>Trump Playlist FUCK BOTS

>Trump @ Mar-A-Lago 12/21/16
>Trump Final 2016 Rally in Mobile AL 12/17/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in Orlando FL 12/16/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in Hershey PA 12/15/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in West Allis, WI 12/13/16
>Trump @ Army vs Navy Game 12/10/16
>Trump Rally in Grand Rapids MI 12/9/16
>Trump Rally in Baton Rouge LA 12/9/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in Des Moines IA 12/8/16
>Trump Rally in Fayetteville, NC 12/6/16
>Thanksgiving Message from President Elect Trump 11/23/16
>Trump Objectified 11/18/16

>Kanye hangs with Trump 12/13/16
>It's the most wonderful time in 8 years
>Just The Two Of Us
>The Truth about Trump Protesters
>Election 2016

>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguation of Fire
>In the Hall of the Trumpen President
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story
>AD: Trump's Argument for America
>American Hero
>The Lion
>Trump Triumphant

OP pastebin:

Other urls found in this thread:

Good goy



I'm giving out a copy of portal and/or tabletop simulator to any needy anons willing to post their steam profile and be my friend.

Merry Christmas lads its been a great current year!


A very Merry TrumpMas to you and yours!

>mention this blue haired girl that I'm glad Trump to got election
>muh dated electoral college system
>muh popular vote
>Bernie would have won
Holy shit the meme is real


This pic with this caption would be awesome with an hearse in front of it

So I finished my statistics collection. What I calculated, more or less, was the share of the vote Trump received in each US city. Unfortunately, I only have data for established US counties so this isn't going to be *entirely* accurate considering that many counties have a city and suburbs vs some places (Denver) which separate these. Take it as a rough and approximate list, not exact.

I used the Wikipedia list for the 50 largest cities and used the area the city was in on the counties version of the NYT map of election results.

Overall, Hillary averaged 61.6% in the largest 50 cities versus 33.3 for Trump.

Least cucked cities:
58.4% Trump: Tulsa
56.4% Trump: Colorado Springs
56.1% Trump: Wichita
52.2% Trump: Arlington/Fort Worth
49.1% Trump: Virginia Beach
49.1% Trump: Phoenix (higher Hillary than Virginia Beach)
49.0% Trump: Jacksonville

Most cucked cities:
4.1% Trump: Washington, D.C.
9.4% Trump: San Francisco
10.9% Trump: Baltimore
14.7% Trump: New Orleans
14.9% Trump: Oakland
15.5% Trump: Philadelphia
16.5% Trump: Boston
17.6% Trump: Portland
18.8% Trump: Denver (to be fair, this includes ONLY the inner city - I will calculate and post Denver metro area)
20.9% Trump: San Jose

I'll end it there, that concludes that :^)

I still can't believe it. How did we do it?


The power of Kek and Christ



I can only think of this image when someone thinks Bernie should have been President.

And just a reminder Pinochet's not done with this Earth.
The will of the Lord and the power of meme magic.

We had the best people.

Dont care I really just want it to be over, two state solution or not I dont care

Awesome. Did you tabuleted all counties in America or just from the cities you mention?

Also, did you compare 2016 with 2012?

I wish I had the time right now to compile the data from all counties to find out interesting patterns

People literally just gambled on change rather than status quo.
The results are yet to be seen, but something tells me there's going to be a huge fuck-up resulting in a Dem landslide 2018 and 2020

>worshipping a jew on xmas
Wrong jew, shills


Does anyone have voting statistics in MA cities (bluest state in the union)

Do they have any redeemable towns / cities?

thinks trump will be king of the un?

this is going to be funny

Then the conditioning worked

How can we make Minnesota red lads?

I admire how they went into overdrive this year.

Shouldn't you be shilling for Iran in the Syria general?

Endless amounts of energy.

