56% white

>56% white
We are officially 3rd world

Other urls found in this thread:


They have to go back


Go back to England

i need some help from local experts from usa. how do i force my gf to fuck black guy infront of me? she is pretending that she is catholic conservative woman who wants fammily. i want her to be sexualy satisfied. rly need to talk her into it.

Literally how can we reverse this? I feel like it's still possible but how?

>Blacks have shrunk from 13% to 11%


And that hispanic number is going to take a sharp hit next year.

It also counts MENA as white, right? Then the percentages might be even more lower. :^)

Blacks keep their own population levels in check by killing each other and deporting illegals and their anchor babies along with getting rid of the 14th amendment and 1965 immigration act would shrink immigration and minority population levels

We have fairly a low Muslim population desu, so it's probably not much lower

>its christmas day and hes shitposting about globalism



>56% white
>white kids are already a minority in their age group
>quarter of said whites has injun, polish semite or negro blood
>media/education/banks all run by the jews
>fight wars for the jews on the other side of the planet
>mutilate their sons genitals cause mr rosenberg said so
>white guilt over slavery worse than nazi guilt
>worships niggers one month every year
>normalised nationally adopting niggers and chinks
>elected nigger twice over white guilt
>normalized coalburning
>normalized homosexuality
>in the process of normalizing trans shit
>home of radical feminism
>ground zero for all modern degenerate anti-white propaganda
>at the front of pushing the islamophobia shit
>clockboy gets a free scholarship to top universities and white house for bringing a old clock to school despite the family being on record for race baiting
>biggest shooting ever gets ignored because the shooter was a mudslim
>tolerates a black domestic terrorist group


The wall just got ten feet higher

its okay guys... we voted in Trump... everythings gonna be okay.......... r-rigt?

>Be American
>Be not white
>Get shot


race war, genocide

It's over white bois

but wasnt it 60% white?

And North Africans and people from the Middle-East are classed as "White" so imagine how low the percentage is when you factor out those millions of people...


We can only hope Trump's policies will shrink the Hispanic count by at least 10-15% between the deportations and the families they will take with them.

That will only delay the takeover ever so slightly.

You could deport millions of HIspanics and before long they will still become the majority due to the difference in birthrates.

>A Russian mocking the purity of Poles


It's a past that I grabbed out of pol.

Remember, hispanic isn't a ethnic group. A lot of those peep are just spanish people fleeing shit-tier central America.

And read more carefully
>polish semite

>Republicans control house, Senate, executive branch, and supreme Court appointees.
>also one state short of being able to pass constitutional amendments
>net migration from Latin America has reversed
>Trump will deport 12 million illegals and many more will leave on their own

There's hope, but it's entirely possible that it's too little too late.

30% Hispanic? Holy fucking shit we need that wall now. Or "buffed up border security+more fences" or whatever the fuck Trump will actually do.

Also the generation of young people coming in behind millenials is way more conservative.

time to leave murica and come back in 500 years after niggers ruin everything