56% white

>56% white
We are officially 3rd world

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They have to go back


Go back to England

i need some help from local experts from usa. how do i force my gf to fuck black guy infront of me? she is pretending that she is catholic conservative woman who wants fammily. i want her to be sexualy satisfied. rly need to talk her into it.

Literally how can we reverse this? I feel like it's still possible but how?

>Blacks have shrunk from 13% to 11%


And that hispanic number is going to take a sharp hit next year.

It also counts MENA as white, right? Then the percentages might be even more lower. :^)

Blacks keep their own population levels in check by killing each other and deporting illegals and their anchor babies along with getting rid of the 14th amendment and 1965 immigration act would shrink immigration and minority population levels

We have fairly a low Muslim population desu, so it's probably not much lower