It had nothing to do with you unless your name is wasserman schulz and you rigged the primaries

>h-he'll fuck everything up
>d-dems will win by a l-landslide in 2020

Who /alone-on-christmas/ here?

tl;dr no. Massachusetts has been home to crazy leftists since 1620. We need a Reagan landslide to flip these queeahs red.

You're not alone, you have us.

Deport all the somalians.



More rallies and remove immigrants.

its not all bad atleast I can shitpost on Sup Forums

>but something tells me there's going to be a huge fuck-up resulting in a Dem landslide 2018 and 2020

That "something" is probably The Aging Turds, so you really ought to kill yourself.

It is the state with the largest Lutheran population. There is no uncucking them.

it's just another day of the year lad

I'm here with you m8.

I've spent the entire day in my flat just cleaning. I haven't even started cooking, and I'm not sure if I'm up to it.

My family kept badgering me to come home (can't, work needs me to be here over holidays) and promised they'd call me even though we've had a frosty relationship for a while

It's almost 5pm.

Merry Christmas lad.

I'll be extremely honest: much like the Syrian conflict I couldn't care less except that I would prefer if it simply ended.

Portugal managed to push the moors back to Africa in one generation, a thousand years ago.

Portuguese didn't have a claim any stronger of that of the moors that were there for centuries. They simply wanted them out and kicked them back to moorland.

My opinion is that the world should simply let Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Israel duck it out unhindered. There will be lots of casualties but at least a clear victor would emerge and this bloody skirmish would be over.

Me and my folks are visiting my grandpa at the VA. Hes not doing good, its killing my poor mother.

2018's Senate seats are pic related: Republicans election to win.

>The Aging Turds



>we could have elected this


> something tells me there's going to be a huge fuck-up resulting in a Dem landslide 2018 and 2020

> democrats doing better on midterm than on general election
> democrats unseating incumbents like Ted Cruz while defending Sanders and Pocahontas, with Trump wanting them gone

I don't think so

Could we see an end to Tim Kaine?

God bless user.

Fucking cities, why are they so cucked? Do they attract cucks or do they make normal people cucks?

Every Goy down in Goyville loved Christmas a lot…

But the Kike who lived uptown of Goyville did not!

The Kike hated Chrismas, the whole Christmas season

Now, please don't ask why, no one quite knows the reason!

It could be, perhaps, his hands were clasped too tight.

It could be his foreskin wasn't removed just quite right.

But I think the most likely reason by far

May have been his nose was too sizes too large!
"They are all with their families!" he snarled with a sneer.

"Tomorrow is Christmas! It's practically here!"

Then he growled, with his Kike hands nervously rubbing,

"I must find some way to stop Christmas from coming!"
Whatever the reason, his hands or his nose,

He stood there on Christmas Eve wishing death on his foes

What is so bad about that?

Merry Christmas lads!

we can be friends but you don't gotta buy me anything, I already have both

Thanks lad

I'll be your friend m8

Weak people coming together to collectively feed off the hard work of rural people and 3rd world workers

Staring down from his highrise apartment with a sour jew frown

At the warm lighted windows all across downtown.

For he knew every Goy down in Goyville below

was busy welcoming families with a nice warm hello.

All the goyim girl and boys would wake bright and early.

They'd play with their cisgendered toys!

And then, oh the Noise NOISE NOISE!

And THEN they'd do something he liked least of all!

Every Goy down in Goyville, with greatest amenity,

Would sing all together in in implicit white identity!
And the more the Kike thought of this whole Christian pride,

the more he thought of the Shoah, eyes wide.

"Why, for 2000 years I've put up with it now!

I must stop Christmas from coming. But how?"

With even minimal fulfillment of promises we could see a bunch of these go red and we need one of the gubernatorial races to go our way

We totally could! His seat is up for re-election and it's already looking like it's going to be a serious fight, Eric Cantor might run for the GOP

Three problems:
1. Oil
2. control of the Suez Canal
3. Israel has threatened to nuke Europe if they're overrun. See "the Samson Option."

