I feel bad about being racist

I have become more racist over the years. I have come to believe that not all human beings are the same, and that different groups of people will create different societies. For instance, I don't think blacks can create a society on par with Europeans or most Asians. I think the mass immigration happening in the West is a problem that is going to cause tension and weakening of the dominant culture.

But I feel bad. At the end of the day they're just people like me. Black people in the US for instance, didn't choose to be born here, so I feel bad treating them as if they are lesser. You know what I mean? I don't know how to get over this...I try to be a logical and rational person, yet at the same time it feels wrong to treat people differently because of how they were born. I want to know if anyone else here feels this way and what you can do about it. In general I see myself as usually a kind and warmhearted person, but even believing in racial realism seems to go against that. Or does it?

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>I feel bad

Niggers don't feel bad about wanting to rob you.

Then your goal should be to send them back to their own continent where they can "thrive".

Don't feel bad, have white babies

I know that feel. I like the platonic idea of a black person but I dont want to actually be around any of them. Same with any other race.


Seriously OP, niggers don't perceive the world the way we do. Occasionally you might find a decent black person but most are niggers entirely undeserving of your compassion or empathy.

Don't feel bad because you are superior, that's what Jews want you to feel

Racism is natural, user. Accepting the fact there are physiological and cultural differences between races does not make you a bad person.

We all do bro, the West didn't get this way by accident. You can and should blame the Jews for a lot of things but we are in some ways too kind.
Empathy is a hell of a drug.

Stop being a pussy, that's life.

I agree with you 100% OP.

The racism memes are funny, but the idea of treating another human being poorly over something they had no choice in strikes me as wrong ethically, and rationally.

So I try to reserve my contempt for people based on decisions they have made, and their attitude.

One thing that pissed me off though was at the company christmas party, all the black people segeregated themselves and people I am usually buddy buddy cool with wouldnt return my holiday greetings or conversation attempts

I see how it its now. It's gonna be cold shoulder time for a while.

I treat the dumbass whites around here lesser too
I'm an equal opportunity hater of people that I consider below me

t. Mississippian

This. It comes in phases. You can't lose your empathy, of course. Many do to their own detriment. But you have to force yourself to accept the realities of this world so you can be strong against those who would seek to destroy you.

We have been deceived from our youth to think of humanity as entirely the same, with little cultural differences. What we were told to never explore the realities of these differences, or what creates them, just to accept all differences regardless.

It's fucking insane, as is anyone who accepts it. Its strange how Sup Forums and these "redpill" movements kind of reflect ancient stoicism at times. The stoics viewed all normal faggots (non-stoics) as essentially insane, and barely sentient. That's how I view people with postmodern (((values))).

Niggers have always been the real racists

Yep, same. Even in the Flowood region there's equal amount of white and black retard niggers.

>At the end of the day they're just people like me
you are whatever you make yourself to be, faggot
there is no inherit value to you, sit down

>not all human beings are the same
You're right.

>they're just like me
You're wrong, and this is an empathic illusion onset by your mammalian brain. You're simply projecting the image of yourself onto different people as you see it.

I'm pretty racist, but i'm polite to everyone. I always greet back if someone greets me on the street, non-whites get a way better life in our countries. The problem is those leftwing motherfuckers that brought this blight upon us all. But to the point i've never felt guilt. if you feel guilt, you don't really believe it

I agree that the most peaceful option is for everyone to live amongst their own. However, again, it's not like most minorities chose to be born in the country they were. I guess I have a problem with putting myself in other peoples shoes too much.

How bad will you feel when you realize that your little feelings brought down your race and entire civilization, and therefore the whole of humanity?

When all the world became like Africa? How will this make you feel? When the last thing you see is your family being raped and killed by the people you wasted your mercy on?

It's hard I know, we just need to respectfully and calmly put our collective foot down and say "Sorry, but we must be separate."

I work with a bunch of africans. There's some dumb and some extremely intelligent and well spoken.

All depends on how you were raised and if you focused on your education.

One of them works six days a week and still finds time to learn coding and stock indicators so when he moves to >Canada he'll just trade stocks.

It's anecdotal but living in America and meeting Africans from Africa in Saudi... you tend to see the difference and realise black people in America aren't wrong.. they really are a subject to their environment.

Oh snap checked and this

>The stoics viewed all normal faggots (non-stoics) as essentially insane, and barely sentient. That's how I view people with postmodern (((values))).
Fuck epicureans
They were the ancient equivalent of dildos
There's a reason that ceasar acted differently to Brutus's betrayal.

You are stupid and have no idea what you're talking about. You should feel bad about yourself

I focus on what I can do. Unless you're going to personally run for office, the way for an individual to compete is to have children and vote for sane candidates. That's it. You don't further the cause by being a dick to brown people. You further the cause by voting for people who make it harder for them to enter and/or reproduce, and by reproducing yourself. That's literally it. You can still be nice to people.

