do genetic experiments on humans), and also our supreme ignorance of many of the different biological mechanisms of genetic expression, epigenetics, etc...

Means that something of this nature will be decades away, minimum.

As far as full genetic transition is concerned, you would need to provide a functional y chromosome to females, or an additional fully functional X chromosome to males that want to "Swap Genes" as it were.

And there are inherent problems with genetic compatability, especially in a fully formed organism... problems that are usually solved during fertilization and initial mitosis, where the fathers and mothers DNA mixes to produce the childs DNA in the fertilized Egg.

Genetic tampering could cause MANY unforseen problems with a fully formed adult human's biology, even resulting in death, or severe disfigurement.

However, such a thing isn't impossible... it's just technologically a long way off.

>I'd respond to the "get over themselves" shit but it's a tired argument, there's no point
i'd like to hear the counterargument

>Your comparing a inch to a mile
The degree of change doesn't matter. It's fundamentally the same thing.

And your "brain damage" comparison is retarded. Changing your DNA won't damage your brain's function, it will just change your emotions and opinions on things.

If you're willing to completely alter your DNA, then obviously you WANT to be someone completely different than you were before. And if you try it and decide you don't like it, you can always change back (unlike with modern day transgender surgery/hormone therapy).

so what you are saying, assault is mental illness?

>Changing your DNA won't damage your brain's function

Eh, don't be too hastey on that one, man...

Changing your genetics could literally kill you.

If you leave out an essential gene that produces a nessecary protein or enzyme, you could literally die.

Conversley, if you INCLUDE a new gene that produces a protein or enzyme that your original body didn't use, it could cause all sorts of downstream problems with genetic expression.

Tampering with the genetics of a fully formed organizes is dangerous to that organism, and you would need a LOT better information to do something like a full DNA rewrite, even for just a X-Y swap.

It would need to be nano-surgery in some form.

Basically, over the course of months or even years, your body would have to be slowly rebuilt from within to fit the form you wanted.

This would almost certainly require the same kind of technology needed to undo/prevent/reverse the effects of aging, which would be a much more significant invention in itself.

>It would need to be nano-surgery in some form.

basically, yes... but even that is pretty damn far away from the perspective of current science.

In order for it to be effective, it would basically have to recreate your entire body over a period of time.

And we aren't even close to knowing how to do anything like that with nano, or any other procedure.

I have no problem calling gender dysphoria a disorder. However, crude as it is transition is the best treatment we have. It's not as though "living with it" or therapy were just skipped over and we went straight to hacking up genitals.
If most trannies were capable of simply getting over it, they would. Excluding the ones doing it for attention there's nothing really to be gained from transition other than to potentially be accepted as the opposite sex, they do it for themselves so they CAN "get over it" get on with their lives and not have to deal with the constant depression their disorder causes.

Telling trannies to get over it is like telling anyone with a mental illness to get over it, it's fucking meaningless, if they could they would.

>I have no problem calling gender dysphoria a disorder.

it's a hormone imbalance in the womb caused by environmental estrogens.

technically it's chemical warfare.

Well, yes. If you fuck up changing your genetics than obviously that would fuck you up.

I meant that if you could theoretically change your DNA from one healthy configuration to another (assuming it works perfectly and no glitches resulting from the transition), then your brain would still be fully functional before and after the transition.

It's not comparable to getting brain damage. Your brain is still healthy and functioning afterwards. You just may experience the world differently and have different thoughts and opinions.

Uh huh. Chemical warfare sure implies this is something being done to people intentionally.
But regardless, even if it is that, the result is still a disorder, no?

Normal development is subverted and the result is unusual and detrimental.