Once we transition to renewables and fusion #1 goes away, and #2 is safe so long as a secular power holds Egypt. Israel continues to ruin everything.

Then he got an idea!

An awful idea!

The Kike got a wonderful awful idea!

"All i need are some leftists…"

The Kike looked around

But in rural America, there were none to be found!

Did that stop the old Kike…?

No! The Kike simply said

"If I can't find anti-whites, I'll import them instead!"

So he called up his pet, Obama. Then through an R congress with ease

He imported uncounted millions of muslim "refugees".
"I know just what to do!" The Kike laughed with glee.

And he flooded unskilled labor with Somalis.

And he chuckled and clucked "What a great Kikey ploy!

Don't you know immigrants are good for you, Goy?"
Then the Kike got in with Abdul

and the truck started down

towards the full market

in the Goyville downtown.

>what's so bad about it
Besides letting a dying woman with Kuru in the Oval Office? Where do I start?

Seriously. I understand why we're still there, but we should really nuke everything from South Africa to Sweden.

finally seeing South Park's take on Trump post election, when did they get so cucked?


Funny, something tells me that once we fix the voting system and remove soros from the equation, that the dems will never recover for at least a decade. Something also tells me that Trump will do just fine, but every touchy liberal (see: yourself) will consider most of what he does as bad for his image. Just remember we aren't concerned with pleasing faggots like you.

If Trump is a good president the overriding theme of the Midterms is going to be "MOVE THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY". Everyone, Dem and Republican, will be tripping over themselves to show how well they can work with Trump. It will be glorious.

All townspeople were about, quite snow filled the air

as Abdul drove through the crowd without care.

When he came to the municipal building at the top of the stairs

"This is stop number one!" The Echo-Claus hissed

As he climbed to the roof, fake ballots in fist.
He slid down the chimeny, and got stuck with a frown.

But if 6 million could go up, then the Kike could come down!

Then he stuck his head out of the fireplace flue

Where November's ballots were all counted and sorted.

"The Trumpening" he grinned "Is the first thing to be thwarted!"

whoever posted this last thread-
what animu is this from? looks comfy

You should cook man, make the most out of this wonderful day. And your family is probably eating right now so don't get saddened. You're among family here anyway.

israel won't even admit they have nukes but iran can't have any

Just from the cities I mentioned, calculating the Denver metro area currently (75.2% in Denver hurts considering that's my birth city).

Sure, lad.

Suffolk County (Boston): 79.5% Hillary
Dukes County: 72.9% Hillary
Berkshire County: 67.5% Hillary
Middlesex County: 66.3% Hillary
Hampshire County: 66.3% Hillary
Nantucket County: 64.7% Hillary
Franklin County: 64.2% Hillary
Norfolk County: 61.2% Hillary
Essex County: 58.5% Hillary
Hampden County: 55.1% Hillary
Barnstable County 54.1% Hillary
Bristol County: 51.9% Hillary
Worcester County: 51.7% Hillary
Plymouth County: 50.7% Hillary

It's an irredeemable state full of libshits and cucks.

Merry Christmas you autist fucks

It's the loneliness, and a day for being with family. Even if it's just another day, everyone else is at home loving and caring for each other.

And you're not.

God bless you. I understand, my own grandma wasn't doing great after we lost granddad two years ago. We've got her living with my branch of the family now. I hope he's alright user

They are non-voting lolbertarians, i.e. fence sitting faggots who claim to be superior to both sides through passive aggressive inaction.

Then he dressed as a priest for the Catholic mass service

Reminding the flock how us whites were so worthless

"Refugees are poor innocents! We'll take our chances

And welcome them into our homes, says Pope Francis!"
When a small girl raised her hands in the crowd!

Little Cindy Howard! Who was white as a cloud!

She stared at the (((priest))) and said "Father why?

My parents were just murdered by a muslim. WHY?"
But you know that ol' Kike was so smart and so slick

he thought of a lie and he thought it up quick.

"Why my sweet little goy–girl" The fake priest lied

"Hasn't college taught you to keep an open mind?

They are disadvantaged, just give them some time!

They'll become American like you or I

Massachusetts didnt even flip for Reagan in 80

>it's a Cenk tries to make Loser Donald a thing episode

I fail to see any future where ether Israel is gone or Israel put down their neighbors that didn't have both an open Suez and free access to oil.

I don't think Israel would have time to execute the Samson option if the conflict was closely monitored. Take the leashes off, monitor it closely and in 70 years a peaceful Middle East will ensue.

The fib fooled the girl, so perfectly concealed

then gave her his copy of "guns, germs, and steel".

And when the goy girl left with the crowd

He unleashed his muslim rape gangs to burn it all down.
It was quater past dawn, when CNN said

"Those who blame muslims are racist and bigoted!

Fake news and Russians are the reason for the Trumping!

We need to call on the legislative and judicial to dump him!"

It did in 84 though. In 84 it was the union-MN and DC

Call them

Nice to see Arlington and Fort Worth on the least cucked list.

Do I want to know how dallas did?

>SPOILER: probably not :(

Is this the next point liberals are trying to make to continue not self reflecting?

I hate those kind of people. I'm very libertarian and yet I voted for a quasi-protectionist because I thought he'd give the establishment a licking.

So far so good.

Leech off of the rural workers production of natural resources and (((cultural enrichment))).

Shit sucks.

"Oy oy to the goy!" he was Kikishly humming

"They're finding out the no Trumpmas is coming!"

They'll be waking up now! It will be such a downer!

When they realize America will be made much much browner!

Their mouths will hang open a minute or two

then the racist twitter Nazis will all cry BOO HOO!"
"That's a noise" grinned the Kike

"That I simply MUST hear!"

So he paused. And the Kike put a hand to his ear.

And he did hear some words rising over the snow:

"All the mexicans have got to go!"

>My opinion is that the world should simply let Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Israel duck it out unhindered.

Egypt and Jordan wouldn't be inclined to fight Israel unless Islamist's took over.

Syria isn't up to it, and never will be. Lebanon won't either. Both of those are basically prison bitches who belong to Iran.

The land Israel currently holds was largely won by kicking Arab ass when their Arab neighbors tried to invade Israel. They lost land to the Israeli's, when they got their asses kicked.

I'm personally fine with Israel having the "occupied territories", since they basically took them by conquest from Arab neighbors who started shit.

What did you get for christmas, Trumpgen?

Did you get what you wanted?

>tfw family came to visit and got me Booze, a PS4, Fallout 4, Ratchet and Clank, Just cause 3, Witcher 3 and Killzone shadow

>tfw my filthy stinking rich friend got a Self help book from his mum and nothing from anyone else

That's a rather odd tree. I'd still decorate her if you know what I mean.

"They're sendign their worst with their drugs and their crime!

While muslims are doing the raping time after time!

Just look at Europe!" The familiar voice said

"Germany is ruined! Brussels is dead!

Now trust me i'm not treating you like poor chumps

We are building the Wall!" said Donald J Trump!
And the Kike with his kike feet ice cold in the snow

Stood puzzling and puzzling "How could it be so?

It came without liberals, it came without fags!

it came without latinos or muslims or blacks!"

And he puzzled 3 months till his puzzler was sore.

Then the Kike thought of something he hadn't before!

"Maybe culture is more than skin deep.

Maybe it is not built on goods that are cheap.

Maybe race means a little bit more!"

Merry Christmas m8

Yes, it actually did, albeit by a slim margin of 4,000 votes.

It DIDN'T flip in 1972 in Nixon's landslide and for that, I will never respect them.

And what happened then? Well in Goyville they say

That 60 TRILLION Jews were gassed just that day!

And the minute white man's burden didn't feel quite so heavy

America was starting to look greater already!

With deportations and swamp draining already in sight

He, Kek himself, checked these numberss with his might!

The End

What do you lads think?