
What happened to Opium? It used to be a symbol of Chinese Royalty, and now, a symbol of degenerate homeless junkies

What happened to the big Opium Trade? Why not make it a worldwide commodity? It would be so very profitable

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Because it's the same drug as heroin which does have an international trade

Drugs have no boundaries on class. No matter the user, no matter the substance. It breaks these boundaries to form a single group. Degenerates.

are you a fucking retarded dog? opium? chinese royalty? you fucking burg fuck go read up your history. What is opium war

So you include alcohol in that as well? And caffeine?

>Chinese Royalty
>not degenerates

They were basically just fucking tools for their actual government workers. Their job was to sit around and do jack shit all day while looking royal about it, same with Japan's emperor.

I'm not a junkie but I believe opium was supplanted by more powerful drugs. It's more profitable I believe if the drug is synthetic compared to a natural plant (opium poppy) since it minimizes suppliers.

Foot binding is disgusting.

Yes, most if not all "opiate" like drugs are either synthetic or semi-synthetic,

its basically the same alkaloid structure though, just made in a lab. If anyone has ever drank poppy straw tea or smoked opium, there are some pretty strange side effects,

its easier to overdose and die from the synthetic stuff, opium will put you into a vegetable state or make you seriously nauseous before your breathing stops. with these new drugs, a lot people get caught unawares of how powerful they are, at least the semi synthetic opiates. Idk too much about the fully synthetic opiates.

if you can get some legit opium, it's real nice shit, but it's way more psychadelic and way less 'opiate comforting numbing'. i had the kind of classic feverish opium nightmares that oscar wilde talked about n shit. which, if you're a sensitive and adventurous person, are very neat to experience. some people just don't care to explore their mind and imagination, and might be very, very uncomfortable and unhappy with the kind of visions you get on real organic opium.

in short, real, legitimate opium, if you can get your hands on it, is very much an interesting experience. there's really no chance you'll get addicted, just because you won't be able to get enough for it, and most people will be a little disturbed by it. it's the kind of thing where you wake up in a cold sweat from a stupor 24 hours later after having seen the most bizarre fucking nightmares and waking dreams and think, i'm glad that's over, and then you try and go do something normal.

>What happened to the big Opium Trade?
Big pharma controls it by getting everyone addicted to opiod pain pills.

i want that job. be emperor and shitpost all day.

Hobbies have no boundaries on class. No matter the user, no matter the subsject. It breaks these boundaries to form a single group. Degenerates.

I note a lack of UK flags here...


Unfortunately for you Trump already got the job for the next 4 years.

Because opium was labeled degenerate when the war on drugs was beginning with closing opium dens in California so "the chinese wouldn't steal America"

When people started to notice how successful Chinese immigrants were, locals started to taeget opium dens since, at the time in the 1800's, opium dens were found in Chinese communities.

Chinese a threat = targeting chinese = labeling them opium addicts = closing businesses while labeling them as degenerates

I wunder y

>t the time in the 1800's, opium dens were found in Chinese communities.
I wonder why

Sasson Family, the Rothschild's of opium:


>The Sassoon family, known as "Rothschilds of the East" due to the great wealth they accumulated from the opium trade,[1] is of Baghdadi Jewish descent and international renown. It was based in Baghdad, Iraq, before moving to Bombay, India and then spreading to China, England, and other countries. It is said that the family descended from the Shoshans, one of the families of Iberian Peninsula.[2] From the 18th century, the Sassoons were one of the wealthiest families in the world, with a merchant empire spanning the continent of Asia.[3]

what the opium wars remember. then after communism took over the shot all the addicts

PHD's and practical application happened user.

also no one knows how to grow shit anymore
if you can grow tomatoes you can grow opium but its pretty illegal

psst... that's exactly what's happening.

drugs are glorified more than ever today

YOu can grow it legally here, for the flowers, but I suppose if you had a whole field cops might come and remove it.

it depends on how you do it
bums getting drunk off of 40 oz, isn't exactly the same thing as getting shit faced on absynthe at a rooftop penthouse
everything in this world is nothing but nuances

You can grow poppies very easily, but its illegal to harvest the opium from the pods.