>be me
>take race realism redpill
>only know a couple blacks
>one is dark and lesbian (likes Trump)
>most of my friends are Asian
>close to Asian girls since white peers are too degenerate for me
>dont even know what to do
>dont care anymore so I just tier by race and draw a line for "close friends" and use politics as primary then race as secondary
>life is too complicated to worry about race but i can not un-redpill so I protect my social life by disengaging from multicultural affiliations outside of asians and pre-existing black acquaintances
>it wont get better, people don't change, race is permanent, time to focus on myself and keeping my social life just like my body, healthy.

What did I get wrong, I was taught this in highschool and didn't bother looking it up before posting.
Genuinely curious.

fuck off. there's a billion people in africa. the vast majority are subhuman savages


Trips of truth.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

Dude niggers and Jews want you dead. You're sympathizing withe people who want to kill you.

>ITT: White Niggers out in full-force

Falsehood lier

Controlled opposition

Go play with your kek dick OP

It's ok.
It's ok.

I think about it like this: most blacks in the U.S. right now are part of an unassimilated subculture based upon skin color which they choose to be a part of because they view mainstream American culture as white. This also goes for Hispanics of most origins, but mainly Mexicans. My racism is based upon their conscious choice to not assimilate, and I assume yours is too if you recognize their humanity.

First time I read about race and IQ it gave me a belly-ache. But I'm proud and grateful that I'm an intellectually honest person to myself at least. To strangle once free thought is self harm.

If there could be such a thing as a based hedonist it would be an Epicurean. But the Stoics (at least a lot of the socially elite-level philosophers like Marcus Aurelius and Seneca) still viewed them as insane and unfit for social rule. I don't have specific quotes handy, but I remember Seneca, who was probably the most versed and understanding of Epicureanism among the stoics expressed a lot of contempt over epistemological differences. Basically even the things they agreed upon in terms of an objective end, they still disagreed on everything they could. I agree with the stoics more often than the Epicureans. It's not even close.

What did you mean by Brutus though? All I know of that entire period was about the civil war, and they didn't teach us anything about this stuff in high school. Was Brutus philosophically affiliated? Maybe that's where you lost him.

Maybe get off of Sup Forums and keep all your racist thoughts to yourself and then sleep and then eat

I love how the master race can be toppled by immigration from Jews bleeding the hearts of liberals. Makes me think the real masters are the Jews.

source on pic?

Do you also feel bad that a cow is born with such a meaningless life or that a frog is born with such low intelligence that it will never understand the world around it?

>the world is unfair, get used to it.

Hey OP, let the first post show you what kind of people frequent Sup Forums

My idea is that everyone here either got cucked by someone or beat up by someone black and this is their little safe space to take it out on people.

I've been robbed, it has nothing to do with race. People rob for reasons, not because of their skin color. Not good reasons, but they exist.

But you know that, from your OP post you aren't a literal retard like these people.

>I have become more racist over the years. I have come to believe that not all human beings are the same, and that different groups of people will create different societies.
> I think the mass immigration happening in the West is a problem that is going to cause tension and weakening of the dominant culture.
>But I feel bad.
you feel bad about facts. So maybe you are an indoctrination victim. the empty critique from the left got to your head

>it feels wrong to treat people differently because of how they were born
Doesn't feel wrong treating people based on how they act, just makes you question if they're really people.

Very well put.

Witness. OP should mark your post well. Allow the thoughts and never let your higher empathy atrophy, but exhibit the will to power to transvaluate and do what must be done.

It'll pass senpai.

>What did you mean by Brutus though?
In Shakespeare's play Brutus acted as the stereotypical stoic and was referred to as such on multiple occasions
His contemporaries were described as epicureans

The white Englishmen of the South were utter fools and the sin of slavery has rebounded on their descendants to this day.

Cherie from Southern Charms

Speaking for myself, never had been the recipient of violence or relationship trouble from blacks. However, I live around them, have for my entire life, and understand very well the way they work. This does not mean that I don't have individual blacks that I know and respect, even enjoy, but I'm speaking in terms of group averages here.

OP is right to be conflicted to a degree, it shows hes still human, but you are an apologist. Get fucked.

Why does NASA never put that kind of night sky in their CGIs?

I also feel like OP, or have felt...

I tell myself that the problem is what the word 'racist' has become - only having negative value. I accept the differences but don't have to hate other races. I'll have hatred for anyone who tries to take what is mine though.

Of course, this doesn't help, I find myself hating other races all the time. I don't think anyone can help ita, and if they do they are a fool. We're only really concerned what others think of us, so we hide our true feelings.

My theory is that if Whites lived in africa and Blacks in Europe we'd have a different outcome, all comes down to the starting point basically, of course yes in this scenario there is a difference in black and white societies for example , but again it all comes down to geography and your geographical position

Except when whites lived in Africa it was called "the Breadbasket of Africa" and now its called "Zimbabwe". Also, I would wager that the most remote and hostile steppes of Eurasia still produced more culture and innovation than anything out of Sub-Saharan Africa.

Oh I thought you meant the actual Brutus. I knew he sided with Cato and Cicero, but he had his own faction and I didn't know if they were philosophically affiliated like Cato and Cicero were (though Cicero wasn't a self described Stoic).

It would have been interesting to see how a philosophical schism like the one you're describing could have happened. I've never heard anyone talk about the civil war in such